/bbg/ - Bloodborne General

Shrouded by night: >A google doc with basic information. If you're new to Bloodborne and /bbg/ READ THIS FIRST BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS

>Accessing the DLC
Note: If the eye isn't showing up, go to: Settings > Playstation Network/Account Management > Restore Licenses

>Co-Op & PvP

/bbg/ Fight Club:
Pthumeru - n6rc9jh8
Loran - jjpkdcgd
Isz - 9v8qndas
Every Saturday 6pm EST, general rules: a.pomf.cat/jzmnvh.jpg

/bbg/ Spelunking Club
Create a new S/FRC chalice dungeon and beckon anons to join
Use the Short Root Chalice with the password /bbg/ to be summoned or invade
(every Friday 6pm EST, anything goes)

>Resources Pastebin - Planners, Calculators, Spreadsheets, Stats Info, Where to go next in BB, Guide Scans & Wikis

>Chalice Pastebin - General Info, Glyphs for Gems, Best Gems Setups, Multiplayer & Speedrunning

>Media Pastebin - OSTs, Concept Art & Screenshots

>Beasthood & Claws Info

>Wheel, Fight Club, Arc 101 & other Misc. Info

>Bloodborne AR Calculator

Other urls found in this thread:



What blood gems should I look for for pic related?

Only I will hold hands with the doll.
No one else.

32.6% Blunt gems are the very best. You can settle for 27.2%s, though.



I've made a skill build and a (sorta) arcane build but now I wanna do one focusing on the pizza cutter, problem is that in order for my arcane build to use pizza cutter I'm gonna have to hit 125 which I'm pretty sure will put me out of the running for Co-op and PVP.

Should I roll strength instead or lose 5 points from Vit/Endurance?


please leave you cuck

nevermind fuck it I'm just gonna do a strength build.

Ringing for Lower Loran FRC Layer 4, Ihyll FRC and more. Password is bbg22

What would be the best gems to go for with HMLS lvl 98 25/25/40?


Thank you.

Ringing again Segalt

Since you're all talking about gems would 27% gems be best for the church pick with 25/50?

Yes, generally. Most of the weapon's attacks are thrusts, so you can also use 32.6% gems. Makes for a monstrous tricked Church Pick.

So what's the deal with Guidance 3 anyway?

the deal is that no one has found it.


Milquetoast 127
Lone Survivor 125
Troubled Childhood 124
Violent Past 124
Professional 127
Military Veteran 125
Noble Scion 132
Cruel Fate 123
Waste of Skin 125


wat do bbg?

END to 20 at max.

>40 endurance

END yourself, my dude.

I absolutely abhor doing this but I guess it's the only viable solution.

It's not really that bad. Stamina consumption is a lot less in BB than it is in DS. If you use the +20% stamina rune with 20 End you can do 3-4 attacks and be able to dodge all without running out of stamina.

>Tfw i had a dream last night that i was exploring this grassy area that looked like the long cave from the first chalice when i spotted a really low poly version of ludwig at the end and then i woke up really happy id finally found it

Segalt, you wanna continue? I'm ringing in Ihyll. Same password

What's /bbg/ opinion on Dark Souls 2 SotfS? WOrth a playthrough? And DaS3 GOTy?

Still up user?

My bad, ringing now.

Opinions will vary wildly here, but I think DaS3 is actually a fine game, despite its flaws, and is worth playing. DaS2 not as much, it's hideous and feels like greased ass to play, plus the shitty hitboxes, poor enemy placement, durability, among other things. Bone Fist and power stancing are both sweet though, so at least it has that going for it.

DS2 is the weakest of the Souls series, SotFS fixed some stuff but cant fix the fundamental problems.
I'd still recommend it though, its still a good game in my opinion.

DS3 is good if you ask me, both DLC's are great even if the first one is short. Second one makes up for it though.

Just play them and go in with an open mindset.

Don't waste your money on 2, DaS 3 is basically what 2 should have been a decent experience that's not the masterpieces you expect from Miyazaki.

Has a fog wall appeared anywhere? SRRC is at it again.

R8 build m8s

I'm sorry. I forgot to share it.

Would purge


So whats the best Str/Skill distribution for Beast Claws?

50/25 STR/SKL, one Heavy Abyssal, and two 27.2%s



So is this teasing toward Bloodborne Sequel or is it its own thing do ya think?


Hmm, you tell me.

Please don't think I'm a shitter Segalt ;_;

I would never think that, m8.

Now thats just impressive

Do not call anyone a cuck unless their coop was stolen or they are Vileblood

I know enough about the first one thanks to segalt

Are you sure one heavy abyssal with two 27% do more damage than three 27%?

Yes. (3)27.2% gems has an AR of 523. With the abyssal, you have 545 (+15 if phys flat secondary).

Given that we are talking about the Beast Claws it might do more damge once Beasthood builds up but I'm too lazy to do the math. Does anyone knows how gems affect Beasthood?

Beast claw main here
Beasthood is a straight up multiplayer for your current AR (physical AR that is, beasthood does not effect any kinda of elemental damage)

When should I stop leveling END?

If you can manage with base, more power to you. Otherwise, never exceed 20.

>leveling END
>at all

>at all

I'm so sorry. It happend again.

this is so embarrassing. pls don't tell anyone



Can anyone help with normal Hot Dog? Starting out as a Arcane character is hard. glyph is 3n7q and pass is dog

>went to sleep yesterday (today) 3 AM
>woke up just now 5 PM
>is the sun going up or down moment again


I always feel like festering shit waking up that late

Still ringing? I'm on my way now.

Worse is I wasted my day off. Gonna take a bath and play BB to recover. I wish I had a lower level character to help people so I could join Maybe that's what I'll do. Just need to find a good BL with a nice range and focus on it.

>A widespread belief of the period was that "beast blood crept up the right leg," and this led to the double-wrapped belt.
>A lot of times while climbing ladders, I noticed my right leg was extremely bloody compared to the rest
>Gehrman has no right leg

holy shit the details

For 50STR/25SKL Wheel, should I use a HA as place holder until I get 3 blunts or three 27% are enough?

Wheel doesn't really benefit from Heavy Abyssals as it already has an S scaling in Str, it also doesn't have any Skl scaling. 27.2%s will be the best outside of blunts for untricked

It'll be a long night tonight...

>A widespread belief of the period was that "beast blood crept up the right leg," and this led to the double-wrapped belt
>Brass believed to be a sacred metal that warded off beast blood, decorative old hunter legging have a brass brace on the right knee
>Despite all this, they all turned savage
>Most the beasts are often disproportional, with their left side far more transformed than their right, even the player character with beast claw has their left hand turn the most

I don't think the old hunters are beastly, I think they just cant give up the hunt.

It's not an uncommon psychological issue among combat veterans for them to prefer the heat of battle to the relative tranquility of modernized life.

Personally I wouldn't even characterize it as a psychological issue (even though most mental health physicians would). We like video games for the same reason, albeit in an abstract way. Very straightforward rules. Who wins? The one that lives.


>hear about how they fixed a lot of things in Dark Souls 3
>new weapons, cool new armors, lots of stuff
>play 20 minutes of it
>"man, I wish I was playing bloodborne instead'"

Fuck Bloodborne completely ruined Dark Souls for me. It's just not as good, killing hollows doesn't feel as satisfying as hunting. There's no blood all over the place, the sounds aren't as satisfying, the hunter is so much more nimble despite having less iframes, sliding around graciously and then hitting with confidence and fiercely while the CU/Ashen One just tumbles around and then overswing his weapon with no power of confidence like he's barely grasping for his life.

the blood drunk hunter eye states the destruction of the iris is the first sign of the onset of beasthood

Doesn't help that DaS3 is actually one of the dullest of the souls games, it's basically a rehash of DaS1 only with more open plains and swamps all over the place.

How they shit out such a bland game after a game as strong as BB I will never understand. Hopeful the new IP from is working on will be much closer to BB in quality.

So all characters are actually blind?

It feels like he's swinging a stick instead of a sword, it's unsatisfying to kill anything like that. While in Bloodborne we have stuff like the Kirk and HMLS, even the cane feels more powerful in comparison.

Think about it user, beasthood is kind of an anti-body against kins

Beast will often lose their sight so they can't see the truth of things and thus can't gain insight, and the lower your insight the higher your beasthood. Also a few powerful beasts can actually generate electricity, which kin are weak against

The problem (which a lot of game devs, animators, comic book writers, you name it struggle with) is weight.

Simply put, a lot of people don't know how to convey it, and as a result all the movements and things characters do feel floaty or even fake simple because your brain is registering that the laws of physics aren't really working how they should be. You see it problem in games, cartoons, anime, comics, etc. No matter how good your actual movements and framing are, it all falls apart without the weight.

>someone actually understands me
>reply to me with a webm I made
I love you bbg

>While in Bloodborne we have stuff like the Kirk and HMLS, even the cane feels more powerful in comparison.
So much this. After the Kirkhammer I simply cannot enjoy using Greathammers in dark souls and they were my favorite weapon class. It's just bland "dhuck" sounds with no power behind it.

Just take that webm, there is not a single weapon in dark souls that feels as powerful when hitting as the Church Pick. Not even among ultras.

What's the fastest glyph to run for nourishing triangles? I don't want to be killed by witches or fireballs.

We had this one talked about before in bbg. Also that maybe beasthood turns one into a big guy as the hunters in the nightmare, Gascoigne and Gehrman are big guys.

I wish I could a get a bit of beasthood

The animations have a lot to do with it. There's that one webm floating around of the charged kirkhammer R2s and you can actually see the hunter's balance go off and his feet bounce slightly as he swings this gigantic hunk of stone. It's really fluid and realistic looking, meanwhile in souls games gigantic weapons are swung around with minimal effort.

I always had this problem with how effortless someone would move in a full set of armor or swing things three times their size and do no damage to what they were trying to kill. In this game, the way he prepares to release his momentum or how the character bounces and regain his balance after they land a hit are always a delight to see.

That's exactly what it is, being blood-drunk is giving into the blood lust of the hunt, it's a symbolic loss of humanity. Being so full of blood and covered in it from beast hunts, most of those poor bastards were going to turn anyway, but the people who don't end up in the Nightmare as an ironic hell where they can hunt forever and ever and ever, no better than the beasts they slaughtered.

> An ironic hell
Or an ironic heaven...?

so that we dont have the autistic arguments tomorrow, can we just agree now to have the fc in pthu in loo?


Being a corpse in a river of blood moaning for eternity doesn't sound that good to me.

And just on top of that, Bloodborne sounds are simply perfect, it's the best sounds I've ever heard in a video game, they are exaggerated just enough so it sounds powerful and heavy but not enough to sound silly.

Sure, Pthu in Loo tomorrow.

Wait for someone to call it half an hour before it starts and there will be no trouble.

Pthu sounds good to me.
More accessible anyway.

I don't think those people are so much people as they are manifestations of the dream.

accouterments to the world created for the hunters.

Considering the state of place, user, with the moaning corpses, river of blood with a Bloodstarved Beast and an eternity of violence inflicted as a very clear curse upon the people who massacred a village full of people and defiled the corpse of an alien, I'm not seeing the heaven angle. The whole thing with hunters, as mentioned in the top hat and cane descriptions, loss of humanity is the thing no one wants, so they create pomp and ritual to artificially inject some kind of reason or higher thought into killing beasts, so they can divide the line between hunter and beast. The Old Hunters, who went completely rabid and are automatically hostile to everything around them lost their humanity, but didn't become beasts. It's a hell to be a beast trapped in your human body, never being fully either. It's tortuous to their sensibilities. It's even worse than becoming a beast.

i say we just agree now, last week we had two venues and everyone was getting mad

I was under the impression those were all the people Ludwig and the Church Hunters recruited and drafted over the long years, all of them doomed to an eternity under the heel of monsters.

You make a fair point, I'd still like to think that the hunters who are trapped there want to be there though.

>got enough chunks for the kirkhammer
>finally a blunt 32% triangle

I'm ready for the FC!

Now compare those animations to this.

There's no need for agreement, just call for it and it is decided, the problem happens whe people do it early but someone decides to be a snowflake.

>try it out
>it's true

Guys try out tricked Amy Arm charged R2 and look how the hunter swings with the arm at the last swing.