/hbg/ - Homebrew and hacking general

Last thread: /hbg/ Wiki: homebrew-general.wikia.com

3DS: 11.3
Wii U: 5.5.1
Vita: 3.60
PS4: 4.05 (Userland)
PS3: 3.55

3DS: pastebin.com/TQwDsWh9
a9lh + CFW: 3ds.guide/
Wii U: pastebin.com/8u0WAyJC
Wii: sites.google.com/site/completesg/hacking-guide
Vita: pastebin.com/v3caHHnp

Last edit: Apr 16

-New Luma stable release. github.com/AuroraWright/Luma3DS/releases/tag/v7.0
-A new kernel exploit for 11.3 has been released. Any 3DS up to 11.3 can be modded. wololo.net/2017/04/11/3ds-hack-nintendo-pushes-firmware-11-4-smealum-releases-kernel-exploit-firmware-11-3/
-11.4 patched the new kernel exploit and soundhax. DO NOT update if you don't have CFW. 3dbrew.org/wiki/11.4.0-37
BootNTR update is required. NTR streaming currently doesn't work and is going to require an NTR update. Don't update if you want to stream to PC.
hbl_loader works on the New 3DS, but doesn't on the original 3DS until it gets updated (this could take a while).
-Doodlebomb, a new entrypoint, has been released. mrnbayoh.github.io/doodlebomb/

-New taiHEN release brings PSN spoofing back. henkaku.xyz/changes/
-Adrenaline 3 released, features full support for PS1 games. github.com/TheOfficialFloW/Adrenaline/releases

-JailbreakMe released.

>Xbox One
-Proof of concept userland exploit released. wololo.net/2017/03/31/xbox-one-hack-xbox-one-exploit-proof-concept-released-based-chakra-exploit-unconfirmed/

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=what is a search engine?

>Rei in the OP
good thread

first for rei

Adrenaline v3 is amazing. Savestates for PS1 AND PSP games, performance is full speed, and even PS1 games have access to the Vita PS1 emulator features like touchscreen, bilinear filtering, and the 2nd stick.

rei is a whiny bitch who can't handle that people stopped using his CFW and he lost his 15 minutes of efame

I'm trying to make backups of my old legitimately purchased games and DLCs as cias for reasons but when I try to dump my Mario Golf DLC I get an error from GodMode9 saying "Incomplete DLC (26 missing)"
I bought all the Mario Golf DLC, so what's up with that? Anyone know?



Say that to my face not online see what happens

Do you curl and start crying?
Because that's what I'm expecting.

dude Reisyukaku is an ex-con
He's a hard dude he'd snap you like a twig.

make your own, livearea stuff uses pngs. make sure they're the same resolution as the default ones and the size isn't huge.


This may sound stupid but will give a shot: is it possible to do something to remap the buttons of the GBA VC?

Is anyone still looking for the 11.4 version of NTR Boot Mode 3? I have the link and its been updated.

I'll give it a shot I suppose
Also what are some psp/psx games I should grab if I like jrpgs and sjrpgs? Any good SMT games?

not homebrew related, but what do you think caused the rainbow blot on my lcd.

Probably a really dumb question but can you play PSP games online through adrenaline?

You should probably add Adrenaline easy setup to the op for just a few threads.

First for NTR streaming fix when?

fuck off we're not tech support. go ask >>/g/

The funniest part is that /g/ is just as delusional.

What is the purpose of updating to 11.4?

probably a pressure stain it got hard pressed

On the original 3DS: breaking hbl_loader
On the New 3DS: breaking NTR streaming

I apologize for adding to the filth that is filling the board right now, but I just wanted to ask this: if I use EasyInstaller I should be able to get the new Adrenaline release; am I correct?

FF Tactics, Tactics Ogre, Vagrant Story, Tales of Eternia, Legend of Dragoon, Chrono Cross

Yes, use the latest easyinstaller from wololo or GitHub

Thank you, user

Best graphics filtering setting in Adrenaline?

I'm thinking there's only one real choice: sharp bilinear.

>tfw want to mod games but don't know how to do shit
how do I git gud at hacking?

So now that CHMM2 is perma kill and pretty much on bug limbo what other alternative do we have? Do we even have a better alternative? Also

>ntr gone in limbo because creator is fucking thin skin faggot and left us with scraps
>chmm2 dropped support and left us with an abortion
>luma being luma

woah i tried loading a save state for phantasy star portable 2 and the graphics freaked out

The fuck happened to 3dstheme?

Sharp bilinear for 2D games, Advanced AA for 3D games.

It's working just fine for me.

You forgot the fact Freeshop is fucking dead too. Hope you like CIAngel

>Not using FBI to scan titlekeys through QR codes from the always updated key site

freeshop is dead?
works fine for me (insertwinkingsmileyfacehere)

yeah maybe if you like fucking choking down cock you little homo
*updates wings.json*

The Vita emulators for the GBA and the GB are so garbage it is a superior experience to emulate the PSP and run the PSP versions of those emulators

Freeshop is not dead tho. Is being supported by someguy who has been updating the cache

I hope you had a good easter /hbg/

Whom'st ass is this?

How the fuck do I use FunKeyCIA To get a CIA to install a game I want to pirate, I downloaded a .3ds file for monster hunter 3, But I am missing/ Dont understand how to implement it into funkeycia to get a CIA

my boyfriend's


What are some games where I can watch the AI fight or compete each other without human players interfering? Could be any console platform such as PSP, Vita, 3DS, PS3, etc.

my 3ds hacker doggo's

Advance Wars for the GBA and NDS is interesting to watch. Since it's a game about tactics , u get to watch two AIs screwover each other

/hbg/-chan, daisuki~

>spend the last hour updating my hacked Vita to play PSP ISOs etc.
>realize that I don't want to play any games
>put Vita away to once again gather dust

Go to sleep

What should i be using to launch taihenkaku? Switchkaku?

I wish I had a boyfriend with an ass.

I wish I had a boyfriend.


Play Growlanser IV.

All you need is Fat Princess

>can pirate 3DS and Vita games
>can't pirate a boyfriend
It's not fair.

Anyone have any info about the arduino ps3 downgrade method?

So are we getting fake C1-2755-9 errors now for te lulz?
Good thing I read about it somewhere else, or I think I would've freaked the fuck out.

Can't downgrade with that. You need a teensy or E3 flasher

I just ran Luma updater and got 7.0. I want to autoboot sysnand and show nand in system setting, correct?

pick a random hbg user and become his boyfriend
that's how you pirate one. it also kind of works like torrents because both of you get a boyfriend

Is there a PS1 emulator for the N3DS that works well? All I wanna do is play Valkyrie Profile on the go.

There's only one

Which is?

theres one but it's obviously ass like needing sound off to get somewhat decent performance

The one in retroarch. get a search engine by the way, it's always useful to have one.

I'll be kind enough to help him with that: lmgtfy.com/?q=what is a search engine?


How do I run a .3dsx, I'm literally retarded and have only used .cia

why on god's green earth do you have a .3dsx

you run it through the homebrew launcher

those are homebrews

nigga, what the fuck

Do you shave your legs and wear knee socks?

So the new kirby game on freeshop is the free version?

The guy who made the MHG save tool only made a .3dsx for some reason.

It just freezes my hbl when I try to run it though ;_;

.cia can also be homebrew idiot

install hbl_loader.cia and put the main .3dsx loader in the root and the .3dsx homebrew you want inside the folder "/3ds/"

which ps1 games besides the usual square enix games and sony platformer stuff are worth playing anyways?

I haven't used my PSTV in a while so I updated Maidumptool and henkaku. My games still play fine, but when I open maidumptool, none of the games I installed show up there so I can't switch loading mode or install any DLCs. I reinstalled my games using the newest maidump but the games list still return an empty list. The games still work though, they just don't show up on maidumptool, preventing me from installing DLC or switching loading mode.

Anybody know what the deal is?

duke nukem time to kill

Team Buddies

Apocalypse, Twisted Metal, Tenchu, GitS, Armored Core, Future Cop L.A.P.D.

a weapon to surpass metal gear...

There's also Soul of the Samurai and Bushido Blade

And then Syphon Filter and Fear Effect


Digimon world 1
Digimon redigitize decode
Digimon world next order

Daisuki akarin ~

Will there be a time where nintendo finally patches it?
What makes it so safe to update to newer firmwares as long as you have a9lh.

I'm trying to install MaiDumpTool with molecularShell but the instalation is stuck on 0%, what do?

Have you enabled unsafe homebrew?

>-New taiHEN release brings PSN spoofing back
Its been such a long time since 3.60

Does that mean you can play pirated games up to 3.63?

3DS hacking newfag.
I got freeshop, but dont really see the point of it.
Tried scanning the RH Megamix QR code in it and got nothing.
Meanwhile FBI used the QR code to download the full game.

Did I miss the part where it actually explains how to download games on Freeshop?

How do i do that?

piracy pastebin in the op

>Did I miss the part where it actually explains how to download games on Freeshop?
You did.

Start nigga

Still stuck at 0%

Could you tell me how, or at least the exact part that explains it?
I've been trying for the past hour and am too stupid to figure out where it even tells me how to download shit.