Cozy Garages

Cozy Garages


>collectible display carefully arranged to look like a garage

Best garage is a mix of workspace and showroom



No, not really. Best garage is where you can drop a tool or make an oil splat without permanently ruining its photo appeal.

This. My dream garage isn't cozy, its a huge open work-space sterile enough to perform surgery in. Will look more like a pic of some NASA assembly lab.

The coziest garage is where the heart is.

>no lifts

Garbage garages.

>mfw I don't even have a garage.

Needs more cozy

Why the fuck is there no lift in this entire thread?

Because im poor

Metro Area Loft Warehouse

Dream Garage/ Panty Dropper

Where is the workspace



Lift =/= workspace

Work+space = workspace

So find a space and do work

Because lifts are garbage, as are rustangs


Bright and Clean


Best garage.

posting my garage folder

Pics are mostly from Rennlist so majority of cars will be Porsches.






What is it with Porsche owners and race bicycles?

This. I can't be the only one who doesn't like the autistically organized operating room look. It kind of screams "I'm a yuppie who doesn't do any work on my cars or house whatsoever".


no clue, i imagine these bicycles are probably worth more than both my cars.

Most road cyclists are pretty douchey and most Porsche owners are pretty douchey too so they go hand in hand.

you def aren't the only one






what a pair

>Muh performance car, Muh capability, Muh quality
>Muh performance bike, Muh capability
Muh quality

People who own these cars often like the image of a "race car" and the ability that it could be fast if they wanted to be, and it gives an image of sportiness, wealth and youth

why can't americans afford walls that aren't made of pressboard?

Dr. Douchebag.

SIZE OVER QUALITY, BRO. Gotta go BIG so your neighbors know you're RICH even though everyone does it just the same. Gotta have that rec room full of equipment you never use, and that home office that gets used once a year and that guest room that gets used twice a year, and that gaming room because apparently having a console in your living room is impossible, and that sitting room and dining room that only get used when you have guests, and that triple garage that only fits one car anymore because the rest is piled full of shit including your cringeworthy mancave bar.

well I mean they use literal sticks to frame there houses, so why use propper wall covering

Shh, It's okay, It's okay. I be like that too if my "flat" was smaller than most garages.

What's wrong with using 2x4's and pressboard? The house's frame will still last 50 years easily. Garages don't need to be fancy. Have fun living in your brick sheds with 200 year old plumbing and electrical.

the cars in here made my dick diamonds

pressboard gives off cancer fumes dawg

>implying you can't renovate plumbing and electricals without tearing most of the house down
Have fun living in your toolshed with structural rot within 30 years.

how do I into porsche ?

This is surprisingly accurate.

>2 carrera gts
>3 ferrari 430s


because rich people don't buy American cars

rich people are constantly praised for their good taste

wait thats not right

So do granite countertops. Stop being a pussy.

Doing anything with brick is a pain in the ass. Good luck pulling 5000ft of cat6 through brick and plaster walls. Houses are usually gutted and/or rebuilt every 30 years so they really don't need to be built to last. It's the 21st century guys, We don't need to be building shit like it's the 1500's....

>Have fun living in your toolshed with structural rot within 30 years.

Do you run around your house spraying water everywhere for fun?

My house was built in 1970, and the only rot I found while renovating was in a non-structural wall where the previous owner didn't cap a pipe stud properly, and even that was literally just a superfluous cross-member.

I live in a wet-ass area in a wet-ass state, too.


Yeah well, I think my house was built before WW1, and it'll probably survive another world war after those two.

>muh throwaway houses
>muh throwaway cars
>muh throwaway everything
>trust me, this is actually a good thing and not a massive waste of resources

>Houses are usually gutted and/or rebuilt every 30 years
No they're not, houses are gutted maybe every 50 years, but there are plenty of houses that haven't been gutted in over 150 years.

Use ABS for waste and soldered copper for supply and you won't be having any issues in the next 100 years.
Use PVC for waste and pex for supply and you will.
Modern romex is also worlds better than the wire they were using 60+ years ago. With full gauge grounds, as long as you're not frequently changing switches and fixtures, the copper and insulation will hold up for over 100 years.
Also don''t buy a house with aluminum wiring throughout. It's a nightmare.

>Also don''t buy a house with aluminum wiring throughout.
What the fuck, this hasn't been a thing here since we were neck deep in socialism.

they aren't expensive

>Sheet of 1/2" OSB

>Sheet of 5/8" drywall

Dude saved maybe $10 doing the walls if he used 1/2", which I wouldn't I'd use 3/4. which is far more expensive than drywall.
Having plywood walls in a garage is great because you can hang anything anywhere without worrying about studs.

A lot of houses built in the 50's and 60's in the US have it.
Open circuits, open circuits everywhere.

At least we have the resources... If you want to get into waste issues.. Why don't we get rid of all the places that contribute nothing to the modern world like the UK?

Yeah there's a lot of old ass houses but they can be a massive pain in the ass. In Canukistan most house insurance places won't touch you with a sub 100amp service and aluminium wiring is a big fuck no.

A fuckload of 90's houses here are being completely gutted and re-done and a lot of the older houses are being bulldozed and replaced with infills or townhomes.

>2 CGT
Investment, they sit there appreciating while the rest crash
>3 430s
They're 360s and two of them look like race cars. One for the street and two different race classes. That's probably why.

lmao, the face expressions in the background

and with regular maintnence, any house can do so.

The worst water damage in my house was frost expansion in the brick and mortar section.


Does he nap under the car?

>make the house out of pressed wood
>make the "wood" exterior siding out of vinyl
The absolute irony of it. Also roofs made of asphalt slabs and driveways just poured in concrete are exemplary for Americans. Everything as cheap as possible. Learn to higher quality materials for God's sake.


The only American car from the last 30 years that rich people care about is the Ferd GT.

T. Eurocuck

Drywall in your own house > brick in multi-family home/apartment

>you will never own a Kensington mews, with living space on top and your carfu in a cosy garage below, ready to tear up central London's streets at night

>lifts are garbage
Maybe if you're a fucking faggot who doesn't even wrench in his own vehicles.

Fuck off, manlet.

>ready to tear up central London's streets at night
kebab pls go

In awe of the quality parking.

>drive in garage
>can't get out of car because garage is too narrow

Isn't PVC better than abs?

it opens into the living space on the inside dumbass


They're 360s, you utter newfag.

i almost bought one of these

Why is this thread Porsche General?

Not in my opinion.
PVC gets old and brittle, it's also more effected by the cold than ABS.
The reason people don't like ABS is because it warps, but I've never seen a house plumbed in ABS end up with a crack at a joint. PVC ends up with cracked joints all the time, and when you've got to tear out 3 stories of drywall and replace the hard wood, and sometimes the subfloors, I don't see any reason to use PVC other than it's what you're connecting to. Even in a house 20 years old if you try to cut existing PVC with shears you'll shatter it.

ABS requires no primer, ABS can be glued wet, ABS can be "fixed" with Styrofoam and glue. ABS is lighter, ABS doesn't push when glueing, ABS glue doesn't strain and ruin.

You have to be careful when glueing up PVC to not over glue, any glue sitting around the edges of a joint will weaken the pipe considerably. Never apply glue to the seam after you've pushed them together.

the answer is literally in this thread

Zero work has ever been done in that "garage".
What a waste...

That garage door costs more than your car.

and twice as much as yours


Sure does. Dank burn dude. I've never been shy about how cheap and hooped my cars are.


people get visibly butflustered when i tell them i store my fast as fuck car in a garage like 90% of the time

Cozy garages and porsches just kinda go together too. It's like an anal retention trait

Here's an uncozy garage

Notice, no porsche in that garage. Here's a classic

And here's another uncozy one. Again, no porsche = uncozy. It's science

that's wild. your underhood mat is absolutely fucking mint. I thought it was a fiberglass casting at first.

That's fucking depressing.