/tf2g/ Team Fortress 2 General

Last Thread >list of good comm. servers

>Tips and guides
Blog: tf2.com
Wiki: wiki.tf
Class guides: pastebin.com/u/TheOperator
FAQ: pastebin.com/6t7WNtgn
Mods: pastebin.com/bzzUK5tz
Steam status: steamstat.us steamgaug.es
Preview Loadout: whatsnext.loadout.tf | steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/158547475
HUDs: huds.tf
Game Traffic: steamcharts.com/app/440#1y

Sites: scrap.tf | tf2outpost.com | backpack.tf | bazaar.tf
BP check: backpack.tf
Prices: backpack.tf | trade.tf
Scrapbanking: scrap.tf | scrapbank.me
Skins: p337.info/tfview/

Basics: playcomp.tf
Comp Wiki: comp.tf
Lobbies: tf2center.com/lobbies
Scripting: pastebin.com/1VmngMfJ | pastebin.com/H3WfKLaB (embed)
TF2 streams: teamfortress.tv
UGC (Global): ugcleague.com
ESEA (NA/EU): play.esea.net
ETF2L (EU): etf2l.org
AusFortress (AUS): ozfortress.com
AsiaFortress (Asia): asiafortress.com
FBTF (Brazil): teamfortress.com.br/forum/


>/tf2g/s looking to party queue

Other urls found in this thread:


Whoa this first spot is nice


christ the hat and mask look awful together

Oh man, thats even more of an investment.

You can do the same proces with the old contract skins as well.

does anyone actually look at or use the shit in the OP

Have you seen it updated in the last like 4 years?

Comin' on strong.

no but then why do we still have to post it every time we make a new thread


is the irc even a thing too? last time i looked it was full of fags

But user, that wasn't the irc. You were standing in a mirror house.


but user, this is the new thread :^)

Goodnight, /tf2g/. Post your highest killstreak and I'll look at in the morn, mines 30.

i think i got one or two more kills after this, but then the server crashed.

based vacc

>When your killstreak gets cut short by the round ending


guys, engineer is so much fun. its feels so good setting up sentries in all the places players dont expect, having them run straight into the line of fire. it feels just as good to mow down people with your shotgun while theyre trying to peek your sentry. being able to heal and teleport your teammates is also very satisfying. i can do all of that killing and still be a real team player. this class is like a drug. i can do it all.

A challenger appears

>no cosmetics or steam friend pocket medic

7 decides what a put on my conscientious objector (within reason, I have irl friends on steam)

wrong image

>implying anyone in valve servers can switch to demo
i always get spies to chew up with my shotgun instead. even then, it only takes a few seconds to build a level 1. not much metal to upgrade to level 2 either.



thank you uwu

hey stop I did not give you permission to save that image

that is my image

its the only good pic from that artist anyways. am i allowed to post glossi?

No these are MY waifus get your own

>sniping on turbine
>obviously new player on the other team who keeps standing still or running in straight lines
>look at scoreboard at the end after using his inexperience to farm stranges
>0 points
i don't usually feel bad for f2ps because they're doing something obviously stupid and kind of funny, but i felt bad about it this time.

That's a nice set of aimbot/wallhacks you've got there.

whats glossi from, by the way? i wanna look at more pics of her.

also give me the source on this panty while your at it

>heart eyes
yes i also need the source to this, on the double please

it was posted a few days ago, check the archive for imgur

Latex maid : keijimatsu.tumblr.com/tagged/glossi

The sauce : imgur.com/a/JVCQw


>As a final request, if you do happen to win the snake, nightcap or ambassador, please dont change the name or description. They are in memory of my friend Nick who commited suicide. Anyway, have a great day everyone, and good luck!
if one of you wins the ambassador, i dare you to rename it "Nick Cuckbain's Microphone"


You're trash.

fourth cosmetic slot when

>wake up
>random crits still don't exist in comp

shit game mode

>you can win, but please keep the name in memory of a person you didn't know
...the fuck? Just fucking keep the items for yourself if that's what you want, don't expect others to do things for people they never knew

reminder to turn off cosmetics

reminder to turn off a good deal of effects

reminder to turn off weapon skins
>right click on tf2 in steam, then click properties, next set launch option, and finally paste -dxlevel 81
after you run it once, exit the game one more time, go back to properties, and then remove -dxlevel 81. it will remain directx 8 but for whatever reason be much more stable

reminder to turn off other garbage
mat_phong 0
cl_disablehtmlmotd 1

i used to be a regular here but i've been gone for around a year. have there been any high-quality memes made lately? i might post some of my oc for the nostalgia

high quality, no. memes, yes, by the truckload. it's kind of like /tv/ where everyone's trying to force their own meme, but it's smaller so it's slightly less cancerous.



rate my wife

I wish fur really was murder/10

sparkledog garbage. Get a real waifu

she does have a nice pussy though



>6v4 win in casual
good job

Denton looks happy here

>tf2g someone mistakes the video as Dane bragging about winning a casual match
Is everyone here autistic?

>Veeky Forums
you tell me

okay you beat a 6 year old on powerhouse with a solly pocket, in a 6v4

>he thinks I made the video
Holy shit, get out of here newfag

>okay you beat a 6 year old on

How new?

Does this answer your question?


is this good or not

whats your best item

>not using three rune blade

I put it on the scout because it gave a clear view

*does something entirely unnoteworthy*
*makes a video despite this and shills it here*
great job

Why do you think anyone here made or shilled the video?
Are you this new to TF2?

$20 he's either going to say he was just trolling the whole time and thanks for the (you)'s or he's going to double down and say he doesn't care about any e-celeb shit. either way, he most certainly will not own up to his mistake.


Post Pryo


I need to unpaint the hat at some point.
But I like my comfy pyro.

is this some kind of abstract loss?


no. Keep guessing

i wanna use another loadout but i dont wanna take off the attendant



What games should I buy with 50€?

Or maybe I should spend all of it in keys...

buy limited edition trump hats and sell them for an 800% markup

then keys with the money you make

Talos Principle
Rome Total War
Estranged: Act I and Act II
Transmissions: Element



I made this loadout with stalker/fallout in mind

>pairing the attendant with the pyromancer's mask
>pyromancer's mask in general
>festive shit
jesus fucking christ


botkiller weapons dont look good

as can be seen by the last thing on viva's mind is how good items look together. item synergy does not exist, only the ability to stack unusual effects.


i kind of figured that desu
white energy fucking sucks anyways, what did the attendant do to deserve that kind of treatment

Synergy doesn't exist? Meanwhile, Purple + Green Energies = White Energy. Sounds like a synergy to me

Silly jealous NEETs

and the attendant fucking clips through the mask. i'm almost certain there's hats that would gel better with the mask and not fucking clip through it so painfully if you were really hard up on having white energy, it's not like he doesn't have the money for it. he's just doubling down to try and convince people he doesn't have shit taste or buyer's remorse. the festive thing wouldn't piss me off except it doesn't go with the loadout, and viva's even talked about how disgusted he'd be if he festivized his kritzkreig. it's consistent with nothing. i have a fully decked strange festive sniper loadout because i like festives, it at least falls into a theme, i even gave them all the same damn sheen. viva has no excuse except shit taste and he won't even admit to that.

>Silly jealous NEETs
right im sorry, forgive me for not having all this money to burn on overcompensating

>the attendant fucking clips through the mask
thats the main reason why it fuckin pisses me off honestly
"hey guys look at me and my loadout that has 3 unusual effects and clips like hell"
fuckin disgusting

How do find the people in those servers so you can ask them for the password?

if he wanted to stack even more effects he could just get an unusual coffin kit. another energy effect on that would burn out the retinas on everyone in the server, you wouldn't even notice the apparition's aspect was gone, and it would at least go better with the mask since it's skull themed.

>unusual coffin kit
i forgot that those existed honestly, god damn

you need to fit into their comp community
infiltrate their ranks
they slowly start trusting you and invite you to "mixes", where they give you the "connect" (IP and password of server)

I prefer killing people with Shotgun/Flaregun/Backscratcher and use degreaser to reflect rockets.