/dg/ - Destiny General
God damn he did not transition well.
That's fuckingn disgusting.
Actual thread
Speaking of disgusting..
Fuck off this thread was up first.
Great start to a new thread. Any one else want to post more greasy mentally ill trannies that look like they smell like corn-chips instead of talking about Destiny?
The one was made first mate. While it currently is being shitted up by degenerates, it's the correct thread.
>non destiny related image
>Unrelated OP image
>off topic posting to start the thread
Fuck off Sideh.
>posting from your phone and computer to make it look like multiple posters
Man you're pathetic dude.
Fuck off.
just move already
>xboner shaving ANOTHER power struggle autism attack
Welp, looks like I found some new md5s to filter.
This thread was up first so no. You're breaking the rules.
What did he mean by this
I'm surprised you decided to use this thread desu
kill yourself console war faggot
>muh first cum first serve
there are no rules against moving out of a poorly created general autist
What do you guys hope to see for the Cabal raid?
this thread confirms pissfours are cancer.
move to your thread then, everyone seems happy here unlike you autist. Having an autism attack over a picture right hahaha real funny dude.
You do realize you can't bump your own generals right?
Doctors won't/can't tell you it but most never do.
That's not my general dumbass.
This post confirms xboners are butthurt faggots who can't do anything properly. But hey, maybe next time you'll get top 5 and not 21st. Btw the irony is you made your shitty thread "21 seconds" after this one.
Boner butthurt goes farther than stats shitposter-kun
Just so you guys know Virus, Sideh, and Stray are the idiots making the other thread and screaming bloody murdee about this new thread.
Jesus Christ nigger, do you have autism?
4/6 for WotM HM
Yo my mates and I are trying to push our buddy to get his first hardmode raid
I'll come if you kick Virus.
Holy shit calm down
Also all you cunts going on about consoles need to kys
Anyone on PS4 need a quick Crota?
No, this was up first.
I do but i won't be available for 20 mins
Ok, thanks. I've got Raikiri and Eagle so far.
No chance, me
Im playing Persona 5, don't make promises i can't keep
>playing shite games cause previous entries were good
You're why we got andromeda.
I'll come.
That 94 on metacritic would like to disagree with you shitposter-kun
We're full
4/6 for WoTM HM
>trusting metacritics paid for scores
>reviews given by people with agendas
>playing shit games because previous entries were good
damn, sounds like Destiny. Imagine the destiny shitters who've never played a halo game though.
I have no idea which of these is the real thread.
Any Boners wanna do Nightfall or Banner?
with Daddy Crushter?
Thanks for showing the xboners this is the proper thread. ily
No Drinniloli
I'd be up for a nightfall. Just testing out some guns
>halo was a previous entry of destiny
Deepest lore
2/3 Nightfall
oh gross. I like you with pandox more desu baka
What level of autism were you diagnosed with? Just wondering.
I trust my own enjoyment of the game, reviews just tell me if it's no a trainwreck from the start, Andromeda being lower than 75 raises some red flags, so there's a clear difference between the two
Never said they mattered, just that it's nowhere near being atrocious like Andromeda is
Besides, I'm enjoying the game, so get fucked both of you
I took that test when it was posted in /dg/ on got 7% desu
>noobish is a reviews conspiracy theorist
4/6 For VoG
Halo was a previous entry of Bungie
a big part of why Destiny was overhyped pre-launch came from the Halo franchise alone
The fact you were given the test says leaps and bounds.
The fact you scored so low, tells even more.
>talking to god halves your 'Tism score
It was just posted on /dg/ and was like on one of those quiz websites tho
r u stupid
Oh look, another Image MD5 to filter!
No, but according to your 7%, you are.
Be right there.
How to filter?
Little arrow next to your post number.
You can't. He's just a mad xboner.
That makes no cents though cause a lower score was less autistic.
Tbqh I do believe you're sending a particular pot(yellow) on a ruse cruise
Objectively wrong.
>don't have to run King's Fall ever again now that I have all 4 adept weapons and a legendary Chelchis
No MD5 option. Is that a thing?
I don't need it so you can probably have my spot. Should be 6/6 just join on Noobish
fuck that shit raid
And another added to the list!
yet the user score is about the same give or take 0.02 points
literally not an argument
That feel when you love Destiny but can only enjoy it in short bursts because lmao 2000 hours logged.
Noobish is an autist AND a conspiracy theorist lmao
the only people that review games are the ones that were interested from the start. their reviews are biased
nice meme, i remember also being 15
Is this still happening? did shitty traffic fuck me?
stick to carrying raids you autist
Don't trust reviews so much user, mostly use reviews to see if the game is a safe purchase outside the disaster zone (andromeda) and then read up a bit on what kind of game it is
I've bought a lot of games that had good scores and ended up shelving them after maybe a week, but sometimes going out on a limb on a game that isn't over 90 can give you a great experience.
Or, you can pretend to hate games you never played like some other people, because everyone just loves a contrarian so much, now don't they?
Or they're paid for it because it's their job. You can't review a medium you're not interested in anyways. Taste is subjective it's up to the person to decide if something is good or not.
>can't filter an image md5
You can be objective on various matters if you can separate yourself from it all.
Graphics, gameplay mechanics, UI, framerate, physics, etc. can all be objectively viewed and defined so long as you know the empirical standard even if you yourself don't agree with it.
Ex: DoD3 was massively enjoyable for me but i understand completely why everyone else hates it.
anyone doing any raids?
it's 2017 Noobish. leave GamerGate to die, you don't have to be outraged anymore
even this is arguable. there are no quantifiable standards for gameplay mechanics, UI or physics. you could maybe argue graphics but even that comes down to personal aesthetic taste and whether or not that clicks with you.
you could define the mechanics or UI just fine but to say there is an "empirical standard" is retarded.
not with you horse fucker
what even is there to do when you finish all the weekly stuff?
Play your other games?