/tf2g/ Team Fortress 2 General

Last Thread: >list of good comm. servers

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>/tf2g/s looking to party queue

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Reminder to report and ignore Shitposting.

>/tf2g/ drama

call me when these threads stop sucking

mmmmmmm yes fuck fempyro shitters

Hey I asked a question where can I find fempyro art that isnt inflation or fat fucks

delete medic
delete pyro
give classes slow health regen after 5 seconds of not taking damage

tf2 is saved

delete tf2

tf2 is saved

Post /tf2g/ pets, please and thank you.

I'm all for flinging shit at one another, but this is getting ridiculous.

Wanderer is qt.

Fuck off, wanderer


Selling this pretty legit Pyro Misc


Apparently it started on facebook.

Which femclass is the best?
Hard mode: no fempyro

Femscout of course !

Hundkopf medic

>tfw got a hundkopf from a halloween cauldron and wear it ironically when i want to meme


....heh...... nice try kiddo but im tha bestt
*goes for a stair stab but misses*
*purposly walks off of the stairs to trigger deda ringer*
.........he...........see u agin some time pubbo

Why are fem pyro threads deleted when you can't even see any naked stuff and only like one guy flipped out and no one else cared?

People who do that ironically are usually worse than furries in terms of personality. Fucking skial, never again.


what happened with skial user?

it was posted before bump limit which is against the rules

They'll have ta glue yew back together, IN HELL

i fell for the most obvious matador in the world yesterday and i still feel horrible about it

O, I didn't know they were early threads

hey, better than getting stairstabbed

>Giving chocolate to your dog.

the other one wasn't early but posted later than this
the first thread posted is the one you have to migrate to and posting duplicate threads can get you banned as well so he probably deleted it himself

>go to the left ramp upwards
>see myself standing up there
>he jumps and stabs me
>his name is a link to his twitch
>i was a pyro

i havent been this furious in a long time
i still feel humiliated months after this happened
whats worse is i havent seen the spy for the whole round so i couldnt get my revenge on him

>go to pl server
>there is a random medic wearing the hundkopf
>someone acussed him of being a furry
>he said: "haha no guys I'm doing this ironically"
>"It's not like if I like furries or anything"
>"I'm just memeing"
>he keeps talking to literally no one for the next 20 mins, standing still in spawn
>we lose because they have a medic

It's a chocolate shaped squeak toy.

>Why aren't you pushing the cart, user?

get a new account, change your internet provider and swap alias

>>his name is a link to his twitch
Knowing tf2, he had 2 viewers
Or zero if he's advertising his name

its been a while and all of those happened already

>captcha: calle calle

I just had one of the most fun matches I've had in years. This dude on my team was running something that read all the chat tagged with "!tts" in text to speech. It was hilarious.

This was a valve server, so it couldn't be a custom plugin, and I've never seen it before, anyone know?

I've seen it a couple of times. It's pretty annoying.

i saw it on warhuryeahs stream
pretty sure war bought the software off a guy that was using it in a jump server

I remember using that in ut2004.
My ears still bleed to this day.

exactly, that's what it reminded me of.



found it, 8000 hours on google

That's actually really cute.

>TFW proud to be American




B4nny's a meanie

But i like your enthusiasm.

>someone posted it already


when someone doesnt post pottis

Pootis pootis poot-- *falls over*


I votekick squeakers as soon as they say anything, and succeed most of the time.

>Complains when other people haven't don't a specific action, even one that can be done easily by yourself.
>Relies on others to do actions for you.

You are like little baby.

I only votekick them if they're talking about irrelevant shit or bottomscoring while whining about team composition. No harm in children actually taking an interest in-game, no matter how obnoxious their voice is.

>Scout and Heavy now have " Lunchbox" slots.
>Soldier now has a "Boots & Parachutes" slot.
Pyro now has a Flaregun slot.
>Demoman and Sniper now have "Shield" slots.

Who benefits the most?

>Demoman gets much more tanky but cannot detonate his stickies without running forward


Soldier since he can now wield a shotgun with gunboats. Literally making him the best class in the game with everything he needs to succeed.

Post an idea that consists of adding slots to a class one more fucking time and I will shoot you in your fag face.

>Crit-a-cola pistol scouts

when someone doesnt post pottis

cirt a cola scattergun scouts are better

soldier would by far its not even close unless they reworked shields to not charge with m2

>Can just rocket jump away with ease and wait for the effect to wear off.


minicrit pistol wouldnt have falloff, you would literally be a sitting duck in the sky

Ending in three minutes.

no way fag

You say this as if the scout player in question has literally aimbot levels of tracking and will surely hit every shot.

What if the solider rocket jumps to a high ground and uses the platform as cover? Maybe the soldier can just not even fight the scout altogether.

Nice comeback gaylord.

a gaylord is a large box that weighs about 50 pounds that you put stuff in and stack on top of pallets

i can lift 4 gaylords over my head you homoqueer fight me

tracking jumpers really easy because of how slow they are able to turn midair

quickest decision of my life desu

*sips tea*

>actually paying money for this stupid shit

>being too poor to have fun

Usually i only get to make one of these a video, but this one was kinda spicy.

I'm sure you'll have a walk in the part while you're trying to shoot at a killing target.
I can only see the scout winning if the solider is already at low health.
Other than that he can just retaliate and destroy the scout. Solider has a huge mobility advantage scout doesn't possess.


An homoqueer is the name of my dick, and I can lift it over your head you dyke

I bet you're so gay you wouldn't mind me kissing you, homo.


: there are those who frag, to hide, and those who frag, to show us what they stand for, to inspire
to unite
to defy
to strike fear into the hearts of their enemies
and hope, in the hearts of their followers
there are those who frag to protect themselves
and there are those that frag
to protect us all


Wo-woah, don't try getting near me you very big fag


>this + the bee movie script bind
somebody needs to do it

You're the one who's asking for it. If you weren't a homo I wouldn't even consider it, because I'm not gay.

I don't get it, what does it do

i made this twitter account last thread for a joke but I'm bored and don't want it to go to waste.
5 decides what I tweet

text to speeches everything people say in ingame chat with !tts infront of it into voice chat

*A picture of fempyro butt*

and last one, hope this added to your collection.

btw im a gay fag lol

a fanfic link to muselkXwhoever else

tweet TF2g's meet the pyro update plans to b4nny

Follow @BasedViva