Is anyone here doing their dream job? As in doing something you always dreamed of doing, and are happy doing it

Is anyone here doing their dream job? As in doing something you always dreamed of doing, and are happy doing it.


Well, I wagecuck on a shitty assembly line, but I can shitpost on Veeky Forums all night at work.

Does that count?

I always wanted to be a pornstar and cuck my fans while they watch me fuck beautiful women.

Never happened.
I live as a wagecuck.

Software developer.

I've wanted to do this since I was seven or eight. Love my job.

67k for 35 hour weeks isn't half bad.

I work in data science.

It's incredibly fulfilling, and the firm I work for treats people well.

I'm a mover.

Though it's not my dream job, It has helped me achieved my dream bod.

U a good looking dude with a good body

Your picture is gay as fuck, but you know that.

Hey Canada!

I know :^)

How did you guess?

Sure am. Those knee pads that all the kind people here reccomended me have really paid off.

Nice tits

Jimmy? I didn't know you shit posted on Veeky Forums.

Yes I did OP.

>Work 85 day a year
>4-6 day weekends
>Cadillac benefits
>Morally rewarding work.

I will never be Kanye rich, but I don't have to worry about food on the table.

I trade whatever I see profit in.
Stocks, futures, cars, you name it.
I already retired, so it's no stress, and I can always switch to something else if I get bored.

I didn't guess. Something tells me you are the kind of guy to go workout after work while everyone else goes for a drink. That isn't just from being a mover.

Same here. Enjoying my work 24/7 and I'm not the type that surf the web while at work. I actually prefer a heavy schedule.


I've seen you posting on either Veeky Forums or Veeky Forums few months ago, hi

You're absolutely right, were you a mover yourself? I'll hit the gym after work instead of the liquor store like my coworkers.

Teehee don't hit on me u silly boiz :3

And Veeky Forums aswell

You didn't guess? how did you know that I'm from Canada and my routine? lol

I like your body type. What is your routine and diet and how tall are you/your weight?

Not yet I'm currently a consultant in Supply Chain, pay and job are great. But the management and collegue are only "okay". Their only dream is to make partner.
I just like meeting new companies and people. Once I have saved up enough, I will switch to teaching part-time and open up a gym, maybe some franchisee retail stores or restaurants.

Yes and everyone is nagging me to get a "real" job.

Nice roid gut fag

Nice pic about to go get that fresh fade

idk i dreamed of being a professional athlete, but after high school i always pictured myself ending up in a really easy office job where i could choose my schedule/projects/priorities.

for the last 3 years i've been at various easy office jobs doing whatever i wanted because i was the only one who knew how to use excel and/or had technical writing skills. in the pharmaceutical industry less than 1% of the staff has any experience with computers, so now i program random things and people think i'm a god so they never bug me when i just read books or sit on the internet all day for months.

still limited by how long i've been an employee to get a good enough salary to travel, but i support myself and my wife and i'm happy with my career most of all in life.

When I was a degenerate teen I dreamed of growing pot as good as the buds I seen in high times. Now I'm a 3 time cannabis cup winner.

Any similar haircuts to that?

only autists like those can enjoy boring everyday jobs

I know you're Canadian because only Canadians can afford Tommy Hilfiger

29$ Shirt in Canada retails for like 79 euros or 80+$USD

>experience with computers,

Holy shit. 99% of people have never used a computer? Wtf do they do in their life?


I had the same fantasy, And the physical requirements to boot.

But I heard from multiple sources that doing pornos is not fun and can damage your life.

>U a good looking dude with a good body
the second half is true