What does Veeky Forums think of Mahatma Gandhi?
What does Veeky Forums think of Mahatma Gandhi?
cool dude but overrated by lefties into the saint of peace.
kind of like the MLK or Mandela of india
A man who achieved something rather phenomenal.
Should be kept away from nukes
He's a slave of all religions
He was a racist piece of shit who hated black people but get away with it becouse of good pr. He's basicly old timey drumpf.
is he rubbing his hands on that photograph?
>applying modern sensibilities to historical figures
Wow, it's like you've really never studied history at all.
>wanted whites to rule South Africa and would volunteer to fight for them
>he actually had a bigger backbone than the entire white race of inferior people
The man who single underhandedly split india without consensus of the majority, tricked the populist movements to not pick up arms and drive back the english and instead said 'muh non-violence' while at the same time calling for indian youth to sign up and fight for the British Empire during the war.
He was through and through an English shill used by the House of Lords to make as much commotion as possible between the indian nationalist movements and peoples and withdraw without too much loss to their own. Genius plan by the english and the slavish mentality of indians when religion is involved assured this goal. He literally fought for the muslims more than the hindus and allowed the meme state of Pakistan to exist.
Is there any wonder why he is so infamous in the west while most hindus hate this faggot and the propoganda behind this dude is even greater in schools with the whole 'father of the nation' nonsense, in any terms the father of the nation is Lord Mountbatten because he made most of the reforms for India as a secular nation to exist.
t.Indian whose family was involved in assassinating this gujew.
he changed his stance extremely after nearly getting lynched by whites several times and sympathized with blacks over time in SA since if life was shit for a highly educated Indian, blacks faced even worse.
Pretty much guaranteed India's stagnation.
If he had lived to be in the government, he'd be seen negatively.
>that pic
Isn't that basically Stoicism?
To an extent. It's taken from chanakyas book called Arthashastra if I need contact and background of his thoughts
He's dead.
Guy who fucked his 13 year old cousins and made his wife die of an illness that could be cured with an animal product researched cure and made her refuse the cure.. Then he took the cure for himself after his wife died.
He was the leader of a peaceful protest movement to get the brits out even though they were already leaving. The end.
Also, extremely racist. He believed that if the whites would depopulate africa the indians could make use of the land. That and he thought blacks were the laziest, stupidest, unable to resist their urges/selfish-est, least industrious group of people to ever be born.
ripped off tolstoy
Not him but I always thought part of his appeal was that he was open about admitting his prejudice. Same with Lincoln. They both wrote about it, at a time when it was common enough to be unremarkable on either extreme. 19th century virtue signaling?
found the edgy bhakt.
He did more for indian independence than your meme organization ever did.
Lord Mountbatten didn't write the indian constitution, he was there to partition india and did a bang up job of it.
Gandhian principles for good or ill had a huge impact on india's formation, and other than SC bose, he would be the only other indian who had a major national following all across the country.
Yes he was a backwards thinking retard, but hey, India had been exposed to the flip side of capitalism for so long, people would naturally be averse to it.
Shouldn't the leftists dislike him? His beliefs are based on religion and in fact he haven't succeed in anything.
An idol for cucks who believe in reformism and non-violent resistance, like Gene Sharp
There are religious leftists, and not all leftists are anti-religious fedoras. I know you have your /pol/ stereotypes where a leftists is everything you don't like at the same time, but that's not what leftism is.
What's so wrong in being anti-religious?
And I don't have no /pol/ stereotypes, since I don't visit /pol/ and I'm not from America.
Ghandi has fucked up everything he could, from non-cooperation campaigns to his career in Congress. And I suppose that he did this all on purpose.
piece of shit socialist
>fan of Tolstoy
Nope, typical "nationalist from colonial bourgeoisie".
shit he specified the gandhi, I was talking about this woman
She's not even his relative.
And she's also not a socialist. She was into state regulation to a certain degree. And into taking credits from both soviets and americans
>she's not even his relative
her name is gandhi, the question is what do you think of gandhi, being a relative doesn't matter
>She was into state regulation to a certain degree.
tomato tomahto
>state regulation = keynesianism
Since India is, obviously, a capitalist state, it uses keynesianic methods. Because India tried to get as much benefits from its unaligned status as possible
I don't think you know what keynesianism is. It's not the same thing as big government in and of itself. Keynesianism very broadly is the idea that increased government spending should be used in recessions.
>her name is gandhi, the question is what do you think of gandhi, being a relative doesn't matter
how stupid are you
she's nehru's daughter
stupid tard who ruined india. Indians had it good under the brits. Free roads, railroads, telegraphs, schools, buildings, cities, sanitation systems. Gandhi ruined that and now indians poo in their streets and live in shack homes made out of metal from the scapyards where the brits drop their unused ships.
t. Nigel Khan.
Ghandi wasn't even the leader of Congress. You may blame Mountbatten, Nehru, Muslim League.
he was a bullying asshole though.
>SC bose wins the election
>doesn't like him
>throws a temper tantrum until nehru is made PM
its a good thing nehru paid the moron lip service post independence.
Didn't he hate the Sikhs?
Ghandi is the reason why northern indians still shit in the streets
>high level of discourse.
Pacifists bore and repulse me.
>gandhi actually served as a medical attendant during the boer war.
yeah, and what have you done brave warrior user?
Oh shit, you're right. I haven't fought in a war. Better embrace pacifism now.
Excellent argument user.
>gandhi sees what kind of horror war wreaks upon people
>spends his time during the zulu rebellion and the boer war taking care of the wounded and infirm
>realizes that war is a pretty shitty thing to do especially if you consider yourself civilized but go full dakka dakka.
>becomes a pacifist over time.
Compare that to Anonymous of Veeky Forums
>sits in his house all day.
>finds pacifism disgusting
>hasn't seen what large scale war does to people who have to suffer under it.
>unironically believes that killing people makes things better.
>muh ebil racist
It's funny how this board can go from retarded /pol/ to stupid Reddit
I've heard it said that India would have been better off without him. I can't remember the arguments as for why though.
india would have been better off if he hadn't been killed off and made into a martyr. this faggot's ancestors were more responsible for gandhian fuckery to india than the old bastard ever was.
Gandhi dying made him a martyr whose ideas couldn't be challenged or questioned or it would be political suicide. The latter wave of gandhian activists were bolstered by his aura of martyrdom and saintliness.
Gandhi for example was largely hated by northern and eastern indians, especially the bengali hindus because of his action during the partition of bengal.
Him dying made critiques of his actions and ideals verboten socially and politically. In death he had a much bigger impact on india than he had in life, dictating the social policy of north india through a prism of gandhian bullshit.
I'd rather see India facing communist uprising in 1946. Too bad the entire central committee was full of fools
>ever a relevant polity in india.
They were relevant back in the 40s. They had a chance. And failed it miserably
no they were not.
They got stomped pretty hard by the brits and were only prevalent in places that were highly educated like bengal or kerala, or had large amounts of factories like bengal or bombay.
Telangana uprising was in a rural area.
>unironically believes that killing people makes things better.
I know bro. Why did we have to defeat Htler by killing people? It would have been just as effective to lecture Hitler on why he should give peace a chance. Flower power man.
Got a source for that?
Didn't Gandhi think that the best way for the situation in Germany to be resolved would have been a mass suicide by the Jews and that such an act would have caused a revolution in Germany and ended the regime. Seems far-fetched but them Gandhian tactics in general do