Not during EU hours. Come back in 6 more hours to find the thread alive.
Charles Richardson
no its fucking DEAD And the only way to revive it is to post more lewd imgur albums!!!!!! thank you to all the posters who actually care and have posted lewd imgurs in the past
Elijah Gray
This guy just can't keep a straight face.
James Ross
EU is busy actually playing the game.
Jack Brooks
The game is alive, shame I can't say the same about this thread.
why does bnsg scare off new players instead of welcoming then?
then proceed to wonder why the thread and game is dying
Jace Cox
/bnsg/ doesn't need new players
Mason Gray
My album is old and busted.
Jordan Brooks
>Pool's closed. It was fun while it lasted.
Jaxson Wright
New player here. Which class would you guys recommend for someone who's going for a PvP-oriented endgame? Preferably something that's not boring as shit
Don't feel like sinking a ton of hours into a character only to hate the mechanics of it
Joseph Clark
pvp sin bd are the only viable classes in pvp
they are also all completely brainless and boring.
Isaac Green
We always welcome new lewds.
Jaxon Anderson
None, play a different game. PvP is dead, shit, and unbalanced
NC doesn't know how to make compelling PvE content, so that winds up boring and easy after a run
Just avoid this whale and rng infested game entirely
Ian White
sin bd warlock*
Hunter Rodriguez
>cow yun Can I actually have tits this big in this game or it's just a mod?
Jason King
is bns currently the best waifu dress up simulator out there?
Christian Robinson
Not even close
Benjamin Price
An expensive one.
Henry Evans
Jose Myers
Tera is better if you don't mind playing a pedo race.
Leo Miller
what is Honey Select what is CM3D what is Klub 17 etc.
Wyatt Evans
>Honey Select >BDO >Tera
BnS is a very bad dress up game.
Jordan Wood
Tera is boring and BDO is even more pricey than bns
Aiden Hall
BDO is also lacking in the dress up part, creation is pretty good though.
Gabriel Morales
Alexander Edwards
>BDO is even more pricey
No it's not all you have to do is watch the market. The price is honestly justified the models look phenomenal.
Leo Gonzalez
Guys I dont care about different games. Post lewds!
Oliver Murphy
i know it's a lot of effort but please make an imgur
Cooper Morgan
This sounds like a bad dress up game just from this fact. You can play BnS and most other mmos and get outfits just from drops and quests and leveling up. BDO is 100% the market and thats not a good design.
>"Being expensive is justified because they look good" This isn't true if your only option is expensive.
BDO's dressup is pretty terrible, aren't that many outfits and way harder to get. Creation is more and less powerful. You have more control over small things but it's harder to change the overall look of a class.
I think GW2 has the best dress up. Character creation is really lacking in comparison to BNS though.
Evan Brooks
What is the best way to get hm20?
William Rodriguez
buy it just like everything else in this pay2win game
Leo Morris
w\o p2w
Jayden Rivera
>he thinks hes going to get hm20 in this game's lifespan without buying it
lol dude
Liam Nelson
on my dick
Ian Evans
Europoor here Should I play on EU or US servers? Is there big ping difference?
Chase Kelly
No life celestial basin to keep buying 1mil exp charms, only 1.95 billion exp total for hm20
Julian Ortiz
so many lewds, so little time...
Carson King
EU Yes
Isaiah Martinez
How many peaches is a 1m xp charm?
Ian Moore
Is there an active RP community at all? i'm sorry
Samuel Carter
Oh man, I wasn't sure I'd have the hart to get this one
William Wood
rare eu content lobby! Are you a returning/new non-na player, wondering where to get started after having diligently purchased that instant lv50 charm? Been wondering where them SPICY LOBBIES are at?
Probably not, but figured I'd just throw this out here anyway. You never know. The candy shop > challs > lego purples if there is interest.
#388370 eu she can beat you in a fight edition
Brayden Russell
25k, so all you need is around 48 billion peaches to hit hm20 from fresh 50.
Sebastian Rogers
>not just swiping for HM20
Isaac Watson
Sorry about what? And yes, it's limited to Jiwan mostly but hopefully with Social clans, they will pop up on other servers.
Andrew Ward
>this guy spent 10k on XP charms alone
Jonathan Hughes
>social clan
Social clan is garbage People can invite themselves into your social clan and there is nothing you can do about it There are only 2 clan ranks in a social clan, 1. leader, 2. member
As a leader, you can change the clan message, and kick 1 (ONE) person per day Yes, ONE person per day
So you can't even keep kicking these who's out of your clan
Connor Cooper
>People can invite themselves into your social clan and there is nothing you can do about it Really? Thats hilarious.
Kevin Morales
The game actually has a popup every time you log in telling you to join a social clan. Every. Single. Time.
Adam Carter
Good encouragement for me to finish my badass stem degree and start making hella money. Get fucked dumb neetfags.
Brandon Price
event dungeons aside from candyland
Jaxon King
i forgot # even tho it doesn't matter
35 66 15
Michael Kelly
Too bad you dropped out and now leech of your parents good will.
Elijah Murphy
Zachary Nguyen
Ryan Powell
Lewd posts have no purpose and should be banned from the general tbqhwy.
Nolan Myers
>Act VII story Did they ever mention the other Hongmoon Master Sanzu before this? I don't remember it being said, so it feels like this reveal of Sanzu = Julia is super weak. Hell, I feel that a lot of this act's story is weak.
Matthew Hall
You serve no purpose and should be banned from the general tbqhwy
Carter Cox
Lego HM Dungeons
NA # 362 019
Juan Adams
Never post in my thread ever again
Anthony Hill
This general is shit and needs to be burnt to the ground like the crackhouse it is.
Leo James
is cavok wind memeing with you
Colton Evans
Zachary Smith
Noah Moore
you'd be at 100k+ if playing lightning though right?
Asher Wilson
Please do not attempt this, I don't think I can ever go back into the training room again...
Logan Gonzalez
I mean, does he even have anything else to do in this game?
Ryan Ortiz
Go watch porn if you want to jack off instead of using low res chinese polygons as fap material.
Aiden Sullivan
wow how dare you post in MY thread again get out of here and take your sharia law propaganda with you
Cooper Bennett
now do this with wind
Blake Parker
Alright fine, once I get f20 badge I'll do it.
Hunter Perry
what's the new ideal flashes/s now?
Carson Collins
Pretty much the same amount as pre-patch, around 2.3-2.4 flash/sec is good. It's just way more reliable to get way higher counts now, due to resets on lightning draw.
Christian Wilson
Blake Nelson
Not really, other people play on his account for 1v1/6v6