/dlg/ Duel Links General

The one fishfags wish they got edition

Last Thread: nobody cares

Latest News
>Bakura is currently in duel world. He drops kinda better cards and doesn't use Destiny Board but runs Sakustra Armor and Tribute to the Doomed so good luck
>New pack has the first Psychic type monsters, but its mostly junk. New players should spend gems elsewhere
>Tons of characters have been data mined from all eras of Yugioh. Assume at least some of them will appear at some point
>all duels currently give 1.5x XP

Useless Links:
>Wiki with good info on LDs, skills and how to obtain cock

>Baby's boner guide

>Anusdroid emulator
bigdick.com/ (download, install, make a assfunnel account, download dick links from the playstore)
There's also Bluestacks, etc.

>Outdated Dong Guide:

>A few tips for bad players
- What is this game? It's Yu-Gi-Oh! in mobile format created & suited for cuck play. Great if you played the TCG previously and feel nostalgic about it. Also has several new cards in the mix. If you are stupid don't even bother though.
- Turn your game speed up to full
- Playing on your phone is the only way to play PVP as Nox can be very spotty with connection issues even if you have great Internet
- Everyone with a prismatic Enemy Controller is a retard
- Untill rewards are modified to adjust the increase in difficulty, it is not advised to level past stage 35. This keeps piss easy SDs spawning that auto duel shouldn't fuck up on if you give it a generic beatdown deck
- Try and first level up Mai and Keith to unlock Windstorm of Etaqua and Metalmorph for free

Other urls found in this thread:


just got kog

Blue Eyes is my waifu

Is there good hentai of Mai?

There isn't any good porn of this series

What the hell is duel links?

Why are not using yugiohpro percy like everyone else?

I like to support Konami.

Any good youtubers that show acool duels with random decks they make?

not brain dead tier 0-1 decks only though

>implying the format is good to play
Everyone is running zoodiacs and god knows what other garbage duel links returns to basics and makes the game fun again

One of the benefits of Yugioh is that it has an endless amount of porn, however, most of it is Yaoi created by fujos.

Oh god that sounds disgusting, not touching it

I'll ask my japanese twitter friend to draw me some hentai of Mai and the harpies raping Mickey,

He already drew me a Berserk doujin with Guts and Giga Nigga.

Are there any more ygo generals? duel links sounds terrible

game became good only after synchros arrived

So I talked to buddy of mine I work with and he said there was some kinda manual. You know, a document that had all the in's and out's of this, that, and the other. Honestly, I couldn't be bothered reading it, but I knew of a certain Chinese talking board that would lay it out for me - plain as day. Only trouble was, after 2 whole posts, I only really learned enough to pretend I knew what I was talking about.


duel links is the future, user.

Get some Ishizu too while you're at it.

Here are the ways you could play yugioh.

>In person/"locals" with the modern game
Expensive, travel, dealing with neckbeards, dealing with tier 0's, and dealing with literal autists makes it a chore. Also, the modern game is power creeped beyond imagination and redemption; the modern game isn't very fun.
>On Dueling Network
Was a shitty online simulator filled with normalfags who didn't know how to play and rulesharks that was taken down like a year ago.
>On YGO Pro or DevPro (Same thing)
Was a good online program to play Yugioh for free until faggot YouTubers brought attention to it for views and it was shut down. The program came back and still works today, but it barely has any support, community, players (Maybe a couple hundred online at a time), or active download link.
>Some Konami created website that you had to pay more money to play than Duel links
Failed horribly and was shut down by Konami.
>Duel Links
What we play now.

On Veeky Forums, you have the Yugioh generals on /a/ for the currently running series (Next is Vrains!), the very small threads that pop up on Veeky Forums (They hate Yugioh there because it's not fun, and I don't blame them), nostalgia threads on /v/, /dng/ on Veeky Forums (Neckbeards discuss how delusional they are towards a game they devoted too much time and money on while being incredibly autistic and unpleasant to be around) which may also spawn /ygo/ when the neckbeards argue, and you have us. I consider the generals on /a/ (When they're not getting invaded by the autists from /dng/) and /dlg/ to be the best places on Veeky Forums to discuss Yugioh.

anyone have the v6 1.5.0 apk?

Kill yourself cheater

nah i like getting 10k without wasting time
found the apk btw thanks

Lol soon enough you will get banned and your easy 10k will be for nothing

how do this work pls

Where did you find it SENPAI? Still on 1.4

Add in a request for Ishizu in Mai's slutwear

Don't forget the best part, Duel Links has card effects programmed in. They play exactly how they are supposed to. No arguing with autists who don't understand how quick play spells work and such


i vote with my wallet and I find p2win deplorable, so I refuse to spend money to get an edge in a video game

i'm not above cheating though, particularly when it comes p2win games like this

It's not pay to win. I'm KoG and I never spent money on this

You are a shitter desu

>game became good only after synchros arrived

Idiots, to be honest

Where is this from?

Sauce NAO

The Killer Inside Me

nah, been doing this since 1.2. thanks for your concern though!

this doesnt make sense

why is an idiot?

When lobbies happen would you guys be down for fun decks that are crappy, and have rules like every card in the deck needs to be unique no doubles?

doing an AMA for the next 10 mins just got HHG

what current shop cards are good for dino decks?

All decks in Duel Links are fun and meme since there is no meta

the last pack that came out

Eat a dick?

So I talked to buddy of mine I work with and he said there was some kinda manual. You know, a document that had all the in's and out's of this, that, and the other. Honestly, I couldn't be bothered reading it, but I knew of a certain Chinese talking board that would lay it out for me - plain as day. Only trouble was, after 1 whole thread and one post, I only really learned enough to pretend I knew what I was talking about.

lel mad

None, most dino specific cards come from Rex. That skeleton dino from the new pack might be good though

Is pic related supposed to be ironically broken or was the creator serious about it and thought it was balanced?

Neo-Impact. Try getting 2 grarls and 2 axes at the very least.

most cards of that box are decent so it's not a waste to pull from it

is there an option to buy the more expensive with a guaranteed UR card? I don't wanna waste shekels buying poorfag packs first.

Is it just me or is Magic Jammer kinda shit?

Why is there so much cancer in this general?

any shota-looking asian guys playing this game?


>pokemon man starts with 3 blue eyes on the field

wat do?

>auto duel

I know how to defeat him with the cards you have but if you call yourself a true duelist you'll figure it out

Not him, but, can you tell me later how? I dont remember what that "combo" guy does.

hes joking

>you'll run out of gems after you're done leveling up
who invented this fairy tale?
it's very easy to get gems off of LDs


Besides vagabond what's a good way to lvl characters

Is this good with that level 35 Rex card?

Could Gift of the Martyr be a decent union attack substitute for poorfags trying to farm?

Also looking for that.

yes, combine with piranha army for a decent union attacks + vassal replacement

Nice modded apk, senpai.

It's all luck, only thing I got from mai was 4 dragons and 1 tiger

Relax, senpai. I'm not condemning you. I know you used the modded apk. It's alright.

Whatever lmao, I can post my Kaiba deck if you want ;)

I lost... I did not think it was possible, but you have the power to change the future.

>When you absolutely dunk all over someone then immediately get matched up against them again
>Proceed to beat them even faster the second time

I almost felt bad for him. Almost

u killed the thread u stupid faggot

>Live near Japan
>Can't play at any time in ranked because matchmaking gives me Japs all the time.
Time to uninstall.

>trying to farm lvl40 bakura
>5 lvl30 bakura spawns
>F I V E

whats with you faggots complaining about versing japanese?

>live outside the US
why would you do that?

Seven bakura lvl30 now... IN A FUCKING ROW


thank (You) too, im drunk and i really needed that... getting mad at a video game.

Reminder to not help your fellow /dlg/enerates.

The less they have, the more you have by comparison.


nigger, considering the outrageous cost it's fair. You need to somehow get 4 monsters on field without disruption and those need to be on a determined attack range while you also get this card and trigger everything with a graveyard effect on your opponent deck that could allow them to make a comeback in case they can prevent the deckout.

Even Exodia is more consistent.

Hey shitters, what did you pick out of the kb cup?

do you need mirror wall for a harpie deck?

>Do you need mirror wall f-

just started playing this game, don't feel comfortable opening up cards for a pack that is leaving soon, I wish they just threw those cards into the card trader once they've been discontinued as a pack.

>leaving soon
You have a minimum of two months a. Since you've just started that unharvested wealth of gems for f2p is at it's peak for you right now. Also I challenge anyone to defy me in saying Neo isn't the best pack available right now.

There is plenty of time before Neo leaves since no announcement has been made yet.

Challenge accepted:




Neo Impact is bad but it has Mirror Wall
Valkyrie's Rage is much better at making a consistent deck, you can even make a spirit deck out of cards there

>don't feel comfortable opening up cards for a pack that is leaving soon
that's the best reason to open a pack

>mfw I'll never duel shotas IRL

>casually testing a deck i'm trying to build
>"well, lets do it against kaiba"
>beat the dumbass
>plat booster


post more of best girl!

They've also censored Dunames, lol.

>going against the spirit of friendship and the heart of the cards
I'm guessing you main Weevil.

Fuck all I want are 2 trance archfiends c'mon bakura gimme