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Mimi when

Legendary story mode is impossible

So I guess it was just voicelines.

The enemy has a teleporteur.

Mercy is cancer and Mercy mains are sluts


>tfw Reyes will never step on me with his heavy metal boots

why live

>I need healing.

I'm sure Mercy mains think that they're good at games. Little do they know that they're playing an incredibly broken hero and as soon as Mercy gets her rightful nerfs they're going to be in for a rude awakening.

>"I used to be so good with Mercy until BABIES cried and had her nerfed to uselessness"
as they'll say

Reminder that Mercy Mains are cute and we should kiss them

What are the elite tier strats for All Heroes?

mercy ult single handedly ruins games

I want to shove my face in her hot sweaty ass

So i had this very good stack to play Legendary with

We did very well in all of our tries, exploited the Tracer glitch and consistently got to the last part

Tell me, /owg/


So what's the tier list for heroes in PVE?
Out of the less commonly used heroes, Sombra is surprisingly really good, Junkrat is actually kinda bad, Reaper is mediocre, and Genji is pretty bad, but is fun as fuck to play.

this times a fucking million

>rocketeer-style helmet
>retro-futuristic jetpack, with its frame modified to preserve her silhouette
>trousers, brown leather jacket, black leather gloves and boots

And an alternate style with aviator glasses instead of a helmet, a black leather jacket and faded blue jeans.

>playing all heroes

>not playing the way its meant to be played with torb, rein, mercy, tracer


Ana is a better healer in every way, and she can cancel enemy healing

Mercy literally exists solely for her ult

I found these to be really good
and Sym is probably the worst in the mode, Lucio can at least boop the detonators and slicers back.

Good night friends.

Your emotions make you vulnerable

Zarya is alright in legendary but shit in the other modes because you can't maintain a good amount of energy for most of the map.

>not enjoying both modes

Though seriously for all heroes I would have liked a stopwatch and a leaderboard so it became a game of which is the fastest comp.

stop making fun of me. you faggot ass tank/support main

I'm sad that Chu spends more time trying to foreshadow and stick to his narrative that he lets errors with the dates slip by with almost every new lore update.

He needs more proof readers.

I've not tried this yet but I want to:

I want to see how quick a damage-boosted Bastion supplemented with Zen orbs can melt through an enemy Bastion with the discord orb on it.

Sleep well.

whats the current meta? i haven't played since the triple tank cancer meta

Ya know I wonder if she thought those voicelines were about something really cool. But they are actually just for equipable voicelines and her character doesnt get any new story.

Blizz probably doesn't put any money into the lore department.

braindead dive featuring guest appearances from nanovisor


Sleep tight

>Capture the Flag
>Capture the Point
>PvE shit

Still is. Same game as you remember it

Do not play competitive if you will not use team chat.
I don't even care much if you have a mic, just listen to everyone else.

Zarya is too slow. The biggest winning comps are always dive comps. Zarya is now too slow to build charge and her two second bubble just isn't enough to make it into dive, and she's got no mobility. Her ult is powerful but she never gets it built in time so it's always on the back foot AFTER a point capture that she finally gets a use on it.

Mercy is really good because her rez got really powerful, and because she's really good at supporting dive comp with guardian angel, and her 1 second cooldown self-heal. Attackers can throw themselves on the point, die, with Mercy hiding and now she can jump in and rez everyone without sacrificing herself. It's now become both one of the most powerful defensive and offensive ults.

Winston is king. 360 bubble barrier now goes on cooldown immediately, barrier-bypassing featherduster, and nerfed D.Va and disfavored Reaper and Roadhog makes him hard to kill, and the main strength of dive comps.

People just kept getting better at Tracer and Genji, and now everyone fully understanding how the both of them can kill a 200 hp hero easily in 1 second or less and have DPS to dump into tanks, defensive self-sufficiency and huge mobility, that with things like 360 winston barriers placed in their favor and everyone turned around, they're always win-win.

Soldier:76 is favored because he's just tons and tons of DPS, he's a lot faster than McCree, and his biotic field together makes him one of the best followup heroes to deal tanks like Winston and support the weird healing situation healers get in. He got buffed when D.Va was buffed, D.Va was one of the few answers, then they nerfed D.Va. Nano Boost + Visor is huge.

Reinhardt is still up there because his shield is still just so crazy strong, flickered on and off- controllable, etc. and even when people are really running dive- if the map isn't that vertical, Reinhardt getting in people's faces.

Ana is Ana, remove ult remove hero sleep dart, biotic grenade, etc.

There must be some vids out now for you to watch and learn user.


>When it starts dont go into the right corner but deep enough to where the bastion on the right doesnt see you.
>kill the orisa at the door
>Kill the bastion on the right and wait for the tank to spawn behind the door and kill it
>move the the right of the hallway and kill that orisa
>rotate into the left hallway and kill the bastion and wait for the tank to spawn again.
>move through the hallway and kill the bastion at the end by having the tracer move behind it and rein pushing up to the cover on the right with torb shooting at the bastion
>kill both orisa's without the bastion at the right spawn door seeing you

ez win

He doesnt actually consider them his friends right?

>""""lore department"""""
I understand what you were trying to imply but thinking Blizzard has an entire department devoted to the lore in Overwatch makes me laugh.

Jesse McCree
currently grinding for his new skin

>be tracer on oasis
>lose close 99%-99% round
>have gold kills
>have gold objective kills
>have gold objective time
>have gold damage
>"Hey Tracer, could you be more useless?"

A discorded enemy bastion melts fast if you have a friendly bastion, in 1-2 secs in normal without mercy. Zen is definitely excellent in this difficulty but his heal won't hold the higher difficulties, too bad. His HS are godlike.

Lucio's boops are so much better.
>tfw booping a rein away from guarding his team

Also Lucio just got nerfed, he was really good before for dive and easily THE most successful hero in the game, but the verdict hasn't come back yet on his changes.

This is so blindingly human like?? They look like they are talking about why dropping the EMP wasn't all bad

>team best friends have also become team meta

I actually don't like this at all because it's probably going to lead to Winston and Tracer getting nerfed to the point where I have to only play 76 again

>be tracer
>miss an entire clip on mercy
>get called out
>b-but gold objective time!

why does everyone keep calling it a nerf? He is just different now. I think he's way better now. he heals 30% more, but in a smaller radius. He is better at killing now too.

People in this game really like to blame others for their misfortune

>play 3v3
>instalock bastion
>other teammates are hanzo and ana
>they die immediately and I get fucked in a 1v3 fight
>"this fucking bastion I swear" t. hanzo
>next round get double kill right out the gate in recon mode

This is an omnic free establishment. Get out toaster.

Good luck, pardner.

Kaplan doesn't have a twitter. Also Chu hangs out with Sawyer irl but he's too busy writing the overly complicated lore for pillars of eternity that he doesn't have time to actually play video games.

I hope you got the card for 4 golds, but I know you probably got some shit like damage dealt.

New D.va skins when? I think she'd look good with a naked skin

>his heal won't hold the higher difficulties

That's why I wonder if his damage makes him a suitable replacement for Torbjorn, since we'd have Mercy still present as the primary healer.

I'll try it next time I get my buddies together.

We will free all the sentient toasters! Machines will no long toast your bread!

it's not hard if you have a good premade, i almost beat it with randoms but we wiped on the 2nd to last stage because our mercy was a potato

Those are the voice actors.

>10 matches
>last 9 matches were straight losses
I need some thighs to cheer me up /owg/

Maybe they got in a 2v3 situation because you weren't sticking with the team?
Maybe you could have picked another hero for better synergy ?
I feel you're twisting the story to make yourself feel better.

Jeff is ACTIVELY trying to destroy dive comp meta.

It's the most fun time the game has ever been at. Strong heroes are still strong but a bit out of meta so they get situational play. IE. Pharah actually gets to play in dive meta because it's not barrier watch and she gets the space to throw rockets on people. D.Va gets selected as a strong counterpick for Pharah, Winston, and Soldier:76. Attacking teams will sometimes get to play single healer, or replace the genji with a godly Widowmaker who, now not playing Barrierwatch, gets an open field of heads to shoot. Symmetra and Torbjorn are active anti-Genji, anti-Tracer options with extremely strong defensive ults. Pro-level Sombra play works just because dive comp is a thing.

So, of course, Jeff Kaplan immediately slaps Lucio with nerfs that SPECIFICALLY target his ability to support dive comp heroes, adds a new superbarrierwatch Tank (Orisa), and discusses how he thinks the Ana nerfs might have gone too far. He seems to really miss the triple tank or even quad tank shitshows we had for half a year. Because in his words "it's no fun to die to seemingly random events"

No shit

>Null Sector is violent murdering racist sjws
What did they mean by this?

Do you think anything special happens if you shoot down all those tiny flying bots in Uprising? There seems to be at least 2 of thme at each point.

>goes to Lakers game
>posts on his twitter during the whole game

Did he even watch the game?

>see teammate pick bastion
>ok lets roll 2 snipers because thats a GOOD team comp
>it's bastions fault we got picked off immediately

Yeah no, fuck off.

>i need healing

the funny thing is if they actually ever buffed Reaper and McCree, there would suddenly be really viable anti-dive DPS options right there but NOPE GOTTA KEEP ADDING BARRIERS AND ANA BUFFS

never grouping up in QP again

Were you tagging a lot of enimies? You'd definitely get gold elims that way. The problem with the game's system is that is only shows on the kill bar who landed the finishing blow to an enemy. There's no way to tell who got the enemies' HP down that low.

I don't know about you, but we need a better scoreboard system. Also you should also be able to see your teammates' stats. Blizz probably avoid it to avoid flaming, but you can already get flamed when a teammate isn't paying attention to the work you put out or just by even picking a non-meta pick.

I have 12 hours in the game and still learning:

is Zarya a viable tank in most situations ?

it's almost is if the extreme side of any political organization is fucking retarded and possibly dangerous

Defending first is so bad compared to attacking, at least in plat and below
You can stop the other team before they get the first point with a good comp and skill and then get fucking stopped cold because your teammates are overzealous and the enemies are using a cancer comp
Where the fuck are the nerfs to skilless characters that are meta for drawing or clutching games?


VERY lewd

>Get invited by randoms

>shoot at Mercy
>she either A. flies away to her nearest daddy or B. pops the rez and is invulnerable just long enough that you get raped by the people who just came back

Because his group speed boost wasn't compensated while its effective area decreased to ~12% of what it was. (~314 m^2 / ~2827 m^2). His healing only increased by 30%( ie. 130% of what it was), and that DOESN'T include his self healing. 20% speed increase from wallriding requires him to now actively use walls to get to people to do what he was simply doing before an extra 20m away.

He's certainly different now. He's worse. It's just objective fact. He'll essentially never heal Pharahs, Tracers, Genjis, and Winstons that are all diving at the same time. He won't be able to contest the point while simultaneously speedboosting Roadhog to the point. These things are just gone.

Omnic apologist out!

>pops the rez and is invulnerable

Whoever decided she needed this needs to be fucking shot.


>no one on my team ever even looks at the enemy Mercy
>whenever I'm Mercy the enemy teams will actively hunt me down in groups of up to five every time I show my face

This thread now belongs to Talon.

Omnics and Overwatch get out.

>rank 26xx
>play Ana
>get 30%+ healing regularly, have to try really hard to not die to various flankers without any help
>50% WR leaning on 49%
>play Pharah or Soldier
>can get a good view of our healers at almost all times, and help deal with any Genjis, Winstons, etc.
>59% and 56% respectively
At what point can I safely go back to playing Ana like I want to?

>He is better at killing now too

Was this something Lucio mains were begging for? Bad enough he fucking boops you off of anything now with his new boop, supports should not also be dps.

>tfw using a Rip-tire to solo kill a Mercy

Why do sprays and promotional artwork use better illustrations than the comics do?


They're more like communist dictators like Castro. Make a lot of noise about being for the people (or omnics I guess) but really just power hungry fascists

The comic is 10 pages long and blizz doesnt care enough about the comics enough to put money into it for good art

because someone has to draw a million images vs one good one

Can I join?
Can I be friends with Sombra?

not most no
shes good sometimes but shes definitely not a permarun, especially not now with the lucio changes completely assfucking all inherently immobile characters
shes pretty good in the mid level retard ranks though, since their go-to strategy is basically just HOLD MOUSE1 UNTIL ULT, just make sure you have a frontline to bubble constantly (namely rein) and try not to die

That's not an excuse. If you knew what actually went into making the comic. You can tell the most recent one and reflections were very, very rushed. If not made within a few days.

hahahaha*-, oh wait, you're serious


He's better in every way. He's just less fun to play on account of people now being able to accuse you of not doing your job, regardless of whether or not it's true.

>See enemy Mercy very far away
>Clearly going for ress
>Flies to dead allies with guardian angel because it has absurd range
>Uses res mid flight because it has absurd range too

I guess I should start playing Widowmaker then, because no one else in the game has an instant kill hitscan attack. Everything else will fail to stop the res.

Mercys that do that are the easiest hooks of my life since she flies in a straight line.

Since Hog's hook is longer range than her rez it works out.

>join a match in progress on eichenwalde offense
>haven't even capped the first point with 1 minute left
>pick reinhardt
>play out of my fucking mind
>we win every push off my earthshatters
>get potg destroying half their team

Reinhardt is so fucking fun sometimes when you don't have to be shield man.

I hope he gets a new highlight intro one of these events