/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General

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> Engines
GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Unity: unity3d.com
UE4: unrealengine.com
Godot: godotengine.org
LÖVE: love2d.org
Construct 2: scirra.com/construct2
Your Own Engine: I don't know, google it

> Free Models, Art, Textures, and Sprites

> Free Audio

> Chats
IRC: webchat.freenode.net/?channels=vidyadev
Discord: discord.gg/invite/0g6DnnHCw7KsRvNA

> WebM Resources
OBS: obsproject.com
Webm for Cirnos: gitgud.io/nixx/WebMConverter


Other urls found in this thread:



I'm not memeing.

What is honestly the best language and tool to start making a really simple 2D engine in?
Or is making an engine not even worth it anymore despite the great reuse benefits?

Fuck you if you think there is no "best"

I want to put this girl in my game and give her all the same incompetence and self-loathing that each of us feels every day

>WebM Resources
mah nigga

Why would you make an engine?
If you want to make a game then make a game.

Because making an engine is like making a game and making an engine

But making a game is like making a game


Amazing that image is so crisp considering all the use its gotten over the years


2D engines are so easy that they literally take less time to build than it would take to get used to an existing 2D engine. The same is not true in 3D.

>didn't put the lolijam again

This. 3D is very hard to get working well, but 2d is piss easy. Everyone should at least make something simple from scratch.

Explain what an engine is if not part of a game? Pretending the engine is something separate to the game itself is stupid.

I would go with C as the language, the GNU/Cygwin/Msys tools to support it, and Notepad++ to write and edit, but that's just me
I'm using love2d currently but no one can agree if that's enginedevving or not
if you want more freedom and less hand-holding than something like Game Maker, I can totally recommend LOVE

I don't remember there being a majority agreement we should have one

There are people who just dev neat features that could be used in any game but they may or may not plan to even ever use, and get stuck in a rut of making neat shit instead of ever pulling it towards making a specific game.

That's a bad thing that should be avoided. Unfortunately due to differing definitions of "engine" people will argue endlessly assuming people are thinking something different.

Expert fizzbuzz programmers, everybody!

There will never be a clear majority agreement. Even with polls, you'll get the underrepresented people making it a major life goal to shitpost until things go their way for the extremely small issue.

One guy hating, you, is the only major problem we have here.

it's fun though

From last thread:

> To get a ray from point A in the direction of point B you can use point A as origin and (pointB - pointA).normalized as the direction.

Then use the x and y components from the direction/ray vector just like you're using input.horizontal and .vertical

Hope that is clear enough now?


What is the point of adding Chats and WebM sections when both are already present in the tools.aggydaggy.com link?

To the user calling bullshit on needing to write your own keyboard class in XNA, you really do. its up to you to keep track of which keys were pressed last frame, for example, so you can detect an initial keydown or keyup. All you get is an array of the currently down keys. Its bananas, but it also makes you a better programmer.


the same point as adding any of it

Theres nothing that indicates that aggydaggy.com has webm instructions on it, and also visiting the link, the page doesn't have anything about webms on it. Its buried.

Considering how important webms are to agdg, if something as niche as blender models gets its own mention, then surely participation tools deserves a section as well.


I see you building that strawman

>one guy hating
Uhhm im pretty sure Veeky Forums as a whole hates pedos? Always has.

The only thing you need is storing old KeyboardState so you can compare it with the current.

KeyboardState newState = Keyboard.GetState();

if(newState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space) && oldState.IsKeyUp(Keys.Space))
// key was pressed this frame
if(newState.IsKeyUp(Keys.Space) && oldState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space))
// key was released this frame
oldState = newState;
What do you need a class for? I mean sure, it makes sense to write tool functions for WasKeyPressed() and WasKeyReleased() so you don't have that bloat right inside your actual input handling and if you WANT you can encapsulate that in a keyboard handler class, but you don't NEED to.

And I mean... I can kinda understand that somebody would find it annoying that you actually have to write those few lines yourself because XNA doesn't have a WasKeyPressed/Released tool function itself unlike most real engines - but that's because it's a pretty straight-forward DirectX wrapper and DirectX doesn't have said tool functions either. And that's code you write ONCE for your first project, then just copypaste it into all other projects. Hardly a reason to bash XNA as being "too complicated for prototyping" or whatever you were implying.

>And that's code you write ONCE for your first project, then just copypaste it into all other projects
What if one project has spacebar being jump, but the next project has spacebar being attack?

So fucking what? That's not the point at all.

Your little copypasting trick wouldn't work.

>XNA is good for prototyping because you only have to write extremely basic functionality once!

XNA has "everything" you need for quick prototyping. Are you seriously complaining because it's necessary to remember old input states for keyboard and mouse yourself? XNA is a wrapper, not an engine.

>XNA has "everything" you need for quick prototyping
Yeah except mouse clicks

>Yeah except mouse clicks
>I'm going to make an entire game without writing my own input class.

How do you expect to implement custom controls without this? The pressed/released functionality is like 4 lines of code...

By using an engine that actually implements it properly and allows it to be easily modified in case my game needs something different.

>"hey bro I have an idea for a videogame!"
>"hella sweet, lets start prototyping it!"
because you have to write your own GUI

Opinions on this lighting setup? I'm not sure if the area outside of the sunlit area is too dark or not

>Unity babies cant imagine writing their own libraries

It's like you think this is engine deving... I don't even use XNA but making shit in it is just as trivial as unity. Even more trivial if you aren't used to using editors.

Linking the music strawpoll again.strawpoll.me/12749022

But I don't want to waste my time making libraries that already exist. Why should I waste my time making a library that already exists?

What game is this for?

Because the style would suit you more than unity.

Tbh if I had more experience with 3D dev when I was using XNA I would have stuck with it. It's kinda pleasure to use. Been using Unity for 2 years and I still end up fighting it more than anything.

Why should you even waste your time deving a game, when so many game already exist?

you make a compelling point

pack it up boys

Because I want to make a game. That's the difference. I enjoy making games, not making libraries or engines.

Working title is Neighborhood Watch. Mech-based survival on a to-scale Earth. So, figure the typical survival/exploration feel.

No no no no no
No existential crises allowed /agdg/ you know better I can't take these.

>makes u pedo LOL
Everyone already told you how much of a fucking idiot you are so I'm just going to reiterate it.

Give up your dreams. Your game idea has been done before, with more budget and quality too.

>Mech-based survival
I'm going to preorder this

How do I get you faggots to reply to my posts when I post my game? You all reply to shitty games and praise them so I see no excuse.

The thread ebbs and flows
Probably you were posting during a high tide of shitposting

Pipe down you histrionic bitch. Posts with obvious flaws, meme posts, and really good posts get (you)s. Everything else gets ignored because people get tired of saying "nice".

First time trying to do arm IKs, how do I straighten it out here?

Why he is rim lit while in shadow?
Skybox is too bright
Shadowed area seems alright if its dusk

Shitty baby games with no effort involved will get dozens of praise though.

Yeah the rimlighting is the biggest problem.

Feel free to follow the development. I post weekly updates to YouTube. Certain geographical entities will spawn rarer mechs with super gear. I'm in between fixing bugs from my last testing build and implementing the moon, world, and the results of the music poll. After that, it's create more parts, distribute to promoters, and put out on early access.

This is where you expect me to ask you for examples so you can vent by shitting on devs whom you believe receive undeserved attention, right?
I'd love to know what your game is but obviously you don't want it associated with your shitposting.

I wanna make game but I dunno what game to make :(


I'm not going to single people out, that would be mean. Just don't understand why they get replies but my stuff goes ignored. It's really getting to me.

sometimes I don't respond to a progress post of all if I can't think of anything to say other than "nice work"

you say "your mother/sister/waifu will die if you don't respond to this post"
of course, that won't get you *relevant* replies
you could also shit on other people's projects when you post, but that won't get you relevant replies except for people shitting on your project

You do realize that spending your time obsessing over the reception other people are getting is irrelevant or actively counterproductive to your ability to generate something worthwhile, yes?

Sorry for being harsh, but your game probably doesn't have anything worth observing or remarking on. That's not necessarily the case, since for example I rarely comment on the spaceship game guy's posts because he seems like he knows what he's doing and doesn't need my advice, but from your attitude I'm guessing that you're more likely someone frustrated with a game that on some level you know is mediocre at best. Address that instead of worrying about replies on some dumb imageboard.

>Certain geographical entities will spawn rarer mechs with super gear

>implementing the moon
nigga what

persona but on mobile and you get stats and dungeons from passing other people streetpass-style

you don't have to walk around to complete dungeons you can do them whenever once you've discovered them

also charge for relationship dialogue

Even a hint of unironic self-aggrandizement is a huge turnoff, devs tend to have to be self deprecating in here

But probably your art is uninteresting. Art is 90% what matters when catching (You)s

...why would you give someone tips on how to be an attention seeking fucktard?

Being near say, a capital city, will cause one of the bosses to spawn. Oceans and large enough bodies of water will spawn a certain boss. That sort of thing

>nigga what
I made the moon reflect the actual phase of the moon in the real world. Just because I can.

add in goog's art for good measure

Lack of attention is what killed Pugs Life

and pugdevs pug

getting replies sucks, it means you fucked up. Nobody comments on stuff that looks ok/good.

It's like dicks in the locker room. As amateurs, we all have small dicks. If some guy posts progress and it's decent, he has a decent sized dick. Maybe not chad sized, but bigger than yours. So you are embarassed. You don't call him out, because he can just laugh at your smaller dick.

But when you see anons with shitty small dicks, smaller than yours, you point and laugh.

That's what it feels like when you get comments here, like everyone has seen your small dick and they're laughing at you

This post reeks of failed normie.

he got plenty of attention in the thread though. he just mistook that for an audience

Had a few days of little progress for various reasons, but back at it.

Added slopes and one way platforms. Still some jittering on the slopes that I need to deal with, but they're functional.


Well, I guess we're one step closer to being back to regular AGDG.

Instead of arguing with lolifags, we're having the 15 millionth edition of Engine Wars.


Wanna argue about tumblr in filenames instead?

why are you talking about libraries, books ain't gamedev

Damn man that's giving me old shockwave game vibes, I like it. But yeah keep it up, it's certainly looking functional.

I'm inspired by your steady progress, user.

>patrolling filenames

From the front it should be as straight as possible and from the side, there should be a slight bend at the elbow.

I'm telling him what not to do if he wants meaningful replies
also shits and giggles

how many choices does a VN need to have to be considered a video game?

Not enough.

All of them

Just slap a minigame in it at some point.

Alright /agdg/

I have a basic idea on what I want to do
I have alright programming experience

How do I art good in a short amount of time?

The choice to have gameplay


Thanks anons!

VNs need to just skip straight to the point and include a rape option with every interaction