/drg/ Danganronpa General

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Previous thread i can't think of an edition so you guys come up with one edition

>/drg/ OP pastebin (just copy it and paste previous thread link)

>DRV3 news pastebin - *Updated 19/3/2017*

>New to DR
pastebin.com/mnduF4qj - Spoiler free guide to enjoy Danganronpa
pastebin.com/MUdQJedT - Indepth gameplay mechanics and infomation

>Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc Steam Page:

>Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Steam Page:

>Danganronpa AE: Ultra Despair Girls is coming to Steam and PS4:

>Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony for PS4, PS Vita, and Steam on September 26th (N. America), and September 29th (Europe)

>DR 1-2 Reload coming to PS4

> DR3 Anime episodes and more

>Kazutaka Kodaka Interviews and more

>DR Manga Scanlations:
>DR Manga Collection (Eng): *You need an account to use Batoto*
bato.to/search?artist_name=Spike Chunsoft

>Download pastebin *contains downloads, art assets, sprites, manga, novels, music, anime, media, charts, and icons.*

Other urls found in this thread:


He's waving hi to you, fresh bread!

Which V3 boys are team "all women are queens"? Which are in team "if she breathe she a thot"?


All women are queens

If she breathe she a thot

Goodnight, guys

V2 game never ever

Sleepy. Guess we're all tired from the bout of activity earlier today.

thank god

I don't think anyone was seriously expecting a game. A light novel, at best.


Fun Fact: Kokada designed the character, backstory, and visuals for Ryoma Hoshi while listening to "Ready to Die" by Biggie Smalls on repeat and drinking pure concentrated Roundup

so what did he listen to for korekiyo? This?youtube.com/watch?v=x0P2Rw7Ix04 (or any of masa's other songs in the onibi series?)

You can do it. Write an authoritative fanfiction about the events of V2. Then contract losers on Tumblr to make it into a simple flash game. Bug Kodaka until he canonizes it.

Some nips (according to Kuzu-user) and some anons on /drg/ actually thought we would get a game considering there's a high demand for it and that "a killing game would work better as a game instead of a manga/novel"

which kind of musical genre would the characters like I wonder

But it's too much work, user...

Hiyo, /drg/.
I agree! Komaeda 2.0 comparisons are disgusting and should be eradicated from the internet.

The cutest.

Whatever happened to kiibo game user?

I'm another oumafag but you're asking for a bullying with those words.

grape komaeda ripoff pancake

>No matter what Ouma does or where he goes, people will always doubt if he is lying if he hadn't been MOONMANNED of course

See, by always lying, you don't ever have to actually open yourself up emotionally and therefore spare yourself the pain of real feelings! It works great!

Posting best girl!

So cute!

Is that a washed out little gremlin twink?

That's a bad best girl. Too toddlerish. Post a better one, like this.

I love Mukuro

Exceptionally cute!

i love my emotionally retarded washed out little komaeda 2.0 gremlin pancake twink

please remember that whenever you feel scared or frightened, never forget times when you felt happy.

when the day is dark, always remember moonman.

What if Ouma isn't a big softie on the inside, like so many people seem to think? What if he's 10000% nuts down to his very core?

I feel you, I just don't want to keep reposting the same ones over and over again. And holy shit, source, my man. Might be the same artist but I only know their pixiv.

thats an interesting idea

I don't think people argue he's a softie, more that he's more of an emotional mess than he lets on. He's definitely not a sweetheart underneath all... that.

I think his actions before he dies kind of prove that. If he was really, really nuts, I don't think he go with the plan when he could've very easily saved himself and continued being a madman and spreading despair.

Is tonight cuteposting night?

Say congratulations to the expecting couple!

I feel it. Toddlershit just grosses me out. Nabbed it off twitter and forgot to like the tweet. Sorry. Here's another one to make up for it.


Only if they do the same in return

anyone got any lewds


I didn't know Amami smoked

Doujins with futa tenko raping korekiyo until he passes out from all the times he's cum when?

>You will never catch them both smoking near school grounds and blackmail them for it.
>You will never threaten to tell the principal on them unless they do whatever you want.

Amami has a big smoking problem, dood.

What ship causes you physical disgust to see?

None because I'm not that autistic.

Unless it's, like, Haiji/Kotoko.


I'd be disappointed but I doubt it.
If he was 100% nuts, he wouldn't have tried to stop the killing game in Chapter 5 and he wouldn't have tried to stop any murders occurring in Chapter 2.

If he's 100% sweet, then he wouldn't have performed what he did in Chapter 4, and even without that, his fabricated personality is a harsh way of going about "helping".
The hater's autism fuels me.

You x Anyone
Luckily I've never come across it and never will

I just thought of normie amami giving Moekiyo a shit ton of piercings including a tongue piercing and my asshole just pulsated. What the fuck is wrong with me.


If he was 100% nuts in reality then he's pretty much just shota Junko, and that feels sort of pointless when one of the key points of the final trial is proving he's not, in fact, shota Junko.

He's a clever, distrustful dude who got way, way too in over his head because he realized he was too weak to survive the game without lying to himself but taking that to the extreme is what caused his eventual downfall. Reducing that to "lol crazy" makes him boring.

Jewell I like you but you have to admit bringing youtube comments here is autistic.

Chapter 3 was a mistake

This is a good substitute, thanks.

Good. That means Kitayama or someone else could deal with it and it will actually be good.

Very very true

anything fujoshi with amami and saiouma

Did she just need the dick from a boy?

Yeah, it'd be a complete waste of character potential if he was just a psychopath or a 100% dindu. That, and there's a lot of evidence that proves he was telling the truth before his death and actually was middle ground.

And yes, I apologise.


I think Shigujji needed to get docked much more than her

wtf I have a pleasant erection now

I would take yet another athlete girl survivor and all the autistic meltdowns about "/u/ being canon" for her to be a survivor instead of Maki.

Yep. Lying as a shitty coping mechanism to the point it causes him to have to make extremely cruel decisions that he probably didn't want to make in order to stay alive because he can't trust anyone makes him more interesting than "LOL DESPAIR" or "SWEET BABY ANGEL".

His character/actions don't make a lot of logical sense if he wasn't telling the truth before his death, so I'm inclined to believe they're true.

agreed. i also hope they keep tsumugi out.

for you, user

Relevant question, I swear.

How much romantic/sexual experience do you think she has? She strikes me as someone who's very worldly and mature in all areas of her life, but she could also be the prudish "no sex until marriage, masturbation never" type. Thoughts?

have a cleaner version

Same. More interested on learning about Amami and the lore anyways.

thank you user. looks more solid.

yep. agreed.

Right where she belongs.

Right. I say Ouma has good intentions and does help the group out a lot, but his methods are harsh and at worst, can end in disaster(Which they did)so it balances out. He's pretty much the definition of morally grey chaotic good.

I feel that she would be asexual but she'd have no problem with sexually pleasuring someone else if asked to.

What if it's an anime instead? Could have sworn one of the DR3 directors talked about it at interview or something but said he might not be able to write it.

>another shitty anime
i'll pass. just give v2 in light novel form and not touched by kodaka but by a competent writer and i'll be good.

Yeah, he's not batshit or even all that illogical. Ok, going so far with his lies was illogical and self defeating, but he never acted (besides small stupid shit and pranks) completely randomly or unexpectedly in ways that didn't have a larger purpose. He's not like Komaeda in that respect, who's a hope zealot with brain damage.

"Good intentions" is sort of stretching it, though. He wanted to stop the game and get out, same as everyone else, and only really focuses on the second part after he learns the world's totally fucked. They were, in part, selfish.

It's kinda sad that Kodaka doesn't seem to take Amami seriously... To him he's just a boy with a pretty face. But yeah, I hope Kodaka stays away from V2 and lets Kitayama write it.

What about a manga?

>morally grey chaotic good
I would say he's more chaotic neutral leaning towards good.

I dont think Kodaka takes most of his characters seriously honsetly



He doesn't take most of the characters seriously but I do agree with you on him staying away from V2.

For better or worse, SC are the ones who have the final say on everything... so it depends on them if V2 will be a game/anime/novel. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.

as long as kodaka doesn't touch it i'll be fine but it will probably be a light novel.

true but novel just seems to be ideal choice to me since if game it will be by kodaka and will be shit and if anime it will instantly be shit. so it just leaves novel.

So what do you think of this?

Maybe it's just me but I feel like if they decide to release v2 as a novel, it'll be pretty rushed. Writing the trials will be a pain in the ass for the writer since they they tend to be long and require constant interaction from all the students. Of course, they could make it short and mainly focus on Amami and his token partner and rival but then again, it'd feel very half-assed.

Shhh... lower your voice /drg/. These cutie babies are sleeping.

>Maybe it's just me but I feel like if they decide to release v2 as a novel, it'll be pretty rushed. Writing the trials will be a pain in the ass for the writer since they they tend to be long and require constant interaction from all the students.
they don't even have to be that long. just use the excuse that amami is good at class trials and gets them done quickly. also i've seen some fanfics that were able to pull it off pretty well.

>Of course, they could make it short and mainly focus on Amami and his token partner and rival but then again, it'd feel very half-assed.
i don't see how unless they were rushing for time. most of the interactions would probably be done outside of the class trials anyway. plus it's not like everyone contributes in class trials anyway in dr1.

Being an Amamifag is suffering.
If V2 is...
...an anime, it'll be shit by default
...a novel, it'll be halfassed and only 5%-8% of the western fandom will read it bc most of them don't give a fuck about DR novels anyway
...a game, Kodaka will be involved and it'll be shit as a result

>tfw you'll never have a MM Maki who goes full Sanetoshi and creates a killing game to make society aware of the "invisible children" in the world

watch penguindrum

Post more cute Oumeno

It's amazing how popular this ship after SaiharaxKaede and MakixKaito

i'd take the novel choice

>and only 5%-8% of the western fandom will read it bc most of them don't give a fuck about DR novels anyway
this isn't even true.

I hate this... maybe we should just move on. I'd rather have Amami stay a mystery forever than getting a shitty V2 spin-off/game

>this meme again

Yeah, Ouma has a clear morality level and most of the stuff he does has purpose, and for the most part, is aware if his actions are right or wrong. Hence, why he didn't expect anything in return when he was dying and showed his true self to Kaito. Komaeda is delusional and thinks all his actions are right and justified due to his dementia. They have different ways of "justifying" their actions.

I was referring more so to things like warning the group about Maki and calling Yumeno out as being well intentioned. And it wasn't until Gonta had died where he put ending the killing game as a bigger priority than his own life(and even then, looked frightened when Maki attacked him)

I guess so. I was focusing on the exact definitions and thought chaotic good fit Ouma's mentality well.

But will they wake up?


or just make v2 a novel and don't let kodaka be involved. simple.

But it's true, most of the western fandom haven't even read DR zero, DRT, DRK, DRH or Makoto Naegi's Worst Day Ever either because 1. They don't care or 2. They are just to lazy to do it

>source: my ass