I work at a car wash. AMA, i know you're curious about something

i work at a car wash. AMA, i know you're curious about something.

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eh guess not

Do you ever sing that song about working at a car wash?

do you make micro scratches on purpose if you feel like the owner is a massive douche?

my father asked me this once. have no clue what the song is

well there'd be a lawsuit, i'd get fired very quickly. believe it or not the douces are the ones who usually know every microfiber of their car. I couldn't even if i wanted to.

there is a song?

have you ever cleaned Fatt Marahs Million Mile Merkur?

Not him but...m.youtube.com/watch?v=PkxaunLybuM

Also,how did this not get covered during you orientation?
You job interview should go
Boss:...any questions?
You: not sure if this job is cool,is it alright if I sometimes act a fool?
Boss: Welcome aboard, you're hired!

What was your worst customer experience while working at a car wash?

i had a black guy pull up in a really nice black audi. unfortunately it was hot that day, and his color choice caused the water to dry fast on the outside.

my job's to hand dry inside and out, and do extras, so after doing his entire car, he walks around it for a minute and says "what's this? water spots?" pointing to a part of his trunk. i saw nothing, but wiped it anyways. he did this two more times then called my manager over and complained about how "when you pay for a service, you expect that service to be done right. "

on my left nut i wiped that car clean and there were no water spots.

of we're talking about weird experiences we had a homeless person just walk inside and use the bathroom once. another guys sunroof wouldn't go down, so we ended up stuffing towels in the crack so his car didn't flood. another guy payed for us to hand dry his car, did it himself , and tipped me anyways

what a nigger

there'd be a lawsuit


americucks XD

>a nigger trying to get his money back or free shit
Color me shocked. And make that color black.


I had a black car a few years ago,I swear it was had to clean. I remember having to rush,yet do well.
Nobody believes me when I say a black car is harder to clean.
OP,are black cars more difficult to clean?
And do you sing the car wash song?
Pic related,my baby.

>another guy payed for us to hand dry his car, did it himself , and tipped me anyways
what the fuck

why did you have to mention the color of his skin?

what does it have to do with the story at all?

kill yourself my men xD

>another guy payed for us to hand dry his car, did it himself , and tipped me anyways
I do stuff like that,but I'm also an alcohol.
Also,grats on having a job. I'm sure it's not fun,but think about that time you bought something without having to ask permission. You are so much closer to adulthood than most people on this Panamanian interpretive dancing board.
You are on your way,bruda.

When you get out of Junior High, you will understand

>>>reddit is that way libcuck

Not op,but if you work low paying jobs, unfortunately they target you.

well he did pay 40 bucks.

also am also darkskin

white cars are the easiest, they are near impossible to streak. whenever a black car pulls up, i usually put a spray in my pocket cause they dry now that it's hot and leave water spots everywhere. there's a small delay from us getting to the next car, since there's usually more cars than guys. yes, shit shows up MUCH more on a black car, especially streaks and bugs. feel bad for you user

i never sing the car wash song, i have yet to hear it

its the only way i could have described the guy without saying just "guy"

ty user, i want a baiku

fuck you faggot

How do Silver and Tan colors clean up? I used to go to automatic car washes but I think I want to level up to bro-tier service

Found the nigger. Sorry your people are scum and hated all over the world.

nah it's not like that but in the 6 or 7 months and hundreds of cars i've washed, i have noticed blacks trust us less. i think they just value their cars more and see it as a possession they want to take care of, rather than just driving then around, dunno

t. african american

what do you mean "clean-up"? like how clean do they get?

Is Autobell required by law to process or recycle water? I know the automated car washes in my area are required to process their water before releasing it to the sewer.

>nah it's not like that but in the 6 or 7 months and hundreds of cars i've washed, i have noticed blacks trust us less. i think they just value their cars more and see it as a possessio

They do value decent cars more than whitey .
The only time I had problems with black customers was also at the same jobs that cartoon like rednecks gave me a hard time. I'm guessing they both value possessions over a 15 yr old that they will never see again. Makes sense. Maybe the blacks are better with the same amount of money? They certainly dressed better. idk.
At the time as long as my check cleared and my parents thought of me a a good citizen, I would shake my head like an etch a Sketch and forget the day and wander away from work.
Also,does the term wagecuck bug you?
irl someone calls you that you can fire a handful of coins at them meaning to do harm and later laugh as they pick them up,but you won't because as soon as you break eye contact they don't matter.
As you drive off singing the car wash song waveing to pretty ladies,or fellas.

Not op....
Car washes,even automatic ones, are held to a high standard of water/sewage.
There are filtration methods that are expensive and effective that are mandatory.
At least in America,sure in most other countries that car washes exist.
Again,not op,just some other fag.
Not a hippy but wouldn't you like pic related to splash around and be healthy?
And how much cheaper would a wash be without such regulations?
It not just one car using soap,,it many a day, every day.Sorry if this sounds political,not my intention,bruddah.
t.an old guy.
Excuse me,but there is a squirrel on my lawn I need to yell at. That guys is always just hanging out,it's like he never even heard of the word "job" before.

>pretty ladies

soccer moms*

but what is a wagecuck? seen the term a lot, not sure what it means. like i'm capitalisms bitch or.¿?

that's actually a good question. all i know is when the water is used, it falls to the lower bay where the chain runs the track, and disappears. the rest is beyond me

Are the owners using this car wash to launder money from a medium-scale drug synthesis operation?

wagecuck=having a job

That's what unemployed live at homes for life call people with jobs.
You:I just bought my daughter a bike,I'm hiding it in the garage until her birthday.Glad I could afford that minivan,no way it would have fit in the shit box I used to drive. Life is Good when you can make loved ones happy!
Kid with internet he doesn't pay for:Have fun making money for others WAGEKEK! Stupid mom bought the wrong snacks again,damn drumpf!

OP here

sheesh user, who took a shit in your cereal today?


not op^

i wish

Probably my mom,just because she pays for my cereal doesn't mean she dictate when I eat it.
Don't you have a job to go to,wage slave!?!
pic related,its you!
Enjoy corn much ya cuck?

(Dude,I'm just bored.crap weather, nothing on TV.....you know it's nothing personal,this is an anonymous board,feel free to insult me back.)

I think you are nice person. We all get mad at world once in while. I hope you have great day !!!

I hope you have a better day!

Some people are chronically negative.

Do you spit in the soap?