/owg/ Overwatch General

When you hit the helix just right edition

>Official Uprising website

>When does the event end?
May 1st.

>Latest Comic:

>Event video

>Story video

>Developer update video

>Live Patch Notes

>Overwatch Dev Tracker


>Convert source mouse sensitivity

>Stats and Leaderboards

>Competitive Info


The Overwatch Monthly Melee, a minor tournament, is now live:

Other urls found in this thread:


Here comes T.Racer!

Welp. Bed time for me then.


xth for servers literally on fire

Dead game

Is the game down?


>silver portrait plays like absolute shit

How can you play the game for that long and still not know how to play it?


Every silver portrait I've played with was 2000< sr


Honestly, what is the appeal of playing that dumpster fire called competitive at this point?

What will doomfist's kit be?

Ugly gold weapons that only look good on certain hero's certain skins.


How do i get Veeky Forums to gift me overwatch?

Dead general, Dead game, Dead Bnet.
So who hackd bnet this time huh?


Discord won't do shit if neither you nor a teammate is focusing on the discorded enemy. You have to constantly switch discord targets to whichever enemy is either:

>Highest priority (genji in your back line)
>Mostly likely to actually be hit (roadhog out in the open)

Since targets are always weaving in and out or dying, you should constantly discording as Zenyatta. You have to do the same with your harmony orb, always keeping it on:

>Whoever is taking the most damage right now (roadhog out in the open)
>Whoever has the lowest health (genji in their back line)

On top of that, you'll be leading projectiles nonstop and strafing along with whomever can bodyguard you best

Zenyatta is more multitasking intensive than other heroes, and while being sufficiently useful with him is rather straightforward, he takes a lot of focus to play optimally.

So what's going on with the servers? Some event today?

Canon soon

EU works fine

Primary punch
Faster you alternate M1 and M2 faster you punch
Passive subsequent attacks within a time period build up damage
Shift is like an opposite Roadhog hook where you dash forward into an enemy following it up with a stunning punch.
Q slams the enemy with a palm strike pushing them back heavily
Ult creates a shockwave that throws enemies a distance, destroys barriers, and removes shields and armor for a short period

luckily i can play comp games just fine

but voice chat doesnt work and there is a ghost picture of someone talking in the corner.

>Arthas got redemption arc
>Kerrigan got redemption Mary sue arc

pretty obvious Reaper will become a good guy again

Your guardian angel

Why do shitters think Zen POTG is hard to get?
I get one every 5 games or so...
Discord shit and hit heads.
Or pop ult against nanoblade...

ive gone from 2700 to 2500 today because of trolls and derankers and i cant answer this question

Spamming threads with the same statement isn't helping, trust me.

hopefully juggle combos and peel

>Arthas got redemption arc
He did? I missed that

But doesnt nanoblade outdamage your transendance heal though...?

threadly reminder that pharah deserves the ability to press crouch in the air and slam down to the ground


>Even the website is down

What's going on guys?

not as much a redemption but more of a "the lich king made me do it... thanks for saving me"

nope. It's 180 per hit, 1 swing per second. You outheal it. And you get 2k heals on that trans

I want his ultimate to just be a single target melee range OHKO that sends them flying like a Smash Bros baseball bat


Only after Angela

dash + slash instakills non-tanks through any healing, the amount doesnt matter

Healing arc when

>estimated wait: ~1966 minutes

haha fucking neets with their que wait time, I don't have this problem because I don't even own the game

I can't like this ship because it makes me feel like Mercy's attracted to broken people she'd like to fix, and that's pretty messed up.

that's women in general you virgin faggot
why do you think most women are so batshit insane?

Got tired of the fags and tumblr SJWs on here so I put the game into the recycling bin

>open loot box
>3 duplicates and currency

thanks, I totally don't want the time limited uprising items.

Be happy, I'm almost 80% sure they were planning on selling this event as DLC and making the skins unlockable from playing it.

Dash+nanoblade does 255. Zen heals 300hp/s

There's a very small limited opportunity to instakill 200hp if everyone is in a group, but otherwise zen denies nanoblade completely.

Like all the other events?

turret form emotes for bastion when

>Wanting to give Pharah nice things
I'm just hoping she doesn't get nerfed at this point.

>Open loot box double legendary and epic
>next box legendary mercy
>next box new tracer skin

if I kill someone with a junkrat trap & mine combo at the beginning of the match, what do they see on the killcam?


opened 10 boxes not one uprising item

why even call them uprising boxes



best girl, best boy, best friends

Is it bad that I still get salty when a Junkrat kills me? He is such a fucking braindead character.

>Faster you alternate M1 and M2 faster you punch
Glad I have a mouse that I can teach macros

How are you managing to die to glowing "AVOID ME" bouncy balls?

>Hanzo can wave hi with his bow pulled back


>main Reinhardt and Tracer
>Open 10 boxes
>Bunch of Torb, Bastion, and Widow shit

This game is designed to fuck with you

kill yo self bitch nig'ga!

What would having Sombra as a girlfriend be like?

Who else is loving this purple bastion

It's more like "frostmourne made me do it", isn't it? Arthas also kept Jaina's pendant the whole time despite being the lich king, suggesting that a small part of Arthas was still there, perhaps keeping the lich king from running truly rampant. Plus the whole "there must always be a lich king" twist implies that without a lich king the undead would be impossible to deal with. So what the hell, Arthas had to play the bad guy?

So maybe Reaper is with Talon to force Overwatch into recalling. Otherwise the omnic-illuminati that Sombra got burned by would take over, or something.

>tfw I already know they are going to remove the exploits on tuesday so getting legendary in the event will be more difficult
fug i just want this damn achievement already

It's a nice skin, could be better if it had the Bastion sounds from the uprising mode though.

I get salty when junkrat/hanzo/genji kills me

No skill required

>wow lorefags

Annoying as fuck when someone picks it in the All Heroes event. Looks neat otherwise.

>PVE Mode
>Try a handful of times but accept that it can't be done on legendary with randos
>Queue up one more time before bed
>Get two American girls and some bloke who talks maybe once
>Girls are really excited and have tried dozens of times more than me
>I go Tracer
>Some how make it to the last Orisa
>Time runs out

I've never made it that far before and I hope they want to try again. Shit sucks because they were communicating more than some of my comp matches.

a few days ago someone suggest that Talon forced Reyes into becoming Reaper, so now he's playing along with them long enough to strike at whoever really did that shit to him.

Seeing as how Blizzard has used that exact same plot twist in literally every game they've made it seems likely

who the fuck takes care of genjis hot robot body after overwatch was destroyed?

>using that shit after the hotkey banwaves

>have SSD and fast internet
>instalock hanzo every comp game

man these golds sure are mad, im smurfing, who cares what class i play..

No one needs to but him.

And you know he does his squats.

d.va's thighs are so supple

Why would a robot have saggy tits

You already know who user

why do you assume anyone here cares? cant you keep your loss rationalizing to yourself?

No one.

>Genji's always spamming "I need healing" because he wants sexual healing


Does anyone else always do a 'Thanks!' after getting healed

I think it's a TF2 habit of mine

well presumably he can take care of it himself

I do it in the hope that the healer will keep doing it. Though I had a Mercy tilt on me for no reason and refuse to heal me.

I want a "yes" and "no" and manual "sentry ahead" voice lines like in tf2

Who else /boredasfuck/?

stop projecting

>everytime I spot an obvious hacker the team defends the hacker and gets really offended that its even suggested
For what purpose

I do. People end up doing a double take because a Genji told them thanks.

Me not sure what to play, league sucks dick now csgo is stale.

need a new game...

Same, have they said anything about what's going on?

yes, it is in the image of the post you quoted

So what you think of new Stanky video?

I want to play Destiny 2 because skins and loot. OW just has skins.

Only when I say "I need healing!" first, and then they heal me after.

Stops people from flipping their shit on me when playing Winston and Genji

genji takes the most skill, though