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Cool, I used to commute this every day for when I attended college in Irvine.
Pretty fucking funny desu.
>chase is going almost a whole hour now
breddy gud MPGs
Of course.
>Obeying the speed limit
>Staying in his lane
He a gud boy, he dindu nuffin.
>screen goes black
>whoops, we will be right back! OH AND WE HAVE BREAKING NEWS ABOU-
>youtuber cuts his relay streaming too
what did they mean by this
Stream is back but there's also a backup stream now:
Do big California cities put a helicopter on everyone who runs from a ticket?
Also, if he was on a motorcycle he'd be gone by now.
niggashypermilin yo
how dumb of him.
This is awfully boring. Please post the end when it's over. Thanks
Why are there so many police chases in southern california?
what else is there a lot of in southern california?
fish tacos
He's back on the 405
So much for the but we have guns meme.
Its california
Tons of people, really disparate economic conditions and the place where media people go to try and make it in the big leagues = lots of crime that lots of people are there to report on. If New York wasn't constant gridlock traffic we'd have some sweet chases there too.
>commiefornia, the universally reviled disarmist shithole
pick one and only one
lol that guy in the fuckin DUNE BUGGY trying to race him
If you were on the road with this guy, would you try to be the hero?
wtf OP, this is on a loop?
>left turn
OP's link is dead
live stream is here:
LA does, cuz of the high percentage of nignogs anyone who runs from a ticket will likely have active warrants or illegal stuff in their car
That's not live though. It's a loop of OP's original link. That link is currently at the part where I posted .
The whole thing ended an hour ago.
This was when he got stuck in the grass.
Damn, so underwhelming.
I'm in Ontario you idiot, it ended 4 hours ago. Hasn't even happened in Hawaii yet. Boy are they in for a show.
Doesn't taking away the hope of escape make those being chased more likely to take desperate measures and put themselves and others in danger?
Such as someone trying to get out of a speeding ticket realizing that they now face criminal evasion charges if caught, now this person realizes the escalation of the situation too late and takes dangerous risks driving to get away from what should be nothing.
You're right we shouldn't fight terrorists because it'll just enrage them more and they'll fight even harder and blow us up even more.
But everything you just said is literally correct.
>Doesn't taking away the hope of escape make those being chased more likely to take desperate measures and put themselves and others in danger?
Yes, and most counties across the nation actually have rules forbidding police from chasing an evader unless the person is a known violent criminal because a police pursuit puts civilians in danger which isn't worth chasing a guy for a speeding ticket.
And yes, I've researched this out of paranoia from stupid past decisions.
Oh really? Thanks for the tip Ahmed, I'll stop invading your holy land now because you just want world peace and prosperity and a global caliphate.
Wew do I feel silly.
If only you learned that lesson back in the 60s before you overthrew every country in the region and made them want to start a retarded caliphate. Oh well.
They won't even need helicopters soon.
>muh Islamic terrorism
What started the Islamic terrorist attacks against the United States? It couldn't have been American interventionism, could it? Who created Isis? Not us, we're doing everything we can to stop them (citation needed)
I can't wait to see in what miraculous way this backfires.
That'll do, Ahmed. Take that shit to /pol/ if you want to cry about being a mudslime.
It'd fuck up a car's paint, that's for sure. I'd be pretty mad if some pig shot one of these onto my car.
>be right about police helicopters and chases
>only rebuttal is "go to/pol/ turrurist
Eternally BTFO
>people shouldn't be held accountable for wrongdoing
>because they might do more bad things
>therefore we should not have any laws because it would mean having to enforce them and therefore resistance from offenders and that could cause problems so let's just have everyone do whatever they want
AnCaps everyone. They are actually this retarded.
>speeding is a wrong doing
>accepting the punishment for a victimless crime and generating revenue for the people who caused it to be a crime in the first place is good
lmao, you sound like the kind of person who thinks lane splitting is dangerous because it's illegal.
>inb4 literal non arguments and name calling
>Crooks turn corner and throw it on some soccer moms suv
>soccermom gets BTFO, lawyers up
>departments funding gets BTFO
Screencap this. It's going to happen.
>shot one of these onto my car.
>my car
Give it back Tyrone.
>victimless crime
>nigger doing 150 in an 80 zone can't stop in time and kills some family
You are literally a nigger.
>150 on a bike
>killing a family
Please site 1(one) time this has happened.
Compare hitting a car full of people on a 350 pound bike at 150 to a 4000 pound charger driven by someone who went from community college straight to the force with no driving experience other than going to school and back slamming into a family's car at 130. Is the person doing the running in the wrong? Most of the time yes. Is the person doing the chasing in the wrong? The vast majority of the time doubly so.
>cherry picking
>moving goal posts
>muh generalizations
stop being a retarded nigger faggot. i hope some drunk high nigger in a 300 does 150 into the side of your mom's minivan
Who would have guessed people who support endangering everyone involved in the pursuit, including bystanders, base their entire argument off of feelings?
Why would I do that?