/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1440

Three months until the EOPs leave!

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Sky Compass Guide (now includes air dates)

>Schedule for April:
4/1 - 4/9 - Table for Six
4/10 - 4/15 - All Four Celestials (Renewal)
4/16 - 4/21 - Cerberus/Fenrir Showdown
4/16 - 4/21 - The Inner Light (Mary Event; Rerun and Renewal)
4/22 - 4/29 - Guild War (Fire)
4/30 - ?/?? - New Scenario Event

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

Previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:



>mamas are yuri

Stop this meme right now faggot, i will end you



>just got every kirin/dong weapon and summon

Why was I compelled to get them even though I only needed the first and sword


Wanna find out?



>not wanting 2(TWO) mamas

>somehow steal a levi MVP from a zerker even though Im fire
>non magna anima

Zeta butt.

Why do I get the strange feeling that people who talk about Light Gunslinger here don't actually play Light Gunslinger?

The greatest secret of /gbfg/ is that no one here actually plays Granblue

I unironically watched the anime
Its actually pretty good


>believing /gbfg/

wew la

That's not true. We have lots of sub 101s that'll tell you how to play the game! They learned it in a guide y'know

Its more accurate to say that people here invested in farming their bullets and don't like being told that they now have to refarm them because their bullets are shit. Its the same reason people deny it for days when a new character powercreeps one that they use.

that explains all the retards claiming that these shitty kirin weapons are good.

moving goalposts

Now this is bait.


Why don't you explain how bad they are instead?

You can't just say "moving goalposts" when no goalposts were moved.

>/gbfg/ never wants to help anyone
>always answer by "read a guide"
>complains when people who could only read guides repeat what they've seen

There's no helping this place.


>user asks a question
>answers the question with another question
>not moving goalposts

Maybe you should read the rest of the chain.

>complains when people who could only read guides repeat what they've seen
The only people who complain about those that just read guides are the people who screech when they get told to read the guide.

crappy gimmick weapons, on par with those shitty joke weapons they tend to give you during events as fodder, like that bamboo gun.

The only reason you could ever want one, is because you dont have any unknowns, and if thats the case, you're a fucking newshit who's opinion is worth about as much as the massive deuce I dropped earlier


she's an alchemist tho?

Trying too hard.

If you're a shitty sub 101 who only knows shit from guides, you're only allowed to answer questions from the guides. This means

>no talking about what character is good or not (because you're a shitter)
>no talking about what weapons are good or not (because you're a shitter)
>no talking about what content is hard (because you're a shitter)
>if you talk about HL I swear to fucking god

Someone please post that JK picture from yesterday. You know, THAT one.

Guaranteed replies.

True OTP

I'll talk about what I want fuccboi

Sturm is cuter in anime.

wow big achievement



I've read it, and honestly saying "don't take slug shot because it slows down your animation and debuffs bullets are a meme" while suggesting to take exploder is honestly pretty dumb.

>tfw want both sturm and drang
>tfw spent 110 rolls last legfest and didn't get her
>only 1300 crystals for next legfest

>Playing Gunslinger when Elysian is out.

Why didn't you save your rolls until you got 300?

Start saving for summer.

Both Exploder and FMJ have a debuff, you can't avoid it in the rifle slot.

>Kirin crystals died for "MASSIVE Skill level 10" Weapons

what a waste

I can understand throwing 50 rolls if that's all you have, but at 100, you're just going to want to kill yourself when you're making progress to 300 and don't get what you want.

Who kicked you off their train?

I'd rather pay up and ticket someone I want instead of saving for half a year, if not more.

Kirin crystals were getting removed anyway, be happy they replaced it with something.

Do you think this new weapons are gonna receive a 4*? Legit asking.

russian idoru best idoru

I rolled a few of SSR characters and a moon but no limited

That moon was literally my last roll

Shut up Altair

they have to
otherwise kirin/huanglong train will be dead by the third celestial

>people still don't realize that what you stick in your gun is tailored to your party and what you want

t. chicken wings

And nips happily took them.

Not bad, better than mine but I only did 50 rolls. I rolled Yuisis, Vaz, Katapillar and like 4 gold moons.

I love you so much! So, so much!

>They nerfed fimbuls
>Cerb guns untouched

Pro-Dark bias?

So Longdong Katana > Spear > Fist unless you don't have an unknown right?

Babby here. Aside from carbuncles, do SR summons have any use other than exp fodder?

what's that bow? 100 moons?

White Rabbit and Belle Slyphid do.


Yes, you!


What do you think?

I think I might dislike you.

That's the answer I received when I asked a few days ago. But you never trust /gbfg/.

>get a +1 from my daily free rupee draw

/gbfg/ I HATE you!!!

cowfag tit idoru best idoru!

What's an EOP and what's happening in three months for them to leave?


I'm really sorry I made you feel that way. Please excuse me

English Only Player. In three months the english translation is being removed, so that all English players can move to >>>/fgog/

I like Rin better desu

Hell yeah!

Everytime I see this little girl I want to grab her arm and take a deep hard bite and make her bleed and cry before slapping the shit out of her

user, I think you might be an undead

I actually don't have enough celeste selfies to mlb my dark grid.

you don't deserve to be around her you sick fuck

I want to prenetrate that defense.

if I could upvote on Veeky Forums I'd give you an upvote.

I mlbed two snek daggers and I need 35 more

1-5 Build Esser after water GW
6-9 Build Nio after water GW
0 Build Fuf

are you picking a fight with me?

You better save her from me before I do even more mean things to her like breaking her hymen with a fucking broomstick

you're in the wrong place, user. Run before someone comes and slaps the shit out of you before spanking you and biting you!

I love Castgonlo!


Rank 92 here. Currently I have GW dagger for dark, water and fire.

I really want to start on a GW now, but how essential is it to have a dagger for Light, wind and Earth?


Please do not misuse the spoiler function.

And then Graphos smashes you into to a bloody pulp