>I'm self employed, I may make a lot less and work harder but at least I don't have health insurance through my employer ... Wait...
The ultimate cucks
>I'm self employed, I may make a lot less and work harder but at least I don't have health insurance through my employer ... Wait...
The ultimate cucks
Self employment is about having no cap on your earnings not about having an easy life. If you have to worry about health insurance you're already a loser
Ye I bet your eBay drop shipping business is really making millions
I can afford health care anyway.
Mom pays for it?
Lol. Lord knows that $150/month from affiliate marketing doesn't earn shit
>tfw free healthcare
>tfw basic income, get literally free money no strings attached
such is life in finland
Max contribution is 14% of my monthly income.
I run a factory, drop shipping is a meme
Ye i run a Lamborghini lot
Pay: 5000k starting, any lamborghini i want
sure you do faggot. sure you do
ye i own a banana plantation
Hours worked per week: as many as i want
income: as high as i want
LOL self employed master race
Sounds good my scandinvian friend.
>refugees come
In this thread. Shitlord makes 30 bucks a month doing 4 times the work shitting up the internet with clickbait than he would flipping burgers
you mean spamming affiliate links isn't actually providing value to society?
No cap on earnings is a meme in non-scalable business. The main advantage of self-employment is the option of choosing customers (or rather ditching frustrating ones).
I run a security consultancy business and easily make $5 - $10 million a year.
You jelly?
I run an international drug smuggling network of which I am the head leader and key money launderer
I make as much money as i feel like it
What the fuck user, I also run an international drug smuggling business of which I am the ring leader and have over 500 confirmed executions of which I have the order.
Do you want to do business together?
word dawg
let's do it up
whatever makes your soulless job feel any better, op. the rest of the first world doesnt even pay shit for healthcare, wages in the US are higher to accomodate it so if you cant afford healthcare here youve failed life anyway.
wagecucks = cucks
self employed = cuck unless rich youtuber/instagramer etc
Oh look it's this butthurt wagecuck from the other thread.
Shouldn't you be working wagie? Your boss's yacht isn't going to pay for itself now.
Kek shouldnt you be begging mom for some money?
Nah, your mom begs me for money. If you know what I mean...
No that would be your mom begging you to get a job and move out.
I have my own place wagie. Stop projecting.
Now go make my coffee. Black, 1 sugar. And be quick about it or I'll have a word with your manager.
How do you earn your money?
You first.
What do you do for a living?
I work as a junior accountant at a big 4 firm
How's the ol' drop shipping business doing, neetie?
And what is your annual salary and net worth?
I own several small businesses as well as property in Europe and Asia. My most profitable venture supplies European companies with textiles. Also, my family is loaded so I can basically do whatever the fuck I want.
Have fun with your spreadsheets I guess.
Wow sweet
Guess I should have just been born to a rich family then, working really is a scam then
Well yes if you're born poor you're basically destined to be a wagecuck your entire life. Some people can escape it but I doubt you could with your loser mindset and stockholm syndrome.
Great business board
Guess you can't expect much from a board created for containment of cryptocurrency threads from /g/.
This is a board for discussing business and investment ideas. Not being a wagecuck.
You make fun of dropshippers and affiliate marketers or whatever but at least they're trying to become independent and not waste their lives in an office. I have way more respect for them than I do for a fucking wagecuck accountant.
t. Bitter wagecuck
>>I'm self employed, I may make a lot less and work harder but at least I don't have health insurance through my employer ... Wait...
I've tried this route several times. One business lasted about 1 year and the other lasted 2 years. First was an online business. And 2nd was a small, food stall at the mall.
I basically lived like a homeless guy without health insurance...
The worst part was the Job Security... Living in constant fear that the business won't last and I'll be suck with no prospects and 50k in debt.
Honestly, owning your own business is not for everyone. Only like 10% of all small businesses last 2 years. 90% fail.
Living in constant fear of your business failing is a shit life for 90% of us that don't "strike it rich."
lol @ fucking Neets living in their mothers basement with no jobs, no income, trying to justify their wasted lives with "muh wagecuck" logic.
You're not fooling anybody, son.
Who cares about who you "respect"?
Your opinion isn't exactly valued by anyone.
>Trying to become independent and not waste their lives in an office
So it's worth making far less money just because you're not formally employed?
This is the stupidest logic ever. You really need to go back to /r9k/.
Hey at least you weren't a cuck amirite!
I'm fortunate in that I have financial backing from my family but even if I were poor I don't think I could ever be a wagecuck.
How is the fear of your business failing any different from the fear of losing your job? How can you accept that you will have to spend 50+ years of your life 5 days a week commuting to a place where you basically spend all day making someone else rich? Doesn't that depress you?
Because one option leads to a lifetime of servitude and the other offers the possibility of freedom. You're such a cuck. I mean accountants are basically cucks even amongst wagecucks so I suppose it's not surprising...
What's the alternative to it? Your scheme to buy things with stolen credit cards or some shitty online business isn't going to take off.
Except that accounting is probably the easiest path to 6 figures and is the backbone of every business...
Because you have no ambition. You're a loser. I'm sorry. I don't even mean to offend you but that's the mentality of a loser
>it can't be done
>it will never work
>i don't want to take risks
>i'd rather be a good boy and let my corporate masters fuck me in the ass
You'll always be subservient to others because you're too afraid and too much of a bitch to try anything for yourself.
Also there's no way you're going to be making 6 figures as a fucking accountant. Are you high?
>How is the fear of your business failing any different from the fear of losing your job?
Holy shit you sound young and naieve as hell.
The stress of your own failing business is 1000x worse than thinking you might lose some "wagecuck job" as you call it.
You young faggots have no clue how cushy & compfy a stable job can be compared to trying to make a successful business.
>You'll always be subservient to others because you're too afraid and too much of a bitch to try anything for yourself.
Just by your ignorance and arrogance, you are guaranteed to be one of the 90% of businesses that fail in your first year.
>Also there's no way you're going to be making 6 figures as a fucking accountant. Are you high?
Actually, yes. High on CA grown weed.
A 6 figure accounting job here is pretty fucking common.
Hell, the average house here costs $850,000; and that's like a 2 bedroom.
Most average home owner "wagecucks" in the valley are worth over a million net, easy.
I should clarify silicon valley, CA... you're not going to make 6 figures doing anything out in Modesto...
Chartered accountants easily make that.
Don't bother with this neet.
Either roleplaying and watched too much "motivational" films like wolf of wall street or just completely detached from reality... Or both.
With most companies trying to stiff people these days it's no wonder more people are going the entrepreneur route.
My businesses are already successful and I've never had to worry about money anyway. I probably make more than your salary each month just from income from my properties.
You obviously failed in business because you lack the brains, the will or the money to succeed. Possibly all three. That doesn't mean others won't succeed. It just means you're a loser.
Yeah sure and the guy who clean the toilets at Google is probably on 6 figures. Point is that the average accountant doesn't make anywhere near that kind of money.
>How can you accept that you will have to spend 50+ years of your life 5 days a week commuting to a place where you basically spend all day making someone else rich?
You don't need to commute and you don't need to spend 50 years on it, and you can make yourself rich doing this. Check out Mr Money Mustache.
>My businesses are already successful
Multiple successful businessman, giving some great advice on Veeky Forums!!! WOW!!!
You sound like a kid that's been exposed to maybe a few simple business concepts, but have no grasp of the depth of these concepts.
You're only lying to yourself kid.
Good luck with all your successful businesses.
Not all my businesses are successful. I do it mostly as a hobby really since I don't need to work (old money).
You're in no position to be lecturing me since your business(es) failed by your own admission. So you went back to wagecuckery with your tail between your legs.
Keep dreaming faggot. If you run a fucking lot why the fuck would you have a starting salary moron.
>this thread
The average age on this board can't be any higher than 16.
>You're in no position to be lecturing me since your business(es) failed by your own admission.
And I have no problem with that.
Life is a process of failures until you find success.
Pretending to own several successful businesses and talking out of your arse about how it's so much better than "wage cucking" is a self masturbatory waste of time.
There is a reason why the new business paradigm in the valley is now "fail fast"
... anyways, you may be beyond help.
Good luck with all those successful businesses.
I was about to say this.
A bunch of teenagers claiming to have jobs they can only dream of while insulting anyone who replies, i thought this was a serious board
Half this board is unemployed dude
This is NOT a serious board. It was created to keep cryptocurrency discussion off other boards.
>Half this board is unemployed dude
Probably true.
But the other half are probably people like me, 2 hours of actual work then its internet for the rest of the day.
Not for anyone but the shitlords on top.
Nice delusion. Companys don't give healthcare to anything but management staff anymore. Nice attempt at trying though.
It's not really black if it has sugar.