>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something. pastebin.com/8xELSDu4
A few weeks ago someone asked where everyone here comes from and the vast majority were from SEA countries.
Couple that with the fact that most people who scream "SEAnig!!" are in fact themselves self-hating SEA residents, it should be quite obvious by now.
Why are people still surprised?
Cameron Jackson
I want to do coop dailies with a cute user!
Owen Watson
We can agree that korwa is Perfection
Christian Russell
SEA-region geoblock when?
Nathaniel Collins
Lets continue where we stopped last thread This side spears
and on this korwa users
Jaxson Parker
Ayden Ortiz
Just make Six. - FKHR
James King
Leave it in last thread, both sides are retards.
Caleb Murphy
Jordan Stewart
>How to leech kirin trains
Go to Co-op -> Join Room -> Raid and keep refreshing until you see the following two words plus a 30 (thirty) in there
> 黒麒 for Kirins > 黄龍 for Longdongs
Warnings: >Also reminder: you do not need to host. Just be the last person on the list and bail when it's your turn. Though some rooms are making it the last person hosts, so be sure to be somewhere in the middle to first for those.
Here's how to dodge Kirins rooms when you think you leeched enough. Works best when don't need all 30 people to ready up
>Gets prompt to refill your bp >Decline >Wait for a minute >Leave the lobby
Jaxson Evans
then what you can do? jerk off?
Aaron Wood
Huanglong Spear is the strongest weapon in the game because it cucks Korwa users out of MVP.
Justin Mitchell
Logan Wood
Doesn't the spear benefit Korwa?
Julian Gonzalez
My cute wife has a spear allergy and there's nothing wrong with that!!
Colton Johnson
No the strongest weapon in the game is Baihu fist.
Second strongest is Huanglong spear.
Oliver Williams
Nolan Hill
Hello /gbfg/.
Ayden Long
She does. These people are just too stupid to manage their ougi.
Brandon Evans
you lost a turn on the buff from waiting to gain a turn so the net gain/loss is still 0 except you also lose 10-30% ougi because you couldnt gain any charge at 100%
Isaac Bell
>We finally have a weapon that lets us attack our opponent to harm their DPS >We finally have PVP No wonder they banned the spear,
Blake Martin
Cameron Baker
Get back in the cage, blue girl.
Cooper Cruz
Is this what being a whale is? Spending moons on books because you can just buy your way to exp?
Aaron Wilson
The manage their ougi and then the spear fucks with that. That's the entire problem.
Jack Ward
I really, really like Korwa.
Dominic Sanchez
RoB fucking sucks.
Leo Richardson
same to be quite honest
Gavin White
How can you lose 10-30 charge when you're at 100% already. Get a grip jesus christ and stop parroting everything nips say
Nathan Long
Post girl-only teams
Jeremiah Ramirez
Robert Lewis
But Korwa benefits from ouging a lot and the spear helps her.
Aaron Reed
post code
Hunter Murphy
Any waifus I'll miss in two months?
Ayden Flores
What does this spear do that is bad?
Brody Wilson
in raid content boss is blind/charm and korwa cant get enough fils to keep up with her charge if she has the spear RETARDS
Julian Thompson
>nips still eating up garbage It shouldn't matter, but it does
Nathaniel Cox
Is this bait?
Hunter Thompson
Thomas Hernandez
>implying he actually plays the game huh? he just gives himself whatever the fucks he wants and then takes a ss for publicity
Kayden Rogers
Then no matter what you do Korwa buffs will always fall off anyway.
Gabriel Barnes
user, no matter how much you want to believe, dolls aren't girls.
Adrian Price
that's not how it works
Noah Rogers
Thomas Collins
its lost because its ougi charge you could have gained if you used your ougi earlier and attack with 0 charge idiot
Mason White
Owen Brown
Owen Collins
Dominic Cox
Brody Adams
>join this >nobody is actually cute >leave immediately NEVER trust /gbfg/
Mason Jackson
If it only takes you two turns to ougi then there's nothing wrong with ougiing at 4 fils.
Connor Walker
>HRT pushes out Korwa >KMR kills her off Why do we hate KMR again?
Connor Evans
All other elements just can't understand my pain as a legit wind player...
Christian Powell
He killed the game with the S Zoi chemo
Ethan Bailey
For reasons you conveniently forgot so you could make this stupid argument, retard
Evan Nguyen
Die windroach
Elijah Bailey
why did light get a spear made specifically to hurt us honest hardworking wind players??? this isnt fair at all
Bentley Harris
>implying mad nips are going to keep me from bringing the spear to baka HL
lmao get rekt nerds
Brandon Lee
Asher Sanders
Weren't you farming for Chev Swords?
David Perry
>16. Mexico
Jose Clark
HRT started that initiative.
Aaron Hernandez
Reminder that most windroaches are from Mexico.
Ryder Morales
Friendly reminder that wind is the worst element and is worthless in the content that actually matters
useless windroaches
Lincoln Young
the greatest characters
thanks mexico
Aiden Clark
>highest yuro cunt is way down at #11
Dominic Kelly
Pretty easy to avoid getting caught too >join baha HL with the banned spear >go to party and switch to literally anything else >finish raid with pissed off nips, who go to your profile only to see a different team altogether >get away scot free
Luke Lee
Pretty sure Korwa isn't even the reason nips banned the fucking spear. Some random user says it can fuck her ougi and lightfags start sperging at her without even realizing why.
Oliver Moore
Having attack on left click still makes me mad.
Easton Mitchell
Has anyone tried the kilin harp with Vampy?
Sebastian Harris
Levi Reyes
Then tell us why
Adrian Garcia
Pretty sure the actual reason they hate it is it fucks with multiboxing.
Hudson Taylor
>worked hard to try and fuck OUR LITERAL GIRL korwa You're cancer and you DESERVE to be blacklisted.
Carson Gray
Wait, did I miss something? Why is the huang spear banned?
Ethan Hernandez
Joseph Ward
Her fils is irrelevant if you are just extending buffs. You always want charge to ougi often.
Jackson Flores
If you're the only person who used that tactic it's quite easy for them to just put you on a list.
/gbfg/ likes jumping to conclusions and defending retarded shit on both sides of arguments.
Pretty sure they can't actually ban anything. So just use the spear.
Caleb Peterson
The ougi from it makes Korwa lose all her fils.
Landon Taylor
Austin Morgan
> tfw I can 5* my wife before the exodus begins
Isaiah Thompson
>Waaah we want to multibox and we'll ban you if you fuck with it
Jaxson Myers
What the fuck? This is a bug, right?
Landon Lee
There are better spears to use though, why are people so upset?
Parker Jenkins
>this morning >rampant and constant guild shitposting >a couple hours of slow, dead /gbfg/ >now this korwa/spear debacle I don't understand how this general works any more. Someone poach me.
Jordan Butler
wind players can't turn off the ougi button so korwa lose the fills
Kevin Thomas
Everyone racing for the big HL MVPs multiboxes.
Thomas Garcia
Intentional Korwa nerf.
Luis Barnes
Like gungnir?
Ethan Phillips
That's pretty good, too bad he used Spec Fist.
Daniel Jones
Logan Brown
>stop clearing this poison/burn/freeze I'm playing Elysium!