/owg/ - Overwatch General

>Official Uprising website

>When does the event end?
May 1st.

>New Comic:

>Event video

>Story video

>Developer update video

>Live Patch Notes

>Overwatch Dev Tracker


>Convert source mouse sensitivity

>Stats and Leaderboards

>Competitive Info


Other urls found in this thread:



Turns out Ana isn't even needed to get the job done.



Don't mind me just posting a canon ship.


>that guy who swaps off Lucio to junkrat on koth

>I must be the luckiest man in the world

Post BIG 3

Was he the only healer?
He fucked up.
You must've been fucking up pretty badly.

This thread belongs to Strike Commander Winston and Captain Oxton!

Le sad blueberry

/owg/ - the biggest joke on Veeky Forums

>filled with "hey guys what do you think about this hero idea?"
>" fixed?"
>retarded fan theories
>fags jerking each other off to fanfic pictures

I'm just here to remind you that you're a fucking JOKE.



>people who refuse to play the meta on expert+ uprising

These fucking people, there's literally a casual babby mode designed for special snowflakes. Fuck off.

t. "i'm master no proof trust me lol ur the shitty ones kek xD"

>Complaining about Genji

Just pick Winston my dudes
The hero is already really strong, the fact you counter a strong meta dps hero is even better

yes, that mode is called "all heroes"

Did they buff winston recently?

>all heroes shitter complains about other shitters

Post the rarest character Play of the Matches.

Hey, you guys had your fun, but you fucked it all up.

whats the meta?
just so i know for sure.

>Overwatch has been crashing on me every now and then
>think my graphics card is dying
>turns out the game files really did need to be repaired


orisa/bastion/zen/rein or replace orisa with torbjorn

They fucked up something the other day and patched it yesterday.
There was huge fps drops.

>still can't mixmatch skins and weapons

I see. Everyone keeps picking junkrat for some reason so I just wanted to make sure I was on the right track.

No wonder I felt so at home coming from /d2g/

>4 stack vs 4 stack
>3 diamonds and a plat on opposing team
>2 golds and 2 plats on mine

Fuck weekend Overwatch

>be ana main in gold last season
>get railed by the ranking system and a string of chucklefucks
>place in low silver
>constant dive comps with players who can't coordinate for shit
>constantly inability to group up for a push
>constant lone wolves who hate their healers
>THOSE reins
>constant toxicity
>blizzard takes a shit on healer mains even when their win ratio good.

How do I escape this hell...

>all heroes
>you can only play these heroes

Fucking leaguebabbs and their metaslaving

>Rehashed OP image.
>No edition name or tagline.

Barrier cooldown starts on use, rather than when barrier expires
Its actually a massive boost to his shield uptime

It just scared me is all. I really don't want to have to replace it yet but its really starting to get to be that time when I'll have no choice.

> I can now delete you from my memory!
What did she mean by this?

>me ooga
>team booga

if you can get top scores with 4 healers go ahead

The bottom line is that certain combinations are more efficient than others. That's a reality you're going to have to face, bronze.

I'm so glad Orisa got the Null Sector skin. It makes her playable for me.

I want to grab Tracer's crotch

That's some spaghetti aim my dude

Wheres the elo range where hardly anyone plays as Defense heroes?

All heroes is the joke mode.

Genji should get a Kamen Rider inspired skin


At no rank should you be maining a healer to rank up unless one of two things is true:

A. You're stacking with teammates you know to perform well so you trust them

Or B. That healers name is Zenyatta and you're getting a damage medal every game

I mean, Anas ultimate literally does nothing for herself. Why would you main a hero whos ult relies on the abiltiies of someone in silver to do well?

I got one once just for pulling two people off a cliff and finishing off a lucio


any tips on uprising legendary?
i want the spray

>Rehashed OP image.
Not unless somebody else copied and reused my image for a thread that I missed from start to finish. If we're going super autistic on this, the last OP that I know of that used an Alt+Z PNG screenshot of Combat Medic Ziegler was from the character select screen on Ilios. This image is her from the main menu with the event background.
>No edition name or tagline.
Editions and shit are for faggots.

Don't bother if you're solo.

Every rank because defense heroes are the joke subcategory according to blizz

git gud
Ignore the bombs and let reinhardt soak them
last phase just stay behind rein and kill the tank bastions as fast as you can, good luck

Look up a successful run on Youtube and watch what they do.

This isn't Destiny and you're not going to "world first" the raid or some shit, so you might as well just see what better players have already figured out.

>Captain Oxton

when the fuck did that happen

If you're competent and on NA come do it with me. Would prefer at least masters but I guess diamonds will do.


I can sweep fine on pharah and I pick her whenever I can, but she get's counterpicked easily and at this level solo heal and solo tank are near constant so unless I want the whole team to wipe I need to at least attempt to prop it up. It isn't an issue of ranking up it's an issue of not plummeting even further.

Overwatch is extremely popular, new fan art comes by the dozens every day. So why post rehashed pictures?

And if you hate "editions and shit", please don't make another OP ever again.


Now I desire Steak 'n' Shake.

The enemy had a Tracer and Sombra who'd been hounding me all match, I was a bit jumpy at that point expecting them to come at me from behind for the fifteenth time. The Halt! I tossed out managed to grab most of the enemy team and group them up for the slaughter.

>Overwatch is extremely popular, new fan art comes by the dozens every day. So why post rehashed pictures?
Most of the fan art is degenerate crap

Blizzard fucked the servers again game is stuck on awaiting update.

Orisa was a mistake, we should remove her from the game.

I manage to find some great shit now and then.


Is playing DPS Mercy in Uprising a reportable offense?

Few things are more satisfying than using a Halt! to yank people off cliffs/into pits and pulling up the enemy Rein so ours can Earthshatter.


I imagine reaper would be like garou from OPM and be nice to little kids so he would just avoid orisa.

I'm a pussy and this image upset me momentarily

Nothing wrong with the guardian spirit centaur. We'll get Doomfist soon enough.

why would this spray be in the game

it's a sad keepsake, I can't think of any situation where you would use a spray where you would want to use that

Heres hoping doomfist is a sexy woman

yeah "Poor Teamwork"

you can play blaster mercy 90% of the time in normal difficulty honestly

what is this a reference to?

>Overwatch is extremely popular, new fan art comes by the dozens every day.
Weirdly enough, the fan art seems more trite and rehashed to me now. I feel like I've already seen all of that fan art in the posts in each /owg/ thread.
Plus, in-game screenshots like this are instantly recognizable to people scrolling through the front page or the catalogue, which to me is the point of an OP image, to catch the eye and effectively let people know what the thread is about.
But I get that this is personal taste. You like flair and I like organization.

>So why post rehashed pictures?
This specific one's not been used before for an OP, been over this.

>And if you hate "editions and shit", please don't make another OP ever again.
I don't know what other generals you come from or what traditions they have, but not everybody on this board feels the same way and likes that stupid stuff.


I know and I'm sorry.

Not if they're any good at Mercy.
If your healer has to pick up your slack, you're the one fucking up.

so i want more campaign co-op events but now i'm trying to think of how you could rationalize another team that compliments each other in gameplay working with each other

the talon dudes have no healer for instance, maybe you could put in sombra and have her "healing" be hacking healthkits

Be my friend and play comp with me /owg/

Support / Tank main at 2.6k on NA

Bnet - Mollywhoppin#1159

i want to know what tracer's lewd smell is like

>Sombra pulls some dirt on Lucio
>has to pull a few jobs with them otherwise his secrets go public

boom, done

Hit me with your best Dva art senpai

Wew Laddie


Fuck off, Jeff

>social perpetually cheery activist working with violent murdering terrorists
i can't buy it mate

>implying Lucio has any dirt


He's brazilian, all they have is dirt

Is there any way to severely cheese the Uprising Legendary achievement?

I know about the no enemy glitch for the payload pushing, but is there anything else? Specifically for the last part?

He's clean.

That's literally it. Nothing else.



I don't know why you feel that even new fan art is "trite and rehashed", but sure, I agree about the purpose of the OP image. And obviously the one up there right now is better than some of the totally random ones we've had occasionally.

Still, I feel it is a big missed opportunity to NOT use new images. I mean, I know I used a similar Mercy pic like in the OP right when Uprising was released. That makes me say it is rehashed, even if my version had the HUD visible, IIRC.

As for edition names and taglines, they make every thread feel unique. Kinda like we had a proper lineage and community here. It also makes easier to view OP posts from archives too.
