Tempo Warrior with Hydras is low-key gross af rn, give it a try
Asher Long
Have fun in Hearthstone!
Kevin Phillips
The pedos.
Its their new meme
Jeremiah Peterson
>Buy more packs goy, I bet there are several good legendaries waiting for you :)
Gabriel Moore
literally who?
Jace Nguyen
*blocks your path*
Jose Morales
Guys they said there would be deck variety
Where's the deck variety guys they promised
Chase Reed
is this graph supposed to mean something? LoE was and WotOG were great sets, and TGT was hot garbage outside of like 4-5 cards. JtU is shaping up to be another great expansion, even if the general interest in the game is still suffering from the clusterfuck of Karazahn into Gadgetzan.
Evan Watson
>Predict glorious hunter meta because of the quest >It's a glorious hunter meta but without the quest
Luis Clark
like rogue, warrior, pally, priest and mage all have 2 or more good decks?
Brayden Sanders
uhhh there are 4 decks in tier 1 and fuckton more directly competing with those by only a very small margin?
>midrange pally recommended for ladder we did it boys
Jaxson Wilson
How do you niggers play standard?
People say wild is a lot faster but I'm having way more fun there, lots of combos with Bran and being able to play oldschool card and Reno is a blessing
Standard is just cancer for me at moment
Nicholas Allen
Turns out Hunter already had most everything it needed to be good, it's just that shaman was a better aggro/midrange class than hunter when it had trogg and golem
Landon Richardson
all classes have viable competitive decks
Dylan Lopez
Reno rotated out
Charles Bell
zeriyah isnt jewish...
Caleb Hall
because it's fresh and people are tired of the cards that just rotated out. Wild probably won't be that fun for a couple of years unless they accidentally release a wild only patron-tier combo deck or some insane control tools so that the format isn't just all aggro/midrange board centric decks.
Lincoln Hall
>is this graph supposed to mean something? it literally says interest over time, people were more interested in hearthstone at TGT launch than any other point
Josiah Rivera
>there are people posting here right now who honestly thought rogue would be bad in un goro
Identity yourselves right now shield bearers!
Christian Watson
Razormaw also pushes the deck pretty hard
Mason Jenkins
I play wild because I'm not going to let blizzard cuck me out of Ragnaros and Sylvie.
Adam Ross
>Mage consists of stalling '''''combo'''''' cancer >Warlock consists of discard bullshit >Pally still shit >Priest/Warrior still oppressive decks with boring mechanics >Rogue's quest and design overall is just aids >Druid still runs at least 1 copy of jade bullshit
Whatever you say, cuck
Aiden Cook
are google searches really that good of a source
your opinions don't mean jack shit when it comes to being viable retard and pally is real good
Xavier Sanders
>I haven't actually played the game since the expansion, but reddit told me it was bad so here I am complaining
>Blizzdrones still defending team 5 shitty cards and concept in general
Oh yea, remember a few expansions ago when Mage was too good so they printed some shitty mage spells that did nothing? or when Warlock was lacking a little bit so they printed a 6/6 with removal in it?
Or when they decided to rotate out solid cards because ''muh espace for design'' multiple times? Ragnaros fucking died so Warrior tumor could've his stupid quest
Fucking cucks, every single of you deserve to waste your time on this bottomless pit and burn money like whores for shitty legionaries once every 40 packs
Blizzdrones are the fucking cancer, even worse than Gabeniggers
Eli Bennett
I’m none of you guys but >fucking tempostorm
Brody Garcia
>Druid still runs at least 1 copy of jade bullshit
And why is it bad that sets from current rotation, older than the newest expansion are being used? So by your everything is cancer, because theres not a single deck in the meta right now with only Ungoro and Classis cards
Jason Murphy
just leave the game then oh wait, you can't. i wonder why.
Alexander Harris
tempostorm isn't perfect but it's still gives a good oversight on the viability of decks.
Or am I missing something? Haven't played in months so I don't know. Just hit legend and seems pretty accurate from what I've seen on ladder.
Nathan Gutierrez
I hope you are saving gold for Augusts expansion
>Hearthstone release - March 11, 2014 4 months, 11 days >Curse of Naxxramas - July 22, 2014 4 months, 16 days >Goblins vs. Gnomes - December 8, 2014 3 months, 25 days >Blackrock Mountain - April 2, 2015 4 months, 22 days >The Grand Tournament - August 24, 2015 2 months, 19 days >League of Explorers - November 12, 2015 5 months, 14 days >Whispers of the Old Gods - April 26, 2016 3 months, 16 days >One Night in Karazhan - August 11, 2016 3 months, 20 days >Mean Streets of Gadgetzan - December 1, 2016 4 months, 5 days >Journey to Un’Goro - April 6, 2017 4 months, 11 days >Expansion August 17, 2017
Cameron Phillips
the tiers outside of 1 seem asspulled and their decks are always some hipster shit
Aaron Adams
>Being this ass blasted
Jeremiah Powell
>Implying Stop projecting
>it has problems but don't talk shit a-about m-m-m-m-uh gayme if you d-do you better leave!!! Off yourself, for the whole logos greater good
Isaiah Edwards
>tfw can't buy Naxxramas
Bentley Edwards
except all that "hipster" shit was used in the tournament already and it worked?
all of tier 2 decks on tempostorm are literally tier 1 but they just needed to create a fiction of tiers because thats their """"job"""""
Julian Baker
Wait there people in this thread arguing and actually defending blizzard?
Isaac White
Tempostorm has been worthless since vicioussyndicate came around. The latter uses real data from tens of thousands of games. Tempostorm is just a bunch of hacks guessing which classes and decks are the best. They're especially a joke at times like this where the expansion has been out for less than a month, and saying that 4 decks between 2 classes are absolutely the dominant tier 1 decks is laughable.
Jace Ward
Is it though? they base their tier lists on win% &deck popularity
the individual rankings yeah sure but the general tiers seem fine
Nicholas Gray
damn i didnt even realize that LoE was so rushed
is this why it was fucking terrible?
Blake Green
>cucks le cucks xD im above you all if your life wasn't so pathetic and you'd try to write something actually constructive it'd be just fine but since your brain can't produce anything coherent it's no surprise your vocabulary is limited to buzzwords you hear from the big boys over at Veeky Forums
and when I don't like a game I stop playing. why should I care anymore if you still believe blizzard cares about what the playerbase thinks your brain is real fucking slow
John James
It wasn't rushed, it was created before TGT accroding to Brode.
Ryan Price
Stop complaining, the game is free to play
Brody Watson
>Rogue and Warrior only T1 decks >Warlock only one T2 deck >Shaman on T3 >''Balanced class pool''
really got my neurons firing
Jacob Rodriguez
I just disenchanted flizzlebang, maxenna, and illidan. not what?
Angel Smith
fucking august? I really am not liking ungoro at all
Adapt is actually a solid as fuck mechanic, literally everything else I don't really like
Joseph Murphy
now you have 3/4s of a legendary. Good luck wading through 40 more packs to get another shit legend so you can actually make something playable
Luke Davis
Worse balance than even Shadowverse
Kayden Campbell
>She's just trying really hard
Hunter Richardson
Stop babbling cunt, talk about the game, not your projections
Gabriel Kelly
Then why don't you start? You still can't come up with anything coherent.
Brayden Reed
jesus. lyra is so good.
Colton Cruz
And how can I not? Sunkeeper Tarim provides hours of entertainment all by himself!
Isaac Martin
dude why are you so angry right now
Isaac Baker
>The game design is shit >''leave muh gayme alone blizz is a indie company and HS is f2p'' >Yea, but the whole direction of the game is going to shit >''never forget the weekly ddos they still suffer''
Noah Ortiz
how foolish we were
Logan Gonzalez
because faggots like him shit up these threads when the end result is literally nothing if you seriously have such big problems with the game still in 2017 when nothing has changed it's time to move on
>strawmen after strawmen you're not even trying anymore, sad
Michael Cox
Blizzard uses 1/1 millionth of their filthy mountain of jewgold to pay shills to shtipost on /hsg/.
I dunno dude I don't think this place really every does anything besides shitpost and spout memes Plus it's not like he's stopping people from actually talking about the game and posting decks or whatever
Cameron Murphy
Bentley Sanders
Hunter should have some beast that heals him
Aaron Mitchell
yeah it's just my autism kicking in i just can't stop responding to baits fuck my life is pathetic imma head to sleep
Mason Hill
why does gylph discount the discovered spell and shadow visions doesnt?
John Powell
Because mage.
Noah Reyes
sleep tight little nigga, I think I'm going to do the same
Jayden Thompson
rng is skill adapting to rng requires skill
Connor Morgan
Me too, good night and sweet dreams :3
Jack Peterson
>only legendary on release day was pally quest >reset my pity timer last night with pyros
Cameron Carter
Because you control what Shadow Visions discovers, Glyph doesn't.
Christopher Nguyen
Oh no, I think I hit the friend max (200). I'm still sending requests, but it's not saying so. I'm going to have to start deleting people now. FUCK.
Jeremiah Stewart
>August 17th
Making things up is not ok
Asher Gomez
because shadow visions lets you pick out of a smaller pool of cards that you define, glyph picks out of every mage spell I guess that's what was going through their head, but unfortunately mage has no bad spells Maybe if it was discount 1 it would be okay I dunno, honestly, though today I was messing around with mage quest and I finished it on turn 1 by coining out primordial glyph into 5 more glyphs, shit was lit
Oliver Hughes
>Cuckbeast >3 mana 3/2 >battlecry: hsg is retarded
Thomas Hughes
it is a rough estimation, give or take 10 days
Andrew Reed
Does Hammer of Twilight deathrattle summon a elemental count as playing an elemental for synergy?
Jaxon Howard
it says summon, so if the card you are playing says "play" no
Isaac Gray
"playing" something means spending the mana and using it from your hand at least that's how I think it works summoning is when it enters the field in any way
Aaron Nguyen
discover aoe, aoe, or aoe
Tyler Nguyen
>losing >enemy doesn't go for lethal and tries to BM until I concede instead of just hitting
>winning >enemy spitefully ropes every single turn despite having no cards in hand and it being a losing game, they attempt to delay as long as possible
Good community.
Anthony Collins
Sky high winrate against midrange hunter and taunt warrior, but I'm sick to death of fighting them
Gavin Butler
can some1 pls suggest a cheapish control deck that I can play this season? I have such little dust.
Ethan Gomez
Yeah it's a shit community, and blizzard encourages it. I remember when the game was new and complaining on the forums about using the rope as an offensive weapon and lowering at least the timer for the first turn or two and blizzard was just like "Oh well, sometimes it takes that long to make the best play!" Blizzard itself is the problem. All other problems flow forth from that septic tank.
Jayden Allen
taunt warrior
Julian Miller
What's a good cheap deck to beat quest warriors?
Brody Cruz
Taunt warrior.
Tyler Davis
Medivh + free from Amber control priest is unbelievably fun