Final Fantasy General DXLI - /ffg/

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>tfw you couldn't beat boundless nemesis

Uninstall my man, you're not tough enough to continue playing.

Hey /ffg/. The last time I played BE's story was when Carbuncle came out and I don't feel like going through the rest of the story to get up to date, just want to find the place that will give the most eggs that i can go to, get a second knife, and leave the game until an interesting event comes around. Any idea where I should farm?

What's better for exp ?

Dark espers or cactur dunes?

>being a retard who doesn't want the free story lapis

best egg spot is like 5 maps from the end of the story. time to start playing fucker

Old olberion front line

It's what I've been running was able to craft everything in 3 days now I'm just farming for trust and megacites

Are Heavicrysts supposed to be rare as fuck?

Shit got intense towards the end but I won, Rosa's Mblink carried me when I first started RK, and its carrying me now

>no boss in the pic
invalid win, go back and try again



Is this good enough senpai?

Vayne did nothing wrong I wish he could be a leader in real life so he could save the world by killing all the black people (or niggers as I like to call them) and dropping nukes with gay abandon while dropping incest laws and abolishing the age of consent

What are the most important Nightmare skills to make? Valigarmanda, Meltdown, Affliction Break and Omega Drive?

>listening to FF soundtracks while I do shit
>get up to FFXI
>its actually really damn good
how did /ffg/ have it so wrong?

>/ffg/ is composed of one autistic frogposting MMOhater


>All these cactuars
>Don't even know what to level up
I'll probably just finally awaken Exdeath to 6*, I only have Ace as a 6* mage

I'm coming for those nipples

I'll be macroing for the first time soon

What's more important to get first?
Weapons or abilities?
I already have ONE DW and Genji Glove at 50~% just with moogles

Get one DPS geared as well as you can first, maybe a dualcast on the side too for your healer. Damage values are calculated so that each point is more effective than the last so it's much better to gear one unit to the max than spread your gear around.

So Luneth is basically my main unit

I can get Excalibur and Save the Queen for him

basically my first batch will be

>Genji Glove
>Save the Queen

what else?

I think I have the Black Cowl guys somewhere in my ocean of units

if it is thereshould I bother or will Black Bandana suffice for now?

I'll throw Mercedes Axe in there in the 5th slot, she is also one of my main attackers.

>Luneth is my main unit
>Mercedes is my main damaged dealer
>not Gilgamesh
What the fuck are you doing

Not if Kenny gets there first.

well duh, she is the third, though with the equipment I have now they are around the same, Gil has my DW right now, I plan to also gear him up later

I plan to awaken Mercedes abilities eventually so I need her Axe

If chocobo were real, would you have one?

Which color would you have, and would you put that breed's ability to good use?

I'd raise an army of them and then go conquer Australia

Every little shit would want a chocobo chick and then dump them once they're too big, they could get hit by cars, fed garbage processed food, people would shoot them, and eat them. I could never wish this world on chocobos.

>they could get hit by cars

If only Luna was also made out of Chocobonium.

>Chocobos can manage to fly above some mountains with a group of four people on it's backs while going quite fast in the air or on foot
>Thinking people would still use cars

What the fuck is with those Donkey Kong arms jesus christ.

Does osmose count as a spell or ability if it's from an esper ?

There's only so much equipment you can lug around on a Chocobo.


>implying rights activists and big oil would allow it
If chocos were here all along obviously there'd be no issue, but if a magical creature with such capabilities appeared overnight en masse, it'd be a big headache overall. There are many laws already regarding horses, such as not being able to be intoxicated while riding or even just to traverse most roads. They'd shoot you out of the sky if you didn't have the proper permits or report your flight plan on your chocobo pal.

>High speed police chocobo chases

I'd watch it on the news.

So it counts as both then ?

Ack thought i had a plan there for a minute

yeah maybe

This cute girl shows up and gives you a moogle doll as a gift!

How do you react?

Give her my thanks and tell her that I love it

kill both with fire

Throw it in the trash.


How would one--theoretically, of course--go about creating a Prompto in real life?

Mate with a Chocobo. Take resulting offspring to a Korean plastic surgeon. Force offspring into a life of training to be a member of a kpop boy group.





Look, you made him sad. Do you feel happy with yourself, motherfucker? I bet you kick puppies, too.


You're not forgiven.




So who's he aiming the gun at?




A jewgle, he's fucking had enough of it. Plus he never got Orlandeau when he was on banner.


Why must he suffer? Why do I like it?

Hello darkness my old friend...

He's aiming the gun at Iris? Why? Does he want to be pummeled to death by Gladio? Tbh Iris x Prompto >>>>>> Iris x Sasuke


Simon and garfinkul are not final fantasy
But still the most relevant thing in the thread.


>no I
>no II
>no lll
>no IV
>no V
>no VI
>no XI
>no XII
>no XIV
>no XV

What did they mean by this

Who /6*Lasswell/ here?

Who is everybody on the left side ?

oh lasswell, you can always stand by me

> E X V I U S
>X V I


Not gonna lie i only recognise tidus,yuna,hope and lightning.

And the guy I'm farming dual wield for ziddae
>get to the scene in XV where the Chocobros are sitting around the campfire, eating their last meal together
>spotify playlist is my sister's, she has good taste so I listen to it while playing vidya
>this song comes on right as the scene starts

What are you even doing in this general? Were you looking for Fire Emblem?

Shit thread already. Good work guys, you never fail to lower the standards.

As long as i played three which were x , x-2 and the one with cecil and kain i think I'm allowed

i did buy 13 but it's in my back catalog

I plan on playing the others but you guys got me hooked on mobage

i have never played a fire emblem game other than heroes but i don't think /feg/ has noticed

I haven't played in ages and don't remember how anything in FFXIV works. When I log in, I have 5 retainers and 3 of them say "contract suspended". When I go to the mog station to reactivate them, it says I have to pay for all three. I thought the first 2 additional retainers were free, giving me 4 free retainers and 1 that I was paying for?

You want /xivg/ not /ffg/.

You're retarded, or have no reading comprehension. Congrats. 2 retainers are free. The rest are paid.

I have never had a purchased retainer, but as far as I understand, only the first 2 retainers are free and everything beyond that is leased.


God dammit Yams. I'm seriously starting to think you're actually some master manipulator troll sent by someone to fuck with us.

They found steroids in their system. Their contracts are suspended pending investigation


Since you seem to have been dropped on your head at some point, I'm going to spell it out for you. It goes away when you don't feed it replies.

Hmm, how OP do you think Orlandeau's Legend Materia and USB will be?

Alright so I'm a glitch shitter and I want to try beating the Gilgamesh trial legitimately so I can get the trust moogle. Are there any guides you recommend? Yes, I have orlandeau and all the other meme units (xon, ling, yshtola, etc) besides Noctis.

There's a bunch of walkthroughs on youtube

Even no tmr runs

i prefer evil laughter 01 guides he's thorough and shows his builds and explains them very well

If he existed, this general would not exist.


Im running with this. I got xon to steal buffs, water blade and a fire sword. I got golem staff on yshtola. I got thunder magic on Ling (going to switch the esper), along with her AOE revives and a wind knife. Memelandeau is holy. Cecil is provoke tank

Threadly reminder that Vayne Solidor did nothing wrong.

Do not imply lewd, baseless, and completely incorrect things regarding the True Hero.

his power is maximum


what if Vayne was a girl

Vayne is looked down upon in His eyes. He should repent to the Lord.