What to do if your parents are poorfags with poor financial decision-making?
>Keep telling me about the newest MLM and cryptocurrency and all this shit
>They keep telling me I should drop my Accounting major and just join Amway because they heard some people are making 6-figures doing it
>Keep nagging me about getting a job and moving out and doing chores which further lowers my testosterone via cortisol
>think "drumpf should've lost he didn't get le popular vote!!"
>Keep telling me liberal things they heard on bernie sanders discussion forums
>Keep telling me how capitalism is evil and horrible and that there's a conspiracy to make us poor
>Keep telling me how world war 3 will start soon and so money will become useless anyway
>Can't get a job because of their shit since they keep making retarded rules
Fuck man I know I'm living under their roof but why do they have to be like this? I'm so jeally of financially literate parents.
What do I do? I'm considering just taking what money I have and moving by myself to le big city and starting a new life but I have no real job and no gf.
How do you guys deal with your poorfag family?