Incmoing Vel'koz meta edition
Incmoing Vel'koz meta edition
I want Sivir to fuck my asshole with her benis
These chins what the fuck
Playing against irelia is so annoying. She just max stun and point and click stun you and do it again and again and you're dead. How do you deal with this except Not get close to her?
I think that this could be TSM's year. They look much more solid than previous split and whilst I don't think they're on SKT's level, I think they're probably about as good as SSG right now. Honestly, there really isn't a better mid or jungler outside of Korea than Bjerg and Sven right now.
Who else can really compete?
How tasty do you think Ahri's milk
Wait, WHY is Riot reworking Evelynn? Are they just making her into a generic burst assassin because they hate her Q even though Q is basically her only iconic skill?
I want to snuggle up with Kog'maw!
Buy mercs so you aren't stunned while you get fucked by her triforce autos
she needs tentacles
xth for Syndra
But it's a gameplay update, not just a visual one. What's wrong with her current kit she still works and her stealth isn't even unhealthy anymore.
I agree big blue testicles
+ zed
xth for Ahri and her tails, her ears and her korean dress.
it's pretty boring to be frank
What are they going to do, make Q a skillshot, but keep it's ridiculously low CD?
what do I know, it's far too soon to make assumptions
why are you getting your panties in a bunch over her rework?
Would you mate press?
>start a game
>top feeds, mid and jungle are disconnected half the time, feeding the other
why even bother at this point just give me defeat screens instead
>still sitting on a 40% win rate in bronze
i want to die
Easter Quote for League of Legends:
>Salt is good: but if the salt have lost his saltness, wherewith will ye season it? Have salt in yourselves, and have peace one with another.
>Mark 9:50
Something to keep in mind in regards to working together with your team, even when you start to lose. Try to keep the saltiness contained.
Talux is best ship uvu;
>tfw can't keep bronze smurf out of silver without straight-up inting games
Later tonight definitely
Doesn't Rakan seem like a psycho boyfriend? I want to be a psycho bf for a Xayah!
Grace and Glory champion when?
>Losing games with every other champion I play
>Go back to Fiddlesticks who I've been using since S2 and stomp game after game
Who's your rock you fall back on when nobody else is working lolg?
Talon x Quinn
[/spoiler]Lux x Darius
I wanna kill lolg slowly! :3
You don't know what being psycho truly means you insignificant cur delete your existence,
what did he meant by this?
>no exterminator Illaoi skin with flyswatters for tentacles
Why live
WHOA, look out guys! we got a PSHYCO
softly kill yourself in your sleep
Just taking what (you) gave up
He's been around forever and people still don't respect his damage or carry potential
Sivir is a lady, dont ever imply that she has a benis
Sona as much as I want to be a ranked jinx one trick she just doesn't work out as much but Sona for some reason always works out.
so awesome!!!
just like Invisible Monsters!!!!!!!!!
I wan't to look cute like Diana!
Is bork even that good on vayne? I still build shiv IE cause I do better with it. Sometimes people say "wtf are you building vayne" "why shiv instead of pd" as if vayne didnt build this for the entire year preceeding the bork buff.
>700 true damage at level 6 + either DFT or TLD
>no one respects the laner
>nobody flashes it, they try and walk out
I like how the mid year mage update didn't even rework him like it did Vlad or Malz, they just buffed his damage and have him a really generous Mana refund on Q.
Fuck, I'm a dumbass.
Keep going Shiv. Vayne makes no sense with Runaan's and that's the only other waveclear option for ADC, plus Shiv is getting buffed.
Bork is just that good with everyone, you can obviously still run the Zeal IE build but Bork is objectively more gold efficient right now, you should build what makes you feel the most comfortable tho
>I-its camouflage though ;-;
nigga i don't give a fuck if my wards can't see it its bullshit either way
What is the most annoying trap ability in the game? between
>Teemo shrooms
>Shaco boxes
>Jhin flower bomb
did i forgot any?
Also imo PD is so much better, sure you lose a bit of wave clear but you feel so much more powerfull
I get pd right after I finish IE most of the time. The shiv tumble crit is just so fucking strong so I get that first.
Evelyn's E is the most fun part of her kit honestly.
Caitlyn cupcake, even if they aren't invisible.
Caitlyn's cuckcakes.
Jhin's bombs are pretty shit
consider this: A new summoner spell is introduced: Flash 'n Dash.
Effect: 2 flashes each half the range of the traditional flash. Has no cooldown and can be recast within 5 seconds before expiring.
Always uses the full cooldown which is the same as flash cooldown.
Who would use it? Would it change the meta?
>puts 5 traps under your tower
>shoots you from 1300 units away
Pssh nothing personal melee champs
>>nobody flashes it, they try and walk out
That or they flash in a straight line while still being in it.
His Q damage is fairly high on its own as well.
You can only get hit by a few of them before you have to leave lane.
would either be always used or never used, depending on what walls you can jump from it
When is she getting buffed?
pls riot ;_;
>that feeling when you hide the range indicator inside of terrain and nail a guy for a kill way behind his tower
I love the way it makes you feel like a sniper.
>within 5 seconds
broken op bullshit
make it 2 seconds max and then maybe it's balanced
I want to sexually abuse Kled!
I want kled to sexually abuse me!
Mutual rape!
so it is just basically two dashes that every champ would take? Yes it would change the meta; everyone would take it.
A question to all Udyr players in here: How do you feel about his changes on the PBE?
That's not how rape works.
I hope they make her Q a skillshot and maybe compensate it with a bit more range
it will make her incredibly more hard to play but also way easier if you know how to play with that as you don't have the auto lock on fuck it up
also max health % damage on ult when
Nida's traps are extremely underrated.
They're invisible now too.
>Jungler ganks
>Enemy blows flash
>Jungler never comes again
Why do I get one of these every time.
Why am I the only one that camps the fuck out of the lane with no flash until I know for sure my laner is snowballed.
>evelynn becomes slightly strong
>entire boards turn to nothing but cries to delete her stealth and gut her forever
>this happens about 1.5 times per year
>hurrdurr why would riot ever try to rework her
You're dumber than the retards who didn't see the Galio rework coming.
some people benefit more from the large range of the instant big flash though.
Plus obviously you would only be able to flash the smaller walls with this. So no bot/topside thicc wall flashes, or more
Lets say it required a minimum cooldown of 0.2 seconds before reactivation for balancing purposes.
Id see it work on lee for better repositioning, and perhaps most ADCs
I think GP's ult may now be more annoying than Karthus ult.
GP in general just seems like a super annoying ass right now. Every time he's in a match he becomes the most awful thing late game.
All the relevant walls can be blinked over with half of Flash's range so that would make it the superior spell for outplaying your opponent.
Just be good at the mini game bro, kill that 3 health barrel before he can kill his 1 health barrel
just dont let him snowball and end the game before 25 minutes bro lol shaking my head
Eve is at least in a workable, viable state right now, meanwhile you've got shit like Heimer just rotting in the dumpster
Late? If you get a bad matchup he's obnoxious as fuck the entire game.
>Ha ha let me run at you at 700 ms, shoot you in the face for a sheen proc and extra gold and run away at 700 ms.
>And god forbid you are ever hit by a barrel.
>who would take a better version of flash
>when it doesn't stop you from taking flash in addition to it
For some reason he's allowed to get an extra, what 8 gold per minion at max rank of parlay? Barrel farm and oranges allowing him to heal large missing % health AND clear ccs makes it almost impossible to stop him from farming without a team effort,
tankdyr is much better now, but lanedyr probably gonna hurt a little from turtle stance changes
makes up for it if you happen to go tiger, but it doesn't look like any attempt has been made to fix his/everyone's shitty laning vs champs like jayce and gnar
other than that looks alright
They probably had at least a lead on how to "fix" eve, unlike Heimer
as if heimer isnt workable
Udyr can lane?
Any updates on that 'Demonblade' and 'Angelblade' Yasuo/Riven skins that were leaked?
hey, I don't do it myself, but I see it every hundred or so games.
I do it in norms when I'm bored and cheese with level 1 double tiger ignite
doesn't usually work
You are delusional. Eve is always in one of three states: garbage, balanced but under the radar, and balanced and played. When she's in the final state the community becomes impossible to communicate with until she gets gutted again.
no, and don't expect anything before 7.9 PBE is out for obvious reasons
Eve is literally #2 right now though. She has stable SoloQ statistics and while she's not a metapick by any means she has use as a pocket pick as seen by Moon.
Not to say she couldn't use the VGU but if I was in charge of the triage effort that is selecting them she wouldn't be my first pick.
Is that tuesday?
>press e
>deals damage
so much fun
i fall back on teemo when all else fails
i'm a teemo main and only whip him out when i really really want to win, need to bring my best, or i'm pissed off at my previous few games so i need to make others suffer
Check this Kha'Zix build:
Duskblade (Could be Reminder or Cleaver depending on game)
Then pick 2 of the following
Dead Man's
Tiamat > Titanic.
So the final build looks like
Titanic Hydra
Dead Man's
Or something similar.
>Press E
>Apply double on hit effects for a chunk of damage and get a sweet attack speed steroid
>Comes with a nice, crunchy sound effect
>As opposed to just repeatedly mashing Q on an auto tracking ability
I occasionally play her but to me the ult and her E both just feel shit for her playstyle. sure they arent terrible, but the ult dealing current % damage and a shield it feels off, you just want to deal damage to burst someone down, and if you dont succeed, the shield isnt really going to help anyway, and if youre landing a 5 man shield or other big number you likely cant kill your target because theyre too grouped up and will peel you.
I usually go full AP burst sometimes a bit tanky
New Item: Ice Pick
+25 AD
+25% Attack Speed
Unique Passive - Penetration: Depleting an enemy champion's shield before it wears off will deal damage equal to (50+0.2bAD)% of the initial shield value. Only occurs when you land the last hit.
1500 gold
Single component.
Cannot be upgraded.
thats lame, its a harder counter to shields than mortal reminder is too healers
Make it ignore part of the shields or something and it'd be much better
>doesn't remember red pot tiger cheese toplane ohdear
not enough stats for lategame, not to mention requiring last hit makes it useless in most scenarios unless you're an initiator
feels like a barrier counter when barrier doesn't need a damn counter