SMITE General /smgen/

Not dead edition
>PC 4.6 - Racer Rumble

>Smite Adventure

>XBO & PS4 4.5- Celestial Voyage

>Season Ticket 2017 (Fantasy League)


>SMITE Tactics

>Linking your Hi-Rez and Twitch account to get free thing

>Get Curse Voice Apollo & Curse Agni playing with Curse Voice

>Hirez server status

>FAQ for all game-related questions

>/smgen/ Discord

The SMITE clans are SmGen (NA) and GenSm (EU), leaders are SethPhalange and HardyMcWilly respectively.
Post your name in the thread or send an invite to one of the leaders. WE CANNOT INVITE YOU IF YOU ARE ALREADY IN A CLAN


Urbosa's Fury is ready!

Have you gotten any skins from the LAN yet user???

Susano T2. It's actually something I'll use.

I have ublock and opera's natural adblock enabled.
I aint getting nothing.

I'm watching for fun, not for rewards.

Merc T2 and anhur voice pack. Better than yesterday I suppose where it was all fp.

just fp sadly

I like this new variation of the orc spam


Just FP

>queue for Ranked Conq
>no lag
>get to lobby and chat
>no lag
>get to the load-in screen
>game freezes and no buttons work, have to force shutdown

This happened twice in a row and only in Ranked conquest so far. Are the servers really that bad?

chart update when?

>Ymir Jungle

What did Eanix meme by this?

try and post a cuter smit wifu
protip:YOU CANT

You asked for it

Anything worse than shitters who wont surrender?

I fucking hate this LAN critless builds.
Yes they are cheaper and they work but i don't like them.

I use them but i don't like them.
I enjoy them but i don't like them.

Crit is fun.

Can someone explain to me why towers are so fucking useless in this game?

I love watching them try to attempt a group hug

If you aren't a retard then tower is your best friend. The amount of damage that accumulates per shot is great for the first half of a match.

>neith plays like shit
>call him shit in post game lobby
>"sorry I was doing my best, I guess am really bad at this game"
>suddenly feel bad

fuck me and these hormones that make me want to protect these weak shits

>get mad at my teammates
>they apologize instead of getting mad back
>mfw I have to acknowledge that everyone has bad games
>mfw I feel bad and apologize
>try to make the best of the situation and vote to surrender if it comes up
Fucking hell, this kills my rage boner and I always end up feeling like a bully.

6 regular chests
2 big chests
1 odyssey chest

that's my haul for today

The man said cute not fucking hideous

You can't get curse skins anymore, right?

my gf on the right

Explain this britbongs.

They actually took this man to the fucking hospital to find out he had some heart burn.

and people wonder why our healthcare costs are so high

not picking the purest and prettiest of all smite wifus

ugly, flat, loud and obnoxious, can't protect herself

nigga you fucking serious?

fuck off.

dude is gonna get booted off the team for that hopefully.

>can't protect herself
i think you have artemis confused for some fat cow like terra or nox

how do you get heartburn playing a game, was he eating at the same time?

EU didn't pick The Morrigan once during the gauntlet.

Must be afraid of the thicc

>ranked conquest
>4th pick
>lock Art
>5th guy locks Hou Yi
>I've no idea what to do in a dual ADC situation
>still ward
>get out-leveled because I'm not sure which camps I should get
>get murdered and go 0-10
>Hou Yi afks one minute before the end of the game
>somehow this is my fault

Fuck Ranked to be honest

i want to lick her butchecks

Cat tats.

I masturbated to all streamers (male) today, which means there will be a good patch in the next 3 months. Pls anticipate.

i want to hug her and squeeze her! from behind!

>is a shit player and openly admits it
"Somehow this is my fault"
Hopefully I don't get you in my games.

Hopefully we're on the same team and become friends, something like a mentor mentee relationship but sexual.

I'm an ADC main and in masters. I'd be willing to help you if you just admit it was your fault.

I'm not that user I just felt a really close bond with you but upon finding out you're an adc main I'm un-extending the blowjob.

Awe, I wanted to be with you.
And I carry games. What's the problem?

Now im not going to say he wasn't a jerk for going a second adc, but why aretmis?

>tfw didn't fully read your post
I just assumed you got shit on to An enemy Hou Yi, not that you were a dual adc lane. I was just so quick to shitpost. My deepest apologies.

Because I have her VP and it's fun to spam

>spamming veg while 0-10

pls no

There's no better time to do it, according to the majority of players I've encountered.

Is there anything more hilarous than seeing a puny and weak Anubis trying to outdamage your "I'm a monster"?







>voted for the Awillix with the skimpiest outfit
come on baby, almost naked barefooted awillix!

Got a Ravana recolor

Post dem stats bois.

Voted H for that "totally pure with white and veil look but also super slutty" feel.

I barely even play this stupid game anymore but mm Hi-rez has got good skins.


Well this is... quiet.

Is there a smite general clan?

(For ps4)


*clears throat*

>Lane against Ah Puch
>Have to B every three minutes
>Enemy joust team has Ah Puch
>Get melted every three minutes
>See Ah Puch anywhere at anytime
>Dead before I can VHH VVP

Why is he at the bottom of tier lists? He fucks off the brick like a raped ape, I don't get the hate.

Probably because he is literally just damage with no mobility. All it takes is one assassin with half their kit to kill him. Bait out the combo and kill him while his ult tickles you for 1/100th your health every second

This, also any slow immunity make him an easy prey.

Thats two matches in a row where at least two teamates didn't buy any items

>he needs items

wood v

I had one game we were straight up murdering the enemy team, finally looked at the team screen and someone on our team legit didn't buy shit

I mean we won so it's whatever

Maybe they were new and forgot to turn on the autobuy. I started up yesterday and it seems rather cofusing looking at the store, so for now I'll use that, but I gotta learn some day.

Thats all fine and dandy but why would i be matched with new players when i'm level 21

at level 21, you are a new player

>level 21

you are still a new player

Not new enough that i dont know how to buy items you fucking retards, learn to context clues

You're new enough to not know that you will match with people who maybe are playing their first game ever if below 30.

No shit sherlock, thats why i asked why that happens. Read the thread before you autism out.

And that's why I answered why it happens.

No you didn't?

Yes he did you mong.

Why does Agni do zero damage now? At max rank his fire wave does fucking jack shit. Like 2% of their hp.

What's the best Chang'e skin?

Because your build is shit






Is masamune a good item for warrior like Bellona or Nike that dive the backline? It gives health, movement speed and power and up to 35 protection, so should I bother building it or it's better to pick a real defense item?

It's not awful, it's just not in fashion. If you can find a spot in your build sure


you really need to kill yourself honestly my hatred for you is so strong I can't even express how much I loathe autistic cunt cuck loser niggers piece fo shit s like you hope you die in a cancer bed while you helplessly watch your mom getting fucked by monkeys in front of you



The Valentine's one with the Barry White voice for the rabbit.

Good susanoo build

Full power, pen, cdr. plus git gud = dead everyone

Start with Bumba+blue stone
Warrior tabi>hydra's lament>jotunn/brawler/titan>heartseeker>jotunn/brawler/titan>spirit robe/mantle of discord

So if we were to create a hot-crazy matrix, where would each goddess land on a scale of one to ten? So far I'm thinking Hel is a (8,10), Nemesis is a (6,6), Medusa is a (2,9), and Izanami is a (2,9)