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second for siege is fun

First for how the fuck do numbers work anyway?

>If I wanted to be yelled at, I'd call my mother.
iktf bro

Fourth for who gives a shit.

Maybe we'd have more concrete answers if a couple more people chipped in to help Crab with the shotgun testing.

montagne and glaz nerfs fucking WHEN



its fucking bs playing against a monty that walks up to your face and unzips his shield and just empties his revolver into you and there is nothing you can do about it

When you cry as hard as you possibly can.

For real though, take his smokes.

Why monty though? Srs. He's annoying at his best.

I can think of like 4 or 5 spots in the whole game where you can't disengage and deal with him.

not him, but out of interest, what are the spots?

>that walks up to your face
Have you considered not letting him walk right up to you?

Glaz just needs to not have his own smokes

Made me chuckle.

any one else playing the go4 today?

If you turn your back he will shoot you, its mostly the fact that the animation is broken and that he can shoot you before you can even properly see his hand there is no risk or skill to playing monty the only way to get killed if the game goes full retard

Yeah sorry next time I will bring armor piercing rounds that go through his shield

>Oh fuck a wild Montagne appears!
>What ever shall I do?
>Shall I fire at him and move towards cover so he can't retract his shield and gun me down?
>Shall I run away?
>Shall I call out his location so my teammates can kill him from behind?
>Fuck that, I'll stand still and let him shoot

let me fix that for you

>Of fuck a wild Montage appears!
>Shall I fire at him (waste ammo) and move towards cover (he will shoot you in the back while you do so) so he can't retract his shield and gun me down?
>Shall I run away? (he will shoot you in the back)
>Shall I call out his location so my teammates can kill him from behind? (teammates wont always be there to help)
>Fuck that, I'll stand still and let him shoot (strawman)

>waste ammo
That's a fucking laugh. When have you ever run out of ammo? Is your shot placement that bad?

>Shoot a bullet proof shield
>lmao cant u hit anything?

Let me fix that for you
>Oh fuck* a wild Montagne* appears!
>Shall I fire at him (Prevents him from firing and if you aren't shit at aiming wont waste the stockpile of ammo you have) and move towards cover (Still firing at him to prevent him shooting)
>Shall I run away? (Can't hit you if you use cover or fire at him to stop his retracting his shield)
>Shall I call out his location so my teammates can kill him from behind (If they can get a free kill they will probably try to help, if you're the last alive then disregard this, obviously.)
>Fuck that, I'll stand and let him shoot.

>waste my ammo shooting at him
>i now have to reload
>get deleted by 77dmg revolver

You can hit the glass he sees through to fuck up his visibility.

Dont mag dump you retard. 3 bullets every now and then will stop him from dropping his shield.

>What is taking cover?
>What is firing in small bursts to allow me to move somewhere safer whilst also keeping Monty at bay?
>What is that giant stockpile of ammo I have?

>What is taking cover?
Useless in game where you can shoot through most things
>What is firing in small bursts to allow me to move somewhere safer whilst also keeping Monty at bay?
Still gonna run out of ammo and give him a window
>What is that giant stockpile of ammo I have?
Not relevant

>2 hour ban

Time to shitpoooooooooost

>remove bomb from preferances
>having alot more fun

Take cover behind a wall, placed shields, tables, fucking anything that isn't breakable you moron.
Firing in small bursts every now and then wont give him a window, if he knows you're going to fire again he'll keep his shield up, and if he doesn't? Easy headshot if he ADS, if he doesn't aim for the hand unless you've got shit aim
>Giant stockpile of ammo irrelevant when you're talking about wasting ammo
Ok kiddo

I was talking ammo the reserve ammo but the mag count, and shooting in short controlled bursts wont stop monty from moving towards you. He doesn't have to ADS, the revolver has crazy good hipfire accuracy

>dude just run away lol
>dude just concede the whole map lol
>dude just lose lol

>Frost is good
>Blackbeard is shit
>Montagne is fair and balanced

Is this really what we've come to? People who think you can't do anything to Monty? The most predictable operator in the game?

>Everyone is one person saying that
Sure buddy

What did he mean by this?

If you hit the glass he sees through and fuck up his vision it would probably slow him down, or make him ADS to see you, so you can headshot the fucker.
If he tried to hipfire his his arm or his legs if he's stood, should encourage him to extend his shield, giving you more time to think of a way out of the situation.
Even if you're talking about the mag count it still doesn't counter my point about moving behind cover to reload, every room has multiple exits, so if you back through a doorway get behind a wall and run if you really have to.

Alright fine, as someone that loves playing Monty I'll give you some advice: relocate.

The number one thing that I fucking love when I'm playing Monty is retards who watch me come at them and just try to hold their position or, even better, who just run at me alone.

Retreat or otherwise relocate. Monty is not an actual Main Battle Tank, his shield only protects him from the front. Entering a doorway is actually a serious issue for him if he can't see from the doorway that at least one side is totally clear so he can face his shield the other way as he enters. Every doorway you can put between you and him is good. This doesn't mean you have to retreat all the way or concede the objective, the maps in this game are fairly open and you should be able to basically just run in a big circle if you want to. Also, use your mic and have a teammate run up behind him. That's an incredibly easy way to deal with him.

>shoot you in the back
You do know you can walk backwards and sideways in this game, right? If you took up some kind of a fighting position without mentally double checking and knowing where the door/hole/exit is, that's on you. I'm not saying you have to be able to walk the entire map backwards, but you should have a good enough idea of your position to know how to get out of his line of sight without turning your back to him.

Or fuck it, whatever, keep crying on the general about it. That's making everything better, right?

It's concerning either way because those people are my potential teammates

Fucking this.

You can nitro/impact grenade Monty for fair damage/ an outright kill. Making sure you don't fuck up the nitro is important though. Smoke is also great for denying stationary monties who stand still with their shield extended. Finally if the Monty is running revolver and unlooads all 6 bullets and you survive, you should probably rush his shit down (while trying not to get melee'd)
Posted in wrong thread.

And they're right. Get good shitter.

frost or mira next?

It has been several weeks of pro league, when do they end?

>montagne pushing alone
wow hello copper


Yes, the Kaboom-boom is Monty's biggest nightmare given how easily you can toss it over his shield.

t. copper cuck

t. gold 4 cuck

>implying that gold 4 is even good.


Who /neverplayedrankedandneverintendtobecausecasualisfunandranksactuallydontmatter/ here?

any more opinions before i flush 25k down the shitter?

frost is more fun

Give me three (3) good reasons why I would want a Frost on my team instead of someone useful like Jäger or Valkyrie

>good frost do trap
>valk is ugly
>social cues

>playing cav
>being a stealthy sausage
>interrogate an enemy
>get shot right after
>in the killcam they waited until id finished interrogating before they shot me
well memed

Frost can still get people down after she died from spawnpeeking.

Do anyone else feel bad when there is a Monty screaming "WE CAN PUSH FORWARD" and there is nobody behind him to help?

>"stay behind me"
>theres noone behind him
>he forgot for a second all his friends died
>a single tear runs down his cheek

Or maybe because you're an overconfident retard

Gadget operators (like rook, jager,valk,bandit or mute or mira) are better than performance related oprators (like cav or frost or smoke) Because their gadget works 100% of the time despite of the player's skill or rank

also anyone who isn't a half blind retard won't fall for frost or kapkan

And jager/ can still disable grenades after his death because he placed his ADS in prep phase

I play ranked for challenges sometimes, but pretty much, yeah. I've learned over the years that when I play ranked, it stops being fun and starts feeling like a chore or work.

61 for sakuya

It doesn't matter if Kapkan gets a kill, he's still shutting down an entry or making the enemy give away their position when they disable it.

Grenade idea: grenade that can be rolled under door or drone holes but can't be thrown too far.

Attackers make noise no matter what when entering. Are you stupid?

All grenades can do that

is that OC? Haven't seen it before.

Why can't I put a Valkyrie Chibi on the SMG-11?

There is someone else

Shoot at his fucking hand.

>not putting valk chibi on BB's guns and BB chibi on valk's guns
you gay as shit

>implying smoke isn't the most useful op in the game

Mira is one of the most unique feeling defenders

He is useful if you're not a total shitter
IF you're not a shitter

See that IF? that's where the trouble comes from

But rook's plates or jager's ADS don't give a fuck if you're plat or copper, Just place them and you've given your team one hell of an advantage.

well yeah laser guns probably do feel unique

I'm assuming this is how the HK Dazzler will behave. Heavy, chunky, but with multiple stuns per nade.

but only because im lazy

if I wasn't I totally would, since then I'd be ranked with players of my skill instead of being btfo constantly. I just wanna have fun goofing around with my bronze bros you know


I very rarely run into a Smoke player who wastes his gas. People get the idea quickly.

It depends on the ADS placement for Jager. Putting it near barbed wire or the anchors on point is useful, but when you see a copper they might put it in useless spots.

Also, smokes that tend to roam and carry impacts in ranked are the bane of my existence.

I dont see him

why do all three of iq's guns feel so lackluster

what do you mean HES RIGHT THERE!

It's due to her being a shit operator bringing nothing to the table for the team.

>Mira puts a window in a wall
>pops it out
>have to watch the window and everything else now
why do miras do this

>tfw too intelligent to play IQ

It's a shame that Mira is only useful on a few objectives in the game. When she works, she can be game changing, but people don't know when to use her and it ends up being detrimental to the team.

>someone hits all the window barricades once during defense setup


Blackbeard isn't shit, but the rest is right, fuck up cuck

Ash's gadget is a fucking gimmick just like IQ's, and IQ has the benefit of frags and a rifle that isn't worthless when suppressed.

I thought ash's gadget was meant to tie into her 3 speed, she's meant to break into the place faster than a defence team might like while having a decent gun.

>ashes gadget
So not having to risk getting wallbanged when putting up a breach charge or wasting ammo is a gimmick?

Really got my brain juice flowing.

>join casual game
>There is one level 3 with his level 80 buddy
>The experienced guy is telling the other what the various ops do
>I pick sledge
>"Sledge can destroy walls with a hammer"
>Someone picks BB
>"And Blackbeard is like sledge but with a shield on his weapon so you can't get killed
>He picks Ash
>"And Ash is like sledge but with a grenade launcher"
>Level 3 guy picks recruit
>Last guy picks hibana
>"Oh and Hibana is like sledge but with a different grenade launcher"

My first attempt at a silly siege drawing.

Did you draw on a letter or something?

I like it.

Made me think of Hotline Miami so I'm masturbating now
Thanks user

>Watching a window or door for half the round
>as soon as I look away somebody runs in and shoots me
god dammit

any wall thats worth breaching WILL be reinforced, if you're playing Ash instead of Hibana (or IQ if Hibana is taken) you don't make sense.

good point