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>those PotGs where Widow misses almost every shot

Is there something more embarrassing?

Here comes T.Racer!

Playing Widow at all is embarrassing,.




>oh I haven't played comp all week
>this is what I get

I fucking hate this bracket

>people playing all heroes mode on expert and legendary

Dubs decides my next golden gun

So far I have McCree, Zenyatta and Sombra

Saving up for Doomfist is an option

What does the T stand for? What is her first name?


>tfw you get potg as ana and it's just getting an assist on an luring pharah and sleepdarting a lucio

Into English is hard.

> Not even 50% at the first hack

ulting pharah don't bully me please

what the fuck is this? lena and amelie were friends before overwatch, they met as tracer and widow on a rooftop, tracer hesitated and widow shot her, and then the aftermath?

>It hasn't even moved yet.

Delet this


I hate this games fanbase.

your cries fall on deaf ears and blind eyes, nigger


How do I get Veeky Forums to gift me Overwatch

Are there even dubs on this board?

Reminder, literally every hero is gay.

I'd rather you not post this, thank you!

It stands for The best girl!


Be a QT Grill, Post tits a lot, beg,.

>high nooning a distant full HP Roadhog
>the circle on him is getting smaller
>suddenly starts getting bigger again

what in the everloving fuck

Sombra online.

Eh, a Hanzo with gold elims and on the objective isn't in the wrong.

Were around when the Tracer butt, Tracer is lesbian, and the Genji/Mercy happened?

Inb4 Mercy wasn't part of that process so that Chu's ship is even more guiltfree

Is Sombra best girl?

why is ana so smug

Amélie must be saved.

>have Talon skin but still no Lacroix icon
>have Purple Bastion, Nullmari, Null Sector, Mercy, Rein, Torb and Blackwatch icons
Jeff pls.

She knows you want to fuck her.

those lines are straight up pathetic
i get it, lore is not a priority, but delivering it in such a way is just sad

Post your OC heroes, I know you got one. Here's my shitty OC

>Female Junker hero, still thinking of a name
>Main weapon is a makeshift gatling LMG, higher damage per shot than soldier's rifle but slower rate of fire and projectile speed, 50 round magazines
>Alt fire is higher rate of fire and much higher spread, lower damage
>Shift or hold down space is slide, character has to run forward or drop down to build up a momentum meter so she can activate slide for a speed boost and lower profile. She can't turn while sliding but she can fire in any direction. Accuracy is slightly reduced while sliding
>E is a sticky grenade that does 100 damage when directly stuck on someone, if it kills them it causes an even bigger explosion to damage any nearby enemies
>Ult makes her pull a lawnmower cord on her gun, causing the gatling barrel to spin so fast that for 10 seconds she fires essentially molten lead. The range on this is either equal to or slightly less than Zarya's laser, and does 100 damage per second

This is probably some incredibly poorly balanced shit but whatever

I guess, but he was still really mad

I wonder, have they solved piracy in overwatchs future or do the agents occasionally watch bootleg holovids during downtime?

> Everyone is Purple Bastion Now

> Keep getting confused in PvE

This skin needs to be banned from the Robot Murder Simulator.


Well, Mercy really wasn't?

People just head canoned that she was the one that made him a cyborg because reasons. Same shit as to why people think Mercy made Reaper when Swiss HQ blew up when he's been around longer than that.

>collaborating with omnic scum at all
day of the rope, user

Just got into ranked this season again, was one win away from Diamond and now I'm 2813.
Does co-op make it easier to win? I don't really have any friends.

The little bits on the skins are really just summaries of the bios the characters have. Very few skins add anything new.

100 dps is actually really bad

>people i trashtalk: skill < ego
>people i tell they are good players: skill > ego
>me: skill = ego


I figure while she didn't turn him into a cyborg she was still part of the process because she's still the head of the medical department of Overwatch

Well I did say it was poorly balanced, but I didn't want to make an OC with an ult that did a bajillion damage a second because its so cool and stuff


are NRG stronger now mendo has replaced seagull?

>Hanzo believed that he had killed his brother, but Genji was rescued by Overwatch and the intervention of Dr. Angela Ziegler. The global security force saw Genji as a potential asset in its ongoing operations to combat the Shimada clan. As Genji's injuries left him clinging to life, Overwatch offered to rebuild his body in exchange for his help. He was put through an extensive process of cyberization, which enhanced his natural speed and agility and augmented his superlative ninja skills. Transformed into a living weapon, Genji single-mindedly set about the task of dismantling his family's criminal empire.

So Mercy saved him from death. But turning him into a cyborg wasn't done by her.

The most was probably keeping him alive after the Hanzo shit that went down then nursing him but that's really it.

Cyberization seems more like Torbjorn's field what with his machines and all.

Like Junker D.Va skins tell us, that mech fights is popular form of entertainment in Junkertown. That could mean, that D.Va went there and decided to participate in it. D.Va with Junk/Road animated short when?

>Reaper bio state he's been around for decades
>Swiss HQ blew up six years ago from the game's current time

Why the fuck do people fail so hard at the uprising event? I constantly find myself having to go rein and tracer simply because basic concepts like spamming blink, saving earthshatter for bastions, and shooting the arms off the eradicators are apparently skills only a top 500 player can do.

Everyone else seems to shove a finger up their ass and run around like a chicken going WOLOLOLOLOL and completely forget how to play the game, and then wonder why we lose.

And no, I'm not a top 500 player,
i'm just trying to emphasize how retarded people are being on expert/legendary


How are Bleufags coping with the fact that the best Bleu skin doesn't even make her blue?

do you even play this game?
every mode, every day it's the same, as you put it:
>Everyone else seems to shove a finger up their ass and run around like a chicken going WOLOLOLOLOL and completely forget how to play the game, and then wonder why we lose.
this is how ranked and qp is as well.

I like her better when not blue.
I'm more interested in her character and backstory. Her smug frenchness and tragic life.
I really want to see her and Gérard in a comic.

>There are people that still aren't top 500
Might as well just uninstall.

So tell me where it specifically says that Mercy DID NOT turn him into a cyborg.

The very sentence it's said.

I would like to see it for myself user.

They're questioning their existence?


>there are people that still take competitive seriously

Reaper being around for longer was added later. Mercy clearly not being responsible for Genji being a cyborg was obvious since day 1. Nanobiology is her thing, but Genji is a cyborg. It's not her area of
I still don't get it how that Reaper thing works since he clearly doesn't like his current condition, it doesn't look like he can just go back to normal and he emits smoke all the time, so, someone would notice that something is wrong.
I don't think Torb is responsible either. Genji doesn't say anything about him and Torb's stuff is blockier than Genji's exoskeleton. Plus turning him into a cyborg would require more than a good engineer since humans are much more delicate than machines.

Defense hero called Dust. She manipulates sand and dirt because reasons. Not a Junker, but she probably ends up hanging out with them if they cross paths because she wants that trashmouse D.
>main fire is just a sawed-off shotgun that fires gravel
>alt fire unloads all remaining ammo in one shot for extra damage
>shift is Pocket Sand, inflicts blindness for a few seconds (basically just blurs the screen)
>E creates a dust storm similar to Mei's ice wall, lasts about the same amount of time, can be walked through but doing it inflicts blindness and does DOT
>ult is a radial blast of sand and rocks that's centered on her, anyone in range is blinded and takes damage
>passive is an oxygen mask, she takes half damage from DOT

I just want a pyromancer hero mang.

All abilities based on fire.

Like a reverse Mei.

look at
Mercy isnt a cyberneticist.

Not to mention his bio only states that her intervention saved his lfie not turned him intoa cyborg.

What are some skins you would like to see in the future?

Pic related

>Mercy is a medical doctor
>Blackwatch skin specifies cyberneticists
Don't be daft, m8.

Maybe some rehab, but that's it.
So it's pretty much a given that Genji wouldn't really resent her.

Voiced by Grey DeLisle?

Not with that attitude. Just hammer that gook until he transforms into Gray Fox. And if you Molten Core his ass, he becomes Raiden.

The thing about Reaper being around for decades was always there. It wasn't until recently that Chu said that it was done on purpose and he also came out and said that he didn't know where people got the idea that Mercy was responsible for making Reaper.

He even talks about that one line that people said they've heard but there was nothing.

That's not console


Never happening m8. Too different of a hitbox.


take in the truth, /owg/.

Oh hey, you still post here.

You play anything else or is shitposting just a hobby

>Mercy clearly not being responsible for Genji being a cyborg was obvious since day 1.
You're talking about a game where people that don't even play think everyone's gay and make these elaborate head-canons and somehow got these head-canons were taken as fact.

And a game where people ignore stuff to support their own ideas.


>And if you Molten Core his ass, he becomes Raiden.
Lewd. But Mercy approved.

>Being upset that there are still white French people in the future
Hey, guess your assimilation plan didn't work out nigga, stop cryin'

I wonder how that whole thing with the non-existent line started. Did everyone just take it without proof before it grew into MGS-tier crap (forgot the real term for it) or what? I can see why it spread easily, but i don't understand how it started.

We can do better.

wait what
what made him spooky ghost person then

>mfw potg with ana
>miss sleeping target 3 times

I like the new skin though. The last was Tricolor which was ages ago.

Fake posted line on reddit that was mentioned as fake, social media via tumblr and twitter spread it around, and it grew from there, from all the back tracking I did about it. I don't know the exact way.

Meh Id say that curve is off. people at 4k are what most people would call "good" (even people at 3500+), "decent" doesn't seem like a fair description. Especially since our graph shows players at high 2900 basically on par with players at 3600 in skill level, which is obviously not the case.

I get what you're trying to illustrate with that graph, and to an extent it's true, i just think the labeling on the Y axis is off

I love the smug in all her forms

Holy shit, what the fuck did Hanzo do with Genji? If he regrets killing his brother, why the fuck did he go full on Mortal Kombat on that poor bastard? An arrow to his head would be enough.

Jack shooting him to shit most likely and Talon using stolen nanotech to revive him

this skin does things to me
we need more widow midriff