Of course something had to be done about the whites, but was the massacre justified? Couldn't he just have sent them back to France?
Of course something had to be done about the whites, but was the massacre justified...
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They were slaves ofwhite people, It's normal if they want to kill them
He was a nigger. He was incapable of such thought.
t. Blacks 200 years ago in Hispaniola/ Decades ago in South Africa and Zimbabwe.
Currently Haiti is the worst country in the Western Hemisphere as literally anything savage you can imagine happens there, haitian migrants are also so cancerous that even american niggers hate them in Florida.
It was necessary. Whites are subhuman neanderthals who do not deserve to own a race as superior as ours.
We were building the pyramids while Albino neanderthals were fucking their sister's in a cave.
The only reason white countries are so great is because of the labor of black men. This is proven time and time again.
White people are so upset that they've never actually done anything that they have to fabricate history to make it seem like they did.
They should have sold them to the Ottoman empire.
Maybe then as timar slaves the french would actually grow a backbone.
Blacks are deranged savages they look for any opportunity to mass murder for fun look at all of these "conflicts" in Africa no those arent conflicts those are blacks being violent savages having fun killing people, they do the same thing in America with their "gangs" really just tribes by another name.
French were the issue not white people.
German and Polish people were given rights, freedoms and protections while the french were justly treated as they treated enslaved men, women and children
We were building Pyramids while Albino neanderthals were killing each other in Europe and living in caves. It wasn't till you albino subhumans enslaved us that we became this way.
at least our sisters are attractive lol
lol albinos are hardly attractive. Keep dreaming cumskin.
That's false
All whites were massacred, Brits and Spaniards included
The Poles only arrived much later to supress the rebellion
then why do you barbaric coons keep wanting to rape them?
>muh farm attacks
They want us superior black men. Not the other way around.
We built way more than just in Sudan.
It was justified imo, and I say this as a white man.
How can people be so self hating?
Well I don't think it was justified, mass killings never are. But it was understandable yes, I wager anyone would act like they did given the circumstances.
Because he has been awoken to the truth about his subhuman race.
>he has been woke and shiet
It's strictly a white people phenomenon.
Other races actually have a backbone without feeling bad for filthy balkan gyppos or ficki ficki arabs.
the fuck you on about cumskin
Arabs and Turks are an inferior race who shit around in the desert while black Egyptians and Greeks were actually advancing stuff.
>implying I will argue with a zenci like your average easily triggered white man
>start revolution
>kill whitey
>re-enslave his people as plantation workers
I've literally never been to this board before and this retard is the first poster I read. Seriously, you need to calm down and stop getting so defensive about your race. It's pathetic to read, man. Go outside.
>melanin warrior
He is memeing you, son.
>Of course something had to be done about the whites
Of course, white people ruin everything. Just look at the shithole that is French Guiana! Truly it's backwards and impoverished, nothing like glorious Haiti.
>but was the massacre justified?
It's just black people chimping out.
As a black guy myself, I can't get around the fact that black people simply cannot run governments. There has never been such a thing as a succesful black country precisly for that reason.
Let's also not forget that this "slave revolt" simply resulted in the mixed Haitians enslaving the black Haitians in a system much more cruel and much more exploitative than it was under the French, who at least had the Code Noir codifying punishments and stipulating certain rights.
Seriously, how the FUCK do you go from producing half of all the coffee and sugar on the fucking planet (not even an exaggeration) to becoming the poorest country on the Western Hemisphere? This shit makes me ashamed to be black.
>how the FUCK do you go from producing half of all the coffee and sugar on the fucking planet (not even an exaggeration) to becoming the poorest country on the Western Hemisphere?
This is actually pretty common. Look at Venezuela, Angola, and other resource rich countries. They're usually really shitty.
Once again, the eternal anglo is at fault for this heinous crime against the civil order.
>is the massacre justified
Not really, but neither is slavery in hindsight.
Clearly since Haiti is an absolute shithole things probably would have worked out better had they not killed everyone, but I cannot really blame them.
Technically speaking though a lot did make it back to france. Plenty of Whites and Mullatos were able to flee to Louisiana or back to France before the violence escalated to "kill all who are not enslaved blacks" levels.
if you were so great then how were you enslaved?
Since when does /pol/ not have the flags????
Different cultures
Because the Albino barbarians needed help from the arabs. It took pretty much every race on Earth to bring us down.
Even after our empires collapsed and we were no longer kings, but slaves, the barbaric albinos couldn't invent anything themselves and could only steal what we had made. They are sooooo mad that they have no history they even fabricate evidence that says THEY were the Egyptians that says THEY were the Romans that says THEY were the Greeks. When in reality, those were all black civilizations.
>we built the pyramids
>Egyptians were black
i don't blame them for wanting revenge.
The Egyptians were indeed black
How about you post an actual argument.
Nice shitty mud building its nothing compared to the earliest european architecture in Crete Island.
>arabs inferior
Thats no way to talk to your masters nigger.
The Minoans were black which explains why their structures were so advanced compared to the neanderthal subhumans living in caves
Arabs are an inferior race. They were only able to enslave us with the help of white people.
>real history not real history
Literally just a jerk off how great black people are site. Please dont use fake history.
Arabs enslaved your asses long before we knew you even existed nigger.
>Arabs and Turks are an inferior race
You know what we used to do "melanin warriors" like you? We systematically castrated your kind - sold by other niggers.
The arab slave trades were dealing with a lot more volume that the european ones. Even to this day, blacks (or should I say niggers?) are still considered as the low life scum they are. You are still slaves, in 2016.
wait a sec are you the same shitposter from leftypol who kept wanting the last word?
It is real history. Most "real" history is fabricated by white historians/archaeologists. They know whites have no real accomplishments so they have to fabricate them and steal them from the ancient black civilizations.
>They know whites have no real accomplishments so they have to fabricate them and steal them from the ancient black civilizations.
Please stop stretching this hard. We arent even talking about whites but they definitely arent black.
Those were black men, not Arabs.
We are slaves now but more and more of us are waking up everyday to the fact that most of history was fabricated by white people and we are actually responsible for most of the advancements of the human race.
who the fuck is leftypol? Some kind of leftist offshoot of /pol/? I am personally not a leftist. I think fascism is the best thing for the black race.
The israelites were black
Arabs and whites often work together in the oppression of melanin people.
No it was arabs you fucking retard
>Arabs and whites often work together in the oppression of melanin people.
Every human has melanin in it you goddamn retard only niggers have high concentrations of it.
That high concentration of melanin is what makes us superior to other races. It's what makes us stronger, resistant to heat and smarter.
If any of you "African" Americans come to Egypt peddling that 'We Wuz Kangz' shit you'll get a very nasty shock. While you sit in safe, first world nations filled with over tolerant, naive white people you're free to spout this shit, but try it in actual Egypt, please.
Oh, okay. It's a trollposter trip.
The Egyptians living in Egypt today are Arab invaders and not the original black Egyptians.
Memes aside, massacres are never justified.
Also shit would have gone a lot better if the French hadn't gone and killed Toussaint. They killed the reasonable one which allowed a monster to take his place.
>The Egyptians living in Egypt today are Arab rapebabies
Melanin is just a skin pigment you fucktard.
Yep, this shit would've gone a lot better if they didn't kill a traitor who wanted independence from even the Republican government that had just abolished slavery.
Even if Toussaint was a halfway decent leader, his successor would inevitably have fucked up. That's what happens when blacks rule themselves. All of this could've been avoided if Toussaint remained loyal to those who paid his salary and didn't fucking bit the hand that fed him like niggers often do.
The arabs genocided the original black inhabitants of Egypt before settling there. Tons of refugees fled to Sudan.
little Albino is butthurt he doesn't have any melanin :(
Tell that to a 19-18 century '''''''scientist''''''''
Yes we have melanin a small amount its the reason we dont have the same coloration as albinos you fucking idiot.
>what is vitamin D synthesis
WE WUZ EGYPTIANS t. white people
White people also have leprosy
No negro you are a sun burned monkey while we are evolved humans.
>samefagging this hard
White people are subhuman and without melanin making them sickly and more prone to diseases.
>9001 hours in mspaint
Yes negro the race that has suffered the most from disease has any right to call us the diseased ones ,Ebola and AIDS is still fucking you up subhuman.
Ebola and AIDs are white created diseases made to kill us off. WE are so superior the albinos actually had to MAKE a disease to kill us. Pathetic.
annual reminder that the only people in the world with natural immunity to HIV are Northern European.
thread theme:
Ebola came from eating bat bushmeat in West Africa you stupid fucking nigger, where as AIDS came from niggers being sexual with chimps that had AIDS.
Further proof Albinos just made them to kill us.
Those are white fabricated lies.
If they can fabricate history, they can fabricate that too.
>as in sickle cell disease
this is really high quality bait user, the subconscious triggering and grounded simplicity is top notch.
>came from niggers being sexual with chimps that had AIDS
actually HIV came from hunting bushmeat monkeys
some idiot cut himself and then proceeded to dig his hands around inside the monkey carcass to get the guts out
>proof Albinos just made them to kill us
Not proof, but a fortuitous coincidence never the less that at least one small human group is safe.
Kills Italians, Chinese, and Arabs just as well as anyone else.
There is 0 proof to prove this. On the contrary there is proof of Eygptians when the are black and when they arent. Sub-Saharan Africans are black not on the coast. Jesus fucking christ being this delusional.
All african history was recorded by us because blacks are so subhuman they couldnt conceptualize making a visual way to detail their existence at all. You have no history beyond the same as the first humans a bunch of marauding savage walking apes.
It was a short sited move but with what was going on the ground it was not completely unreasonable. We do have the advantage of foresight but remember Haiti didn't know if the French were gonna come back and having a large segment of the population that is completely disloyal to you is not a recipe for success in battle. I mean the Haitiansame did wind up paying France not to invade later. That being said it turn them into an international pariah and ruined any slim chance they had of finding normal diplomatic relationships with any country. I mean you could argue they are still feeling the consequences of that action to this day
The only "proof" you have is from white historians KNOWN for fabricating history.
We had records but you barbaric cumskins destroyed them.
Eygptian hyroglyfs and script are white propaganda.
>Literally justifying genocide
Get fucked John Green.
Any Egyptian Hieroglyph mentioning race is almost certainly a white fabrication. This has been confirmed many times.
all proof for African history can actually be found in the Japanese documentary neon genesis evangelion.
We cant even read hieroglyphs fluently yet you claim we made them.
You have no such records period we dont gain anything destroying your nonexistent history we didnt give a shit if you had history we would still teach the world that you were worthless subhumans.
Whites are mad that they have no history or they don't want us to know our true history so they fabricate shit.
Not hard to see.
>We cant even read hieroglyphs
>Blacks are mad that they have no history or they don't know their true history so they fabricate shit.
>have no history
You are joking right?
Of course. You just stole black man's history and claim it's yours. You are albino apes with no higher melanin system.
Other way around cumskin.
Pretty much everything whites claim is their history are actually from ancient black empires. In reality they were subhuman neanderthals fucking their sisters in caves.
>who needs dopamine anyways