How did this man kill 30% of Cambodia in only four years?
What was it all for?
How did this man kill 30% of Cambodia in only four years?
What was it all for?
Sometimes people go insane out in the jungle.
See also: LRA, Shining Path, most of Liberian history past 1980
Those organisations weren't nealy as successful as the Khmer Rouge.
Sometimes Asian despots just go nuts and try to wipe out humanity.
>Heaven brings forth innumerable things to nurture man.
>Man has nothing good with which to recompense Heaven.
>Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.
What said; he was nuts.
That's because Peru and Uganda didn't have their neighbor's governments get flattened around the same time, or happen to be anywhere near China.
>Why did this man kill 30% of his own people in less then five years?
That's jusd the brice of gommunism :DDDD
Pol Pot had a very strict criteria of "undesirables" in his country. He disliked intellectuals as he saw them as a threat to his cause and essentially wanted everyone to be farmers. By wanting everyone to be the "common hardworking man" he began killing off anyone who wasn't that or forcing them to be that.
Interesting story though. The Khmer Rouge actually helped my father in Cambodia. But this was only because they wanted good press with the rest of the world in helping foreign corespondents and journalists. I think he spent 40 days in the jungle with the Khmer Rouge trying to evade Vietnamese forces. It's real interesting.
t. Oldfag
tell us!
>He disliked intellectuals as he saw them as a threat to his cause
Which is presumably correct if you're actually a Communist.
There's a reason Lenin called Communist intellectuals "useful idiots".
>There's a reason Lenin called Communist intellectuals "useful idiots".
t. your ass
Lenin was a communist intellectual.
You mad?
The country was infested by Right Guard factories. They stood no chance
Of course
Pol Pot had a vision for a Cambodia populated entirely by what he called "old people," or the rural peasants. The "new people" were those tainted by westernization and capitalism. The plan originally was to transfer them all to the countryside and rid them of these habits. But, Pol Pot found that the new people were less than willing to give up their "western" ways, and was somehow confused and frustrated by this. So his plan became to just get rid of them. One of the slogans of the Khmer Rouge was "to keep you is no benefit, to lose you no loss."
So this plan to get rid of "economic saboteurs" (what they called city dwellers who had no agricultural knowledge) coupled with the extreme paranoid of the regime, who became convinced spies from the CIA, KGB, and Vietnamese were trying to infiltrate them, led to massive, massive purges. All of these executions plus the widespread starvation (from city dwellers who had no agricultural knowledge as well as general communist over reporting of surpluses) is what led to the huge amount of casualties.
How much must that have fucked the psyche of the country
My understanding of it is the real killer was starvation and disease. Pretty much always is when you get those large numbers. Wasn't necessarily intentional.
The thing about the Khmer Rouge is that they emptied out the cities real fast and marched people to various rural communities to try to force them to be farmers. Astoundingly they actually succeeded pretty well on the first part and Phnom Penh was a ghost town except for party officials that stayed behind.
Imagine if some insane hick party in the USA literally took the near entire population of New York and marched them out at gunpoint into various farming communities around rural New York in the middle of winter without any serious plan, foreknowledge among the populace of what was really happening, or preparation in the farmlands for absorbing millions of new people that had no more knowledge in how to farm than you do right now. Big attrition rate.
Did they really kill people for wearing glasses?
Wearing glasses was seen as a sign you had been spending your time reading and not working and thus were not a true communist peasant. This would get you sent to a "prison," where you would surely be tortured and executed. Of the 12,000 people who passed through the largest prison, S-21 in Phnom Phneh, only like 7 are known to have survived. And this was all over the course of like 4 years
wow, this makes Stalin's purges look like a walk in the park
That kinda stuff is fairly common for niggers though, Asians are far more civilized
Daily reminder that Pol Pot was supported by both Thatcher and the Reagan administration.
>What was it all for?
It was all for the communist utopia, you filthy capitalist.
God bless Vietnam