/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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I find this OP cute.

This thread seems preferable

Tharja a best and canon

Azura a best

I would be very proud of you if you used this thread, /feg/.

post hot FE characters

Azura is shit

Lyn! Lyn!

what did he mean by this?

>thread already picking up in post traffic compared to the lucina thread

heh, pack it up buddy, you're done

Arvis did absolutely nothing wrong


Oh shut the fuck up you condescending faggot. You always happen to be here when this shit happens, always seconds away to talk down to the general like you're somebody.

Meanwhile you're one of the worst shitposters here, spawning copy cats like this fucking dreg and spend all trying to figure out ways to sneak your opinions into everything because everyone HAS to know what Tharjafag likes, thinks is cool or is currently doing.

Everyone has to know you're here. You announce your arrival, you announce yourself going to bed, you constantly shove your opinion in everyone's face and you make claim to characters and use them as excuses to insert yourself into conversations. You copy other more well liked people's posting habits and bastardize it to get yourself attention and contirubte abso-fucking-lutely nothing to this general other than your fucking obnoxious stink. You victimize yourself, you pretend you'll change your shitty posting habits only to go back to it one thread later and you generally act like a fucking rude piece of shit with a high opinion of himself and no self awareness.

Please do the world and this general and well deserved favor and drink a nice big cup of bleach you fucking wastrel.

>w-why all the anger n-no bully I'm too stupid to think of a fucking non-meme non-self justifying response cause I'm a fucking brianless spic.


Kyzafags are the worst and if you make fun of my random chimpout I will insist you are a Kyzafag.

God damn I want Clair to rub her feet on my cock so I'm sort of glad I rolled her, but holy shit why is she so terrible?



I want more modern remixes for old themes from IS.

Clair suffocating me with her thighs

The Glade of Tellius.

>This is supposed to be female

>Ghast spent five years constantly trashing Awakening as one of the worst games in the entire series
>finally admits he never even played it up until this past week

Be honest, /feg/; how many of you have done this? Not specifically with Awakening, but with any game in the series.

heh nerd

Nice OP

Not /feg/ here, but why are there like 6 threads in the catalog?

Geez looks like someone didn't have many friends growing up

The only FE game I talk shit about is FE6 so no


Were autistic

You forgot the Goldoa picture, user.

Now that makes two copy-pastas about me. For hating me so much you guys sure do love talking about me, I'm just trying to post normally.

terminal case of auts
i'm sorry you have to put up with us


Do not respond to tripfags.

Do not respond to namefags.

Do not respond to known shitposters who reply to themselves.

Do not reinforce attention seeking with attention.

Filter and/or ignore.

Retards fighting over who's thread is more "proper".

>Not the first post from this IP

Has anybody seen Alm around?

Me on the right.

>Those poster times

He wants you and Lukas at the same time.

Is there a way to take the japanese fire emblem cia then use the english scripts from the NA version and then updating it with the fanslation? keeping all the NA content but leaving whatever the fanslation translated intact

Somebody kindly tell me why the fuck Fire Emblem thinks that it can clog up Veeky Forums.

Love no, actually, fuck you, /utg/

imagine being so autistic you continue to hate a fictional character more than two years after her debut instead of just liking the characters you like

38 seconds apart when the Veeky Forums post timer is at least 90 seconds if you're not gonna attach an image? Nice observation user.

We are really *really* bad at making threads, sorry man.

Well you got them (you)s atleast, why pick Kyza-fags to shitpost about though?

Tell the mods to do their fucking job and delete threads when they're reported

>I'm too stupid to think of a fucking non-meme non-self justifying response cause I'm a fucking brianless spic.

>For hating me so much you guys sure do love talking about me

Thanks for proving his point.

Do you think we can control the autist(s) that flood the board with threads?





nigger you're like the only general worse than us in terms of autism, along with /fnafg/


It was a false flag you nigger

Drowning out you mlp-tier autists is the least we can do for you pitiful existence

>western art
What a shit OP.

good banner when?

Looks like they already did and this is the only one that survived.

Alright then. I'm still gonna keep posting. I'm sure you'll start posting that picture at me whenever I post saying "Fuck off, spic", a few people will respond with reaction images saying "Spic BTFO" and things will ultimately remain the same.

I do it to #FE, it deserves the vitriol.

>I want to guarantee that this happens again next thread

oh boy my Roy amiibo is finally going to have a use

t. assmad lucinafag

Now if only Lucina could be purged from the series and ISIS's memory.

>b-but shitzura! REEEEE

Maybe next time, "Lucinafags".

Reminder that the spic lives off attention and is already trying to falseflag spam the post that rekt him to try and lessen it's effect

I love Fernand!

It's an impossible battle with the spic. You ignore him and he thinks it's okay to continue with his usual shit. You call him out, he pretends like he's not upset, then goes back to his shit like nothing happens. Are we truly doomed forever?

Why is there more shitposting than usual today, kids on a holiday or something?

Seriously? what a retard. Where did he said it?

I've kind of given FE4 a slightly hard time just for being so slow but I haven't played enough of it to ultimately stick with that criticism, I'll have to actually play through the entire thing, but I have a feeling I'm not gonna love it as much as the other games I've played. Or maybe I will, who knows.

Well that took long enough. Maybe now we can get back to shittalking each other's favorite characters and pretending to like Fire Emblem things.

Wot n Tarnation?


Easter holidays

I like Hana

Honestly you have to be a special kind of autistic to go to the assmad reddit-tier length of replacing a character's name with shit, talk about petty. Is this funny to those people?

>the state of /feg/

Why is she so unpopular?
She literally did nothing wrong

Someone should draw Dhensigna fucking Tharja. Would probably make him shove his tongue up his ass for a bit .


He's playing it for the first time now.

>Anyone who hates Azura must like Lucina
Guess the victim complex is real.



How does this work? I really am not getting it.

>both FeMui and Aqua want the summoner in Heroes
>as does Camilla and Hinoka
The porn writes itself, get to work Japan.

Post your 5 stars boys

>seals Eyeball
does that mean Roy can help me get some shut eye?

>nothing wrong
Well there you go. Boring.

I only talk shit about games I've played and actually like, so that's never happening.

>Falling for Tharjacuck's bait
Don't do that.

Just #FE, mostly because I wanted Majin Tensei 3 and instead got watered-down persona 3 with shitty generic dungeons and fire emblem references everywhere.


Didn't he go into recluse for a few days after someone on /a/ or somewhere drew Tharja paired with Gaius or something?

I just got to chapter 3. It's fun. Lex is a god.

She ranked 11 in the poll


Fuck off to reddit

Does Fernand have a hateboner for Alm like Berkut?

>Mary Sue gets powerful weapon
Stop the presses

How would you know that if you didn't play it

I wonder what Ike's like without Ragnell?
I wonder what Roy's like without Binding Blade?

Oh yeah. Ike is just as strong no matter what.
Roy sucks without the 20-use Binding Blade after it breaks.
