Best pilot edition!
Best pilot edition!
Yeah I feel you mayne...
>tfw no cosplay GF to ERP mating press with
>Zed is going to be a jobber in every single one of Rito's cinematic now
comfy bfs~
Keep coming, not full!
*creates shadow*
*throws shuriken*
*creates jutsu*
*dodges attacks*
*swaps shadows*
*gets beaten up*
*teleports behind*
>spectate friend in b5
>have the time of my life watching garbage plays happen
Is there a YT channel that uploads low elo meme games? I enjoy watching people make poor decisions in league
source my guy
Sona is a big girl
what the fuck this is not even hot at all jesus christ
that's downright uncomfortable to look at
>he doesn't like puffy
Confirmed homo.
>that's not hot
I enjoy watching people make poor life decision, like you.
that's absolutely fine
but the one i quoted before was uncomfortable to watch
Xth for Katarina
best girl
it's so puffy my mouth started feeling funny. wtf?
comfy bfs :)
Jesus are all girls that disgusting? Why do people even want to fugg that when it look like that
Look up kshaway's wood division series
Thank me later
If you don't wanna bury your face in that then maybe you should try sucking dick.
How does this make you feel?
Having a tumor fetish is not normal
dunno what is, but oral from women is top tier
that and women kissing
>everything Riven does
>that mastery at the end
>this again
>Play wacky meme mode because queues are like 20 mins at 4am
>Enemy team gets idiot proof wombo combo aoe team comp
>Negate it completely with two items and an exhaust
fucking cancer tree piece of shit
>it jiggles
>women kissing
Q are long enough , no need to add a bs matchmaking
Its almost like League needs a different villain to put the blame on
>builds and plays like an assassin
>has 2 forms of CC
>along with a massive %missing health nuke on her ult
"b-b-but her ebin skillcap :-DDDD"
Yes, keep defending a hyper mobile champ with CC and % health missing damage. You probably think ekko and fizz are underpowered right now too.
>flashes the mastery at the end
Never changes.
Not posting actual puffy
It's AoE hard CC on top of that. Plus don't forget she had an AD scaling shield, no resources and a %AD steroid on her ultimate. And then obviously there are the four dashes on low cooldowns, what were they fucking thinking?
The only reason Riven isn't seen as absolute cancer is because most of her players are bad at the game.
>Be thresh
>Strategically place myself on other side of walls
>When ally health is low, throw out lantern
>Nobody fucking clicks on it
Welcome to League of Legends, is this your first day?
I too can list a champion's kit and then say its broken
I'm not defending riven since I hate her guts but come on're acting like this is new.
do not play ad kennen in my games
I will report you
>another report that'll do literally nothing
new champs look pretty bad desu. Going to save my ip.
Rakan obviously caught my attention since no one is going to pick a zero range adc with her only mobility is locked up in her R. it's not even worth getting into all the shitty things about Xayah's kit.
Rakan needs some serious buffs before he's playable. His Q range is awful. His E doesn't give him a shield- even though it usually puts him in danger, his R feels bad unless you have an initiator on your team. His W is the only nice thing about his kit- it's basically an Allistar EQ combo in one skill.
They're both all style and no substance. I'm going to wait around for the tank update. Something good usually comes outta those.
thanks for updating us user, love your blog posts, we value your opinion very highly.
I mean I'm not just listing down strengths saying she's le op. I'm pretty much listing the inconsistency in her champion design and why that's an issue. A hyper mobile champion shouldn't have 2 forms of AOE CC and a % health missing nuke. Those are literally the same things that made ekko go full tank and broken as fuck. I don't think riven is the most broken thing to have in my games since i don't play top or have to lane against her, but i do think that she could be toned down and her 1 trick mains would still have high success with her. There are just too many unnecessary things in her kit.
god damn i was thinking to myself it looked like a dude hiding his dick welp
>builds tanks but shits out damage
>has thresh box for a basic ability
>along with fucking minions
>can push an entire wave without being there
wow yorick sure is cancer
Right, because the reason she's broken is us listing her skills, not that her kit is a disgusting mixture of damage, mobility, defense and utility.
Fucking idiot, name another champ that has a shield, a steroid, an execute, four dashes on basic spells, wall jumping, two AoE CCs and all this with no resources
he's cancer too. You can list anything and make it broken by laying out its kit in green text, its like using buzzwords.
somebody list all the shit in Ekko's kit to put this riven bait to shame please
i just watched one
thanks i like these
Results of Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums!
new one up on NA
pw: vidya
>poor team fighter
>box dies in 2 hits
>doesn't actually go full tank and shit out damage
>loses his main source of damage if he does
but yeah, list all of riven's extreme weaknesses that don't include high skill cap or how she's useless if she's behind
riven objectively has too many strong things in her kit
>not farting under the covers and throwing them over her head until she passes out from being hotboxed
What league girls have the wettest, juiciest, rankest, most foul, disgusting, paint peeling, hair raising, gag inducing, vomit making, rectum wind releases and why is it Lulu? I wanna swim in lulu's farts
poor colin
at least rumia and that fat orbiter cunt wiggums wasn't in the game
>AOE Stun
>Ranged skill shot
>% damage proc passive
>AP scaling sheild
>Untargetability via ult
>Healing via ult
When someone tells me a champion's overloaded, I always point to ekko. I don't hate Ekko since he's easy to deal with but Ekko is singlehandedly the most filled kit in league, Camille is a close second.
Evens: Jhin/Volibear
Odds: Jinx/Zac
Dubs or higher: Kog'maw
>people calling riven broken and belittling her skill ceiling in the same post
/lolg/ reaches new lows every year
stop being repulsive
People have been doing that with Riven for like 4 or 5 years though.
>play yi
>get 20 kills per game minimum
>play my worst possible on yi
>end game 10/4/1
Can Riot ever make yi useless?
>Yasuo and Riven both have overloaded kits
>this means all champs do
Oh you're retarded
Silver elo right?
Post elo
I have a sneaking suspicion
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums is LIVE on NA!
>people think that listing strengths and listing aspects of a champions kits with adjectives is the same
Not sure what else I can expect from lolg. You guys are incapable of seeing the difference between kit strength and dissonance vs just listing things a champion has because one time someone said "if you list things a champion has they just sound OP!!!" and you don't see where that doesn't apply and how they said it in context with using adjectives in exclamatory states
I don't play ranked but makes me look plat
what are you doing with your life
fuck off wiggums you fat autistic cunt
holy shit this entire post.
>expecting anything else from a general mostly comprised of silver and gold players
>le riven boogeyman
lolg also complains about Darius and Kled from time to time
According to these silvers any lane bully is cancer because they got dicked by a main
>tfw trying to play vidya but your gf is acting like a pig in heat
girls are the worst
And any hyper carry is cancer because they got dicked by a main or couldn't close the game out in 30 minutes.
Anything that isn't fucking Annie-tier needs to be gutted. Anything that's just really bad like Karthus is automatically based. I hate this general.
no i'm the other autistic cunt
who are you and what have i even done to you? does doing this bring you release?
then fuck off
>Low mobility
>Useless without ult which has a massive cooldown
>Has no hard CC
>His W is clunky
Yeah such a cancer champ when shit like Riven, Fiora, Tank Fizz and Renekton currently shitting on top lane at the moment. I've played over 50 games of Yorick this season if you allow him to get ahead its your own fault.
>this ones tucked in
oh you're the attention seeking whore who also happens to be a shitter, see:
>all that trash
pic related, it's how heretical it is
riven literally isn't shitting on top lane right now
woops meant to say "dissonant strengths" in the first half
>complain about the post
>don't actually make any kind of disagreement aside from some cheeky reaction images
damn you completely got me, lolg
I don't even see why i bother to say anything. i hardly ever post
This is actually pretty funny, it got a chuckle outta me.
I didn't complain I agreed bro. I main aurelion sol, he's broken as fuck not because he's overloaded but because his kit was literally made for a different game.
also shitters never learn.
it's not OC. someone posted a similar edit in the previous thread and i just made an edit with the sword tucked in
>Quinn mains
legit just stop
you're not some bastion / saviour of the thread quality by arguing with people who are wrong, you're feeding troll and are shitting up the thread. Fuck off.
wait why does riven do so well into vlad
Vlad wants to kite people. Riven runs him down.
What about them?
ok, except you consciously make an attempt to make your identity and feelings known far more than i do or ever have in this general?
also i don't know what false assumptions you gathered from playing 2 or 3 times with me but i'd smash you in lane any day lol