which game is more realistic in terms of historical simulation of the middle ages?
Medieval II: Total War OR Crusader Kings II
which game is more realistic in terms of historical simulation of the middle ages?
Medieval II: Total War OR Crusader Kings II
Are you fucking kidding me? MTW1 might have been decent but MTW2 is complete ass without mods. The only thing you need to know about TW games is that they chronologically progress from best to worst. At least CK2 gets people's names right.
CK2 is fairly historical, but mostly it's a meme.
The first TW (Shogun I) was a complete turd sandwich, tho.
I never said I had a preference for Total War- I just used the pic for the thumbnail. I just want a consensus on which game is more historically accurate and realistic in its play-style. Your opinion is appreciated nonetheless.
I couldn't get into MTW2 it was so greenish-brown and bland
How's attacking walls with swords decent?
is this game any good?
Wasn't that made by the same people who made that huge failure EA game Starforge?
That piece of shit taught me to never trust an Early Access game again.
Total War is only useful for the tactical battles. The strategy game is shit (no vassal options).
CK2 has shit combat, bu the character aspect makes it better than Total War.
No. Its the Rust problem with dealing with admins with private servers.
Gloria Victus is better since its more or less the MMO with the developers running the server.
Its not a good sim but its probably the best sim we have which is pretty sad
If the tributary system was the vassalage system
And the only way to get its "vassals" was through times of great stability or through exceedingly high crown laws
And some cultures only having counts and kings with no access to dukes
And a distinction between archduchy and duchy and kingdom
It would be way better
Crusader kings 2 undoubtedly,
A feudal lord can't just build his army however he likes, has to mostly depend on his lords to provide levies.
Medieval 2 total war was capeshit: Units had terrible looking armor. In particular the Islamic armies look like they were an army of beggars in rags
Technically there are vassals, it's just that you need mods or cheats to actually get someone to agree to vassalization.
Found the fag born in 1998.
I know this is 7 hours late, but how do you like Gloria Victis. I've been eyeing it for a while, only real concern is lag while fighting.
>chronologically progress from best to worst.
Nah. Empire (only because Napoleon was on smaller scale) is up with M2 for being the best.
S1 and M1 were rubbish.
This is why people hate nostalgiafags.
He talks about feudal vassals.
M2 and Empire are the two most broken games in the franchise. Empire is unplayable it's so buggy and M2 isn't far behind. How can you say these two are better than the rest?
M2 because of it's incredible mod scene.
Empire because it was the most expansive total war, and works like a charm with the retrofit mod.
Which game is the best in terms of internal structure of your realm? CKII seemed like fun for realistic micromanaging, is there any better?
Just like real life. Fikki fikki.
unmodded: crusader kings II
modded: medieval II total war
The M2 engine is incredibly limited to various hardcoded elements. There's no amount of modding in the world that can change it's broken diplomacy ai or the 30 faction hardcoded limit. Furthermore, there's just not a whole lot you can do in the game except fight battles - and even those are broke. 2h weapon bugs, infantry charges and pikes are all, to this day, not fixed.
Never played Empire with the Retrofit mod, but I doubt it fixes it's diplomacy AI which is the worst in the series.
>more factions
not necessarily as insurmountable as you may think.
tweaking the values of loyalty and authority does a good job of making unstable realms.
Similarly for diplomacy, there are several and scripts that only allow for battles if you don't have any trade rights.
The major problem for empire was that it's battles felt clunky. the retrofit mod fixes that.
Re: M2, how does any of that fix what I said?
Also, no. That was not the biggest problem with Empire.
It fixes a lot by making your empire something else rather than a series of provinces for you to blob out of control with.
A king with low authority will have cities rebel, will have generals rebel and smaller stacks will turn to banditry. This is especially the case if your king has a bastard heir and gets kerplowed.
the diplomacy thing makes the AI player relations a lot more stable
yes later total wars improved on the diplomacy front substantially, especially post EE Rome 2 and Attila, but the reason why M2 remains so popular is because of it's easily modifiable main map.
This is why we have mods like Europa Barbarorum 2, Broken Crescent, Stainless steel and the like which provide far different experiences even though they are technically the same game.
All the historical mods are unpolished and buggy though.
While all that's neat, it does fuck all for overall diplomacy - the ai of which is and will always be broken. No mod can change that.
While M2 might be modeable, some features of it can't be. Some very, very gamebreaking features. I don't care for it. I tried replaying it a year ago. It sucks balls, it's so god damn broke - and that was with mods (SS).
I like CK2 but it has some problems that can't be fixed by mods imo. I find it weird that your Irish king is capable somehow of knowing the political situation of India, and it pisses me off that there are no drawbacks to holding onto enclaves.
>Empire is unplayable it's so buggy and M2 isn't far behind.
Did you only play them on release? They've been patched, bro.
>How can you say these two are better than the rest?
Quality of gameplay. I'd say Rome 1 is up there, but M2 perfects it, and Empire is new and solid.
I think Rome 1 battles are better. Melee ubits with throwing weapons, more responsive unit behaviour, stuff like that.
Personally, I find that the best TW combat right now can be found in the Attila mod Ancient Empires (not out yet, I've tested it). It solved tons of problems seen in the newer TW games and it does away with absurd unit abilities.
>I think Rome 1 battles are better. Melee ubits with throwing weapons, more responsive unit behaviour, stuff like that.
I getcha. Just not my preferred period.
>Attila mod Ancient Empires
Haven't tried that one, but playing Radious now (and in my AoC game), and it's absolute wonders.
>average Veeky Forumsposter.
It's my first Attila mod, and it's just oodles better than the base game, plus tonnes of others require it. Is it not good, or is there just better?