Does democracy make a country "good".
Given that democracies are responsible for the Vietnam war (agent orange, My Lai massacre etc), Iraq war (abu gurab prison etc), Black Hole of Calcutta, South African apartheid among other atrocities.
Does democracy make a country "good".
Given that democracies are responsible for the Vietnam war (agent orange, My Lai massacre etc), Iraq war (abu gurab prison etc), Black Hole of Calcutta, South African apartheid among other atrocities.
If you compare them to non democracies and don't look at them in a vacuum, then yeah they're doing pretty good morally.
Certainly not comparable to fascist/monarchical/communist genocides and mass starvation.
If Sodom were a democracy do you think it would be good? God turned them to salt because the people were bad. A government run by bad people is bad.
No. Democracies rely on voters to morally good or responsible. If voters vote in warmongers or people that are dumb, well the democratic government results in being "bad".
I'd rather live under an enlighten secular despot than live in a democratic Muslim nation.
Democracy is the only form of legitimate government. Doesn't matter whether that results in 'good' or 'bad'.
If a person, say a king, tells you to do something, under what legitimacy does he have that should make you do it? The answer is only your own free consent. If he coerces you with force and makes you do something that you don't want to, it is immoral and a violation of your natural human rights of free bodily autonomy.
In a democracy, a ruler's authority comes from the consent of a majority of your peers. If a police officer in a democratic government forces you to do something - it is because the rules and consequences were set up and consenting upon by everyone, and although you may not like to follow the rules, your violation is going against the consent of the majority.
That's it. Legitimate, consensual government. Not good or bad, just legitimate.
A democratic government can vote to rage ruthless war and slaughter innocents, says nothing about the country's values, just that it has followed the will of the people.
The fact that modern republics were born out of the enlightenment is probably one of the biggest splits from ancient republics.
All humans are fucked in the head ones with democracy do less fucked things because some disagree with some of the fucked up things.
What if you are gay and the Muslim majority votes to throw you off a roof?
Doesn't that make that democracy "bad"?
No, equality is just a meme that humans that hate reality believe in.
>, just that it has followed the will of the people.
Yes after your government uses the media to divide and conquer slowly brainwashing you into accepting THEIR ideas making you think the government is democratic that it is doing what you want instead of making you THINK YOU HAVE ANY SAY in the matter. Democracy is a psychopath's fantasy because its where they shine the most since elections are not meritocratic no they are popularity contest.
>Black Hole of Calcutta
I was unaware Bengal was a democracy in 1756.
>South African apartheid
Is it really a democracy if only 10% of the population can vote?
In a democracy, the media is independent of the government and is usually quite anti-government.
Psychopaths are a meme
Meritocracy is a meme
>the media is independent of the government
In republics the government has absolute control over the media, its the reason political parties will use this to spread propaganda against their competition to brainwash more american idiots into voting for them.
>In a democracy, the media is independent of the government and is usually quite anti-government.
The media is how the rich run the government.
>In republics the government has absolute control over the media
Not really, we have freedom of press for a reason. Freedom of the press ultimately shifts the power to corporations to influence the population to influence the government. So really it's the rich running the government, but there's a self-serving check and balance for the rich. In order to run the government they must manufacture consent of the people. It makes them much less likely to attempt to rule without the consent of the people and risk rebellion compared to a traditional oligarchy.
Why can't you Christfags stay in your christfag threads?
not necessarily. Accountability for one's leaders does, and democracy is an attempt at that that doesn't always work.
This is why we need a theology board. It blows my mind we still have this shit happening on Veeky Forums
Democracy is okay, but it needs limits
> we have freedom of press for a reason
Yes amerigoy keep thinking you have any freedom
>Black man beheads white woman
No coverage
>White male punchs black male
Coverage everywhere
>Black Hole of Calcutta
Did you even read before you got triggered?
> the majority makes something legitimate
But thats wrong you fucking retard
>your violation is going against the consent of the majority.
yeah, and?
A system of Government doesn't dictate whether a country is "good" or "bad" any more than the shape of a food determines its taste. Governments provide order and dictate the law, but any form of government is capable of evil or good.
What democracy does is make it more difficult to tip the scale one way or the other. Under absolute monarchy, for example, you just need the one King to decide to commit evil in order for the entire nation to commit it. In Democracies/Representative Democracies, however, the burden for this tipping point is greatly expanded.
Actually read a post before responding, you illiterate negroid.
>Democracy is the only form of legitimate government.
>comes from the consent of a majority of your peers.
That is patently false. Democracies in theory might describe such things but in practice (and that's all that matters) it is not the case. Industry lobbying, cronyism, old boys networks, the inherent inequalities between social classes, newspaper propaganda etc.