/mbg/ - Mount & Blade General

Cossack edition.



Taleworlds will be at E3 2017: e3expo.com/show-info/3198/e3-2017-participating-companies/

Gamescom Siege video:

Interviews with Armagan at Gamescom '16:

Last blog:


PASTEBIN: pastebin.com/m8UDSqYp

M&B Wiki: mountandblade.wikia.com/wiki/Mount_and_Blade_Wiki

NOOB GUIDE: imgur.com/a/FMAqV

>user's mods and upstab guide:
>/mbg/ Steamgroup

New Modules :
>Dickplomacy and Dickplomacy Submods
>Modded Hispania 1200
>Parabellum : Get it while its hot

>"I made a mod recently or updated it. Wat do?"
Link to the OP in your post so that it might be easier to find for the one making the next OP (also for regular people).

Other urls found in this thread:


bannerlord soon fellow /mbg/

Why is every mod so shit

You sure it's not just you being shit at the game and blaming mods?

Make your own. It's what I'm doing.

I want to believe

Why is the AI such a cunt?
We have a freshly captured city with 0 defense, but he ignores it, goes around and all the way to rape my fief. Every time. It's like my fief is the highest priority strategic target.

That's pretty self-aware for the AI, knowing that the player is always the biggest threat.

I'm posting Cao Cao in honour of the poster who was posting in honour of the original Cao Cao poster until we get a good Romance of the three kingdoms mod.

There actually is some code that makes it more likely to go for the player's fiefs I believe, but that's only a small part of it. It also looks at stuff like how many friends you have and how powerful they are; you start with none while all the other lords have their cliques, so you're an easy target.

uhh you dont get to banner lords

Which Native faction do you enjoy role playing with the most?

Which faction do you find most challenging to play?


Vaegirs are such a pain in the ass to play. Light armor and great weapon is a horrible combination.

I don't know how they manage to last so long surrounded by the Nords and Khergit.

the game isn't really challenging when you can just spam your faction's specialty
how do I swing a sword REALLY fast

because autocalc doesnt take equipment into account

khergits for both

>down to last 3 castles
>all 3 getting sieged down at the same time by 3 factions
well, rip france I guess

the spirit of the Welsh Demon has infected the AI

Uesugi is cute

wales is a distant memory in my world, long ago consumed by the eternal anglo
the last free welsh are in my party as mercenary archers

oh, Aragon looked Welsh because of the bright green faction color

Are there any meiji modules?

>king of castille gets his face bashed in next to me
>pick up his sword
Oh shit, didn't know 1257 had more unique items other than the pope's lance, that's pretty cool.

Has anyone else run into a bug in Perisno using MBG Prettier Females? All the human females have like half their face texture missing (its just white) and Queen Arwen's head is missing entirely.

I'm playing Parabellum and its pretty good, only a few questions.

Should I join the Swazis or Helvetia?
Why do female PCs have a flow in their mouth?

>joining any faction but the empire for your first playthrough in bannerlord

I seriously hope you plebs don't do this

Have they announced what hardware they plan on targeting for Bannerlord? Hope it doesn't end up like Killing Floor 2 where half the old fans can't run it the sequel because of system specs.

the fall of the welsh empire marked a new dark age, inciting the barbarians attacking france

In the end, the barbarians won.


c'est la vie

Playing VC and I lost morale because it said winter was approaching. Why?

I fucking wish

it's cold

it's cold dude

It's always cold, we're norse ffs.

I can only find work training villagers to fight bandits, but I can't crack bandit armor with my staff, can I?

>It's always cold, we're norse ffs.
I hear norway is nice in the summer
>I can only find work training villagers to fight bandits, but I can't crack bandit armor with my staff, can I?
don't fight bandits with a staff
but they're probably ruffians anyway so you could still beat them

It's very cold.

>It's always cold, we're norse ffs.
yeah but it's colder in winter dude

Nordic countries are really fucking warm during summers due to the gulf stream. Only winters tend to get cold.

most wars weren't conducted in winter

>you will never correct history and lead Saigo forces to ultimate victory

>It's always cold, we're norse ffs.
The temperature can vary from 30°C to -40°C during a year

What are you doing here, kike?


Swadia always got BTFO in early game, so it's quite challenging for me

Is there any mods that lets me play as member of a group, basically have my free time to buy shit in towns but travel under some commander etc.

BEST if there's something like crusaders taking back Jerusalem, basically mod that will turn me into templar removing kebabs.

any mod with freelancer

Nova Aetas has freelancer and a crusader faction/crusading mechanic.

Be warned ship travel is bugged for AI

rhodoks are white and based


thread is unusually ded today
did all /mbg/ posters went rioting over the referendum results or something?

Will Sultan Erdogan finally force the devs to release something?


My imperial fellow of Latin descent

Late 16th Arquebuses are the most aesthetic.
Fight me

I'm just recovering from trying to understand how to approach 1257 source. At this rate implementing my own bootleg version of lance recruitment seems more feasible.

Moorish nigger

Yeah, decompiled source can be extremely difficult to understand since local variable names and explanatory comments are lost. Modders ought to just make their stuff open source.


>celebrating easter with their friends and families
Geez i always suspected it, you guys are secretly normies

I got caught raiding a village by an army three times my size while serving as mercenary. After getting knocked out, I was given the option to just leave, allowing me to disengage from the guy who caught me. I thought you could only leave when you initiated the combat?

We're christians autists

easter isn't christian

Fuck off varg

Any of you guys played the Guild II : Renaissance ?
I'm kinda interested but not sure if its good ?

What causes companions to be appalled at the general state of affairs? Alayen just left me for this reason, I thought he only hated failing quests.

Do you have Marnid or Nizar in your party? He hates them.

Alayen is redpilled so don't hire women, niggers, sarranids or khergits

I have Nizar, but shouldn't that only effect how he views the company I keep, and not how he views the general state of affairs?

How does the Dicking come into Dickplomacy ? I played for some time but i couldn't find any options, do i have to activate lewd content or how does it work ?


No, it plays into that. Disliked companions are the main reason they leave.


Is there a good singleplayer star wars mod for warband?

This is an advice not just for dickplomacy, but when you start a modded playthrough always go to the camp menu and check for mod options.

just play Star Wars Conquest on the original M&B

>original M&B

Its not that different from warband, you know

That's why I asked, I know about SW Conqest but I also know warband is better.
Another question then, what is a good warband mod that seperates from the medieval theme?

Paradigm worlds

Star Wars Conquest has been on Warband for a while now


it's a broken, shitty port with ugly assets, also every item in the port looks black

original version is much better

I'm super new to Mount and Blade and just took a quest to escort a merchant caravan. Where can How can I locate the merchant caravan I'm supposed to be escorting?

Works on my machine.

It will spawn near you when you leave thee town and then follow you.

It's supposed to be outside the city wating for you

it spawns right outside the city

Thanks guys. I saw it following me and thought my worries were clear, but now I can't seem to see it anymore. Does it just continuously follow you, or do I need to make sure that it doesn't get lost or attacked?

How about you try to do the quest and see what happens instead of asking to be spoonfed all the time?

It keeps following you

Alright, thanks.

Its over guys erdogan won.
In a few years the islamic republic will be anounced and all the taleworlds employees will be behaleadrd because bannerlord is haram.

Meant beheaded*


wasn't there this one tool that one could use to port old M&B mods to warband? what happened to that?

It wasn't a tool, you added some scenes from the M&B folder

what's about that dinasty warriors one?

I need some mongol and throat music. post em now.