>Missing mass is a mortal sin
>Hermits never go to mass
Therefore all hermits went to hell?
>Missing mass is a mortal sin
>Hermits never go to mass
Therefore all hermits went to hell?
That guy is pretty lean, no mass at all.
>mortal sin
>church invention
>Saturday is the true Sabbath
>church lies says it's Sunday
>says it's a mortal sin
>says personal relationship to Jesus is dangerous
>complaining about "Church invention"
>accepts the Jesus fanfiction Testiment
>>Saturday is the true Sabbath
>despite that it's named after Saturn
And sorry, but Sunday is also taken. That's the sun's one day off, and good luck growing your crops without the sun
The Gospels are written by disciples. There is Early Christians groups that practiced Christianity from 30 to 70 AD originated before Paul.
Saturday is the Sabbath. The Catholic Church changed it to sunday.
>it's a "hurr durr I'm a fucking retard" post
Terms like mortal sin and Sunday Sabbath are inventions. No where does Christ talk about mortal and venial sins, and no where in the Bible does it say to go to church on sundays.
Sunday isn't the Sabbath
Mainly because there is no longer a Sabbath
The covenant with the Jews is no longer valid. Christ's defeat of death superseded it.
Sunday is the day of Resurrection, 'the Lord's day'.
Nowhere does Jesus say to follow his words exclusively. But he does say that Peter will lead his church.
Actually the faith is the Rock not Peter.
>And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it
>you ever Peter
>on this rock
He does not call Peter the rock, He calls the rock Peter's testimony. This is after Christ says "who am I" and Peter calls Him "Christ"
The church and the rock is the believer and the faith of the belief that Christ is the Son of God. Peter's testimony leads the believer.
That's what they tell everyone, and when you look for the quotes in the Bible that the church says, a lot of what the church says is not in the Bible. Their apostolic succession is a very believable lie.
>There is Early Christians groups that practiced Christianity from 30 to 70 AD originated before Paul.
And they left no trace of their existance?
Jesus gave Peter his name, which means "Rock."
The church in 230 ad had a church under it from 30 to 70. True Christians worshipped underground and where persecuted. They also were persecuted by the churches who claimed them to be "heretics" so a lot of what they taught and knew is underground
>when you look for the quotes in the Bible that the church says, a lot of what the church says is not in the Bible
John 21:25
>Apostolic succession is a very believable lie.
After the Ascension, the apostles select a new apostle to succeed Judas in Acts.
>And they left no trace of their existance?
The New Testament didn't spontaneously generate in a vacuum.
Two different words. Petra is the church and Petros is Peter. The Rock is Christ, not Peter. It is Peter's phrase "you are the Christ Jesus" is the church that the gates of hell do not prevail against.
Jesus did a lot, the apostles are not Christ.
That Apostolic succession is real, but the truth is that it is not carried out in the present today. Orthodox, and Catholicism, are missing a large detail about what Christ teaches. The true Christians were persecuted by these sects, and made them out to be heretics.
Both petros and petra are kefas in Aramaic.
And we aren't entirely clueless as to what was believed in the early church about the issue, ancient Christians very clearly talk about the primacy of the bishop of Rome.
The article gives no proof of that. It's from the 30 because i say so is not a scientific way to handle things like that.
No it didn't. It was written by Paul's followers.
Jesus didn't speak Greek.
>Jesus did a lot, the apostles are not Christ.
The Church is the body of Christ.
>That Apostolic succession is real, but the truth is that it is not carried out in the present today.
"and the gates of Hades will not overcome it"
>Orthodox, and Catholicism, are missing a large detail about what Christ teaches.
Luther literally removed books from the Bible.
>The true Christians were persecuted by these sects, and made them out to be heretics.
The true Christians believed in Gnostic Archons? Or Waldensian reincarnation? Or Pneumatomachian denial that the Holy Spirit is divine? I didn't know that.
>Jesus didn't speak Greek.
Wasn't Jesus God?
The churches known but don't speak about it. They don't even teach it. Churches are not Peter, and Peter is not Christ and what Christ teaches is what the Jesuit are hiding.
The article says it is from 30 to 70
The church is not the Body of Christ. The gates of Hades don't prevail against the admission of Christ being the Son of God. That is the Rock the churches are built upon until they divided the Body of Christ.
Even Protestants don't touch enough on it. Many Christians are missing essential truths about Christianity for the brainwashing churches of the new age.
Paul's followers wrote Q?
Didn't, not couldn't. Jesus spoke Aramaic to Peter because that's what everyone there back then spoke.
Oh shit, I took the bait. Congratulations for the replies, no (You) for you this time though.
>The article says it is from 30 to 70
And cites no real proof.
>The church is not the Body of Christ.
1 Corinthians 12:12-14
A underground church in Jordan dating from 30 to 70 is legit.
There are two churches, and the false one is Modern day Pharisees of Christianity.
How is it legit? What kind of proof do we have?
Also Romans 12:5
If Protestants are the true Church, then there are 30,000 different true churches.
There is plenty of time for you, to look into all of it one step at a time.
The article is legitimate but you can make any conclusion you want to you don't have to believe it but it's there.
Please fully quote the scriptures instead of just throw them out there. At least respect it enough to post the scripture with the verse number.
The true church is the avdmission of saying " Jesus Christ is the Son of God" as Peter does. The Rock is the admission of faith.
Article exist. And church exists. But the conclusion is basicly "it's from the 30 becouse is it would be cool if it was."
You're right. Jesus should have given Peter a different nickname instead of "Rock," like "Some Other Rock upon Which I will Definitely Not Build My Church" to avoid the confusion.
It's okay, I know that you aren't being fully serious.
He did. Peter is a rock and the Chruch is the rock. Petra and Petros, the church is the female petra, while Peter is the male, petros. The church (actual church) is submission to God, and believing in the one He sent, Christ. Peter is the action of the admission of the faith, all Christians believe in Peter's revelation from the Father.
What we have today is not what Christ taught fully.
>He did. Peter is a rock and the Chruch is the rock. Petra and Petros, the church is the female petra, while Peter is the male, petros.
Except that Jesus didn't give Peter his nickname in Latin or Greek. He gave him his nickname in Aramaic, the language they actually spoke, and that nickname was Kêᵽāʾ, which is the exact same word that Jesus would have used in "and upon this rock."
The new Testament isn't written in Aramaic. Even then, languages that use feminine and masculine words will translate to be the same word in another language that isn't focused so much on that. We say guitar in english, without gender but in Spanish, guitara, it is feminine.
Even then, the Chruch us build upon Peter's admission of faith, and is not built upon Peter. Christians don't worship Peter. Christ is the rock the builder refused, and the more the church says "Peter is the rock" they hand over their power to the papacy rather than to Christ, which is idol worship.
What did he mean by this?
>The new Testament isn't written in Aramaic.
No, but the conversation that it quoted was spoken in Aramaic.
>Even then, languages that use feminine and masculine words will translate to be the same word in another language that isn't focused so much on that. We say guitar in english, without gender but in Spanish, guitara, it is feminine.
There is no different masculine or feminine forms of "rock" in Aramaic. It's just "kepha." When the quotation was written down in Greek, where the word for "rock" has a feminine suffix, the author decided to change it to a masculine suffix for the nickname because you can't give a man a feminine nickname.
Here, this is the Syriac (the closest Bible translation we have to Aramaic) version of this verse:
>ܐܴܦ݂ ܐܷܢܳܐ ܐܴܡܰܪ ܐ̱ܢܳܐ ܠܴܟ݂ ܂ ܕܱ݁ܐܢ̄ܬ݁ ܗ̄ܽܘ ܟܻ݁ܐܦ݂ܳܐ ܂ ܘܥܰܠ ܗܳܕ݂ܶܐ ܟܻ݁ܐܦ݂ܳܐ ܐܷܒ݂ܢܶܝܗ ܠܥܺܕ̱݁ܬ݁ܝ܂ ܘܬ݂ܱܪ̈ܥܶܐ ܕܱ݁ܫܝܽܘܠ ܠܴܐ ܢܶܚܣܢܽܘܢܳܗ܂
>Again I say to you that you are the Rock (Kepha), and upon this Rock (Kepha) I will build my Church, and the gates of Sheol will not subdue it.
>which is idol worship
No one worships the pope. Plenty of Catholics don't even like him. Orthodox don't even recognize his authority over other bishops.
Peter calls Christ the rock
>1 Pet. 2:8, speaking of Jesus says that he is"A stone of stumbling and a rock(petra)of offense"; for they stumble because they are disobedient to the word, and to this doom they were also appointed."
Rocks usually rest on other rocks unless they're asteroids lol
Christ is the Rock which the other rocks rest upon.
And Rock was another rock that the Rock build His Church upon.
Paul also called Christ the rock. Why do Peter and Paul call Christ the rock when the church says Peter is the rock?
>1 Cor. 10:4,"and all drank the same spiritual drink, for they were drinking from a spiritual rock (petras) which followed them; and the rock(petra)was Christ."
Peter is not the body and blood of Christ.