/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1445

>How's your event grinding?

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Sky Compass Guide (now includes air dates)

>Schedule for April:
4/1 - 4/9 - Table for Six
4/10 - 4/15 - All Four Celestials (Renewal)
4/16 - 4/21 - Cerberus/Fenrir Showdown
4/16 - 4/21 - The Inner Light (Mary Event; Rerun and Renewal)
4/22 - 4/29 - Guild War (Fire)
4/30 - ?/?? - New Scenario Event

Summer: EOP Exodus

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

Previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:



Greenstar weapon when?

What a cute girl.


Rozen Maiden collab when? Cygames likes using ancient anime for collabs and Orchid is not enough to satisfy my doll fetish.

How does Fenrir's furry paws smell like?

As long as kirakishou is playable or has a lewd summon


best Pairing

That's like fucking yourself

Gran x Me

I wish I could

Stop posting this candid picture of my wife.

Did anybody save those two Djeeta OC's from two threads ago?

Why does the early thread user always show his ass around fenrir event?

Best doll

Host Zoey please

KMR said they will stop pandering to old man.

Thats the best part of it

>Summer: EOP Exodus


The fuck are you talking about, it always happens.

>360k more exp to go
I wish I had a book

Now I actually want this for the VA antics between Gin/Rosetta and Shinku/Katalina.

I unequipped my summon from all my parties and the player summon list, but it's still saying it's equipped
Please help

Pending battles

Check your

>No one will ever post lewd pictures of your wife because they don't exist and she's too far beyond notice


Ah perfect, thanks



Things I would do to her best hole

Post stars characters


>still haven't gotten a flip


So what else do I put on the Water Grid. And yeah there's some placeholders in there like Wilhelm and Sochie Fan.


I already told you they don't exist, user.

Who noflips here? Burnt 50 pots already.


So is Fenrir Bow even worth getting anymore?

やるぞっ! モモ!
さあ、覚悟はいいか! …エーテライト・オンスロート!

JK Sword, 2 Ancient Auberons.

What's that star on the top right?


Is the cerb dagger worth grinding just to replace the jeanne sword? I'm still grinding to get the minimum level to join qilin trains to try to get the sword and harp by next celestials so I'm not sure if I should just wait for it instead

RQ sword, 1-2 more daggers, possibly Auberons. Fimbul and Gleipnir from Fenrir make decent filler as well. Gabriel's wand for on-element.

whats your favorite outfit?

I really want to roll this girl, not because of esports but because she is adorable

Now you're not even trying.

>thinking Sturm was going to join when she still has justifiable reason to appear in the main story and doesn't have a Story SR version

Go away crewmate

Out of all 3 only Vohu NM flipped for me and got me an Urn.
I want Fenrir to at least drop Selfies



>Double baha filler


Do it she is best girl.

What is she then?

I give up

Zenith level

Extended mastery level

When is fenrir playable?

Return of cogposting when?



If you have Varuna and plan to get 5* Uno, it's still the best water can get.


Almost there

How much damage does this do? I'm doing 120k normals(fully debuffed) with 4 daggers, 2 auberons, rq, gabby and baha dagger

I miss cog

Are there lvl 90/100 fates, or can I kick them off the team when I get the 5*?

Should I stick to cerberus for the whole week if I main dark?


Only if you have Hades or if your grid is so garbage you need her weapons.

>cosmos daggers in kmr's era

Does that mean 90 for the SR's, or do they get shafted?

It does.

If you are magna and dont have a complete 6 magna grid, then farm 1 dagger. If you have 6 grid ignore this event. If you have hades, get the gun.

Yeah 90 for SRs

5* characters have a fate episode at their max level that gives them their last skill upgrade or 4th skill.

>this exhentai.org/g/1052192/27468f76ed/ gets translated but not the yozo doujins

Are your Daggers skill level 15?


It's the base water grid. Aka, the best water can do until you start getting the newer shit or primal a primal pool.

Too lazy to grind out a different cosmos and it still does me real good since I still main water.

fucking nuke /u/ right now
these translators could have picked something that's not complete garbage but no


>2 aub
1 aub/1 cosmo is still better.

Water #3 when?

Blacklist when

Does Fenrir flip selfies for you guys? Do you see any difference between different NM flips?

Why does yuri always have some of the most bland and awful art and still gets translated>

I want to lick naru's other eye!

viracancer was a fucking mistake

Should I bother getting Fimbul when I don't have Varuna?

>licking hymen blood off the fingers
Kinda hot

>she covers her other eye because it's actually missing
>she lost it while training and that's why Okto abandoned her

I want to lick her choco eye!

How often do Cerb and Fenrir drop their summons?

I honestly feel bad for /u/fags because there's lots of cute and good girls who like girls like Farrah, Ange, and Claudia, but literally every single iota of /u/ GBF content is nothing but Viratrash.

Must really suck.

Who is this semen demon?

What's the issue exactly? That's only the 3rd translated GBF yuri doujin.