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Free MMR for the whole family Edition

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>no friends online
>solo unranked filled with smurfs in the morning
>solo ranked sucks dick since my unranked mmr is 2k better than ranked

nth for feminine penis

Blog on

>play solo for years
>meet people who add me and say yeah man we'll invite you
>they never invite me
>continue solo
>get a "hey guys Im a girl" on my team
>she goes clockwerk mid
>her two friends aren't very good
>triggered at this point, start bitching in all chat
>enemy Ursa starts shittalking me for not helping him mid (admittedly a fair complaint but I was shitting on their safelaner pretty hard and getting my offlaner freefarm, but the chick was still godawful and would have fed even with my help just a few counter kills here and there
>ursa ends up on my team next game
>I help our team snowball the game hard
>he invites me to his party with his buddy
>figure just another dude who will play 2 games then forget about me
>next day he invites me
>then invites me to his discord
>this was a month ago
>still play together regularly

He and his buddies are 19 year old redditors and occasionally drop memes, but they're not awful. Seem to be semi normalfags but pretty chill guys. Been teasing out my powerlevel now and again.

They're 1k MMR higher than me too, but I haven't played ranked in forever.
I play on their level as far as I can tell. I don't feel like I'm being carried lke when I played with some 6k dudes who clearly knew better than me. A bit odd playing with guys so much younger than me, but it's enjoyable in the end. Just having guys who are consistently competent and that I can rely on to not draft retarded shit is enough.

Blog off


The other day I went full /k/ and explained the difference between Russian 7.62 and Real Fuckin NATO, and how suppressors don't actually make a gun quiet at all.

>tfw no unstoppable skeleton king hero

is sylar on a team

>Hand of Fate
My fucking nigga. Lets hope 2 has better combat.

R.I.P Dota 2


I have never seen a Lycan that knows what they are doing lose. Playing with or against one. You can't have any presence on the map outside of your base without taking serious tower damage. Even if you manage to delay and kill him all it takes is 20 seconds left alone and you lose a set of rax. How is this balanced?

When does the pain stop

>play as rubick, zero deaths until the last 5 minutes of the game, still end up with fewest deaths on the team
>involved in 2/3 of our kills

I'm on a losing streak but I feel like I always win the early game. Anyone have tips on how to be more impactful mid-late game and to wrangle my retards into getting objectives? Should I try to get my team to smoke as often as I can? Supportcuck here.

Dont pick shitty early game heros that scale into bags of shit into midgame

Like rubick

Name a support that can do that.

when you stop buying accounts you faggot

Shadow Shaman, Dazzle, Lich. There's three. Now shut the fuck up and get gud

Geez what crawled up your ass?

account buyers that die every other minute, clogging up my otherwise balnced games.


He's fine late game. His ult ensures teamfights end before they can start, he has a great slow, and can keep the pos 1 continuously buffed with ice armour. I fail to see how Lich falls off late-game

Shadow wave becomes less useful over time. Same with poison touch. Like rubick you get him for one or two spells.

Shadowshaman gets rekt late game as carries get enough attack speed to make sneks useless. Again all thatters are two spells, hex and shackle.
Shackle at which point is less effective due to everyone having stuns.

Lich is the only right answer since the only bad spell lategame is sacrifice and his talent trees provide him with decent damage if he needs it.

Level 25 dazzle is literally retarded but you never get to 25 as a dazzle unless you end up carry Dazzle which is bad.

>carry Dazzle
fite me u nerd, Pos1 Dazzle is one of the best pubstompers out there.

So is Dagon Centaur but I ain't takin that shit to TI.

So just like artilleryranger then

>been playing almost exclusively support for a couple months
>pretty bad losing streak for the last 3 days, can't seem to win a game
>get forced into picking mid, go ember spirit
>absolutely destroy, get over 20 kills with 3 deaths

tfw social anxiety prevents me from claiming mid or safe lane bc i know sometimes people will argue/be dicks and I'll get mad and tilt

same, I normally stick to the offlane, but if the rest of my team are greedy cunts and pick four cores, I have the curse of team player and I nab a support.


Whats this double null on invoker meme I'm seeing recently? Is it worth it?

batrider, lesrac, lycan, naga, oracle, troll warlord, vengeful spirit, visage

these are all heroes i've not touched once

hww do i brak out of 3k mmr

Singsing is streaming dotards

>Player Unknown Battlegrounds
Is SingX2 even Dota related anymore?

>sing facecam

since he doesnt want to play dota anymore i would say no

BSJ is starting to get some double chin action going

how is sing so cute dotards?

>na dota


How to raise my mmr fast from2knto4k?

have a functioning brain

I just settled a one hour and thirty minute quarry. Please clap.

>google search
>"fun - wikipedia" only result

Hey guys, i did it again

Hey Guys, I've thought of a great idea to improve Dota 2

Basically it's a new hero customization system called "Talent Cards"
You can now customize the Talent Trees of each of your heroes by using these cards


- Talent Cards are bought in packs containing 4 cards; 3 common cards, and 1 rare card
- Common cards will be more of generic bonuses that apply to all heroes, like increase movespeed, damage, gold per minute, xp per minute, etc...
- Rare cards will be more skill-specific bonuses like +30 Fissure damage, +2 Meepo Clones, +5 hits Living Armor, etc...
- Some generic bonuses will be rare, some skill-specific bonuses will be common, depending on balance


- To customize a hero's Talent tree, simply go to the "HEROES" tab in your Dota menu, select the hero you want to customize, then click on the new "TALENTS" button next to LOADOUT
- Just scroll through your list of Talent Cards you own for the hero and they display the text and level requirement of the talent
- Select the card you want to equip and click-drag it into one of the two slots of its required level
- During future games, the talent in that slot of the tree will now have the effect of the equipped card


- All players can now customize the Talent Trees of ALL or their favorite heroes to tailor them to their playstyle
- Do you want to play a Bloodseeker that moves superfast even when your opponents are at full HP? Do you want to play a fighting Anti-mage that blinks every 2 seconds and Burns the mana of all enemies in the AOE? Yes you can!
- The possibilities of custom talent builds are only limited by your skill and imagination!
- This is not P2W. All Talent Cards are designed to still be on par with the default talents of each level. It just adds more fun options for players that want to try new playstyles for their heroes!

I am 100% confident that this new feature will add hours and hours of enjoyment to Dota 2.

>more than three lines
>from reddit
>already posted multiple times in d2g

what a revolutionary new paradigm!

If you can prove this is from Reddit, I will eat my penis.
I'm posting this because I want Valve to pick this idea up from us. I believe in my concept 100%.

i haven't played dota in a month

reposting goat list

>If you can prove this is from Reddit
If it's actually taken from reddit or not doesn't matter, the point is that it smells like reddit, so it's reddit. I'm not going to bother googling it.
>I want Valve to pick this idea up
No, you are just trying to be le funni guy. No one that has played or even watched dota for more than 10 minutes would want something like that.

>I can't prove my previous claim so I'll just type some more asinine bullshit

Ok. Should have ignored you from the start. Lesson Learned.


>Should have ignored you from the start.
Too bad you can't because you do this for the replies but any replies just tell you to fuck off.

I enjoyed this story user

>have all ads on utorrent hidden
>have updates disabled
>use it like this for years
>suddenly all ads reactivate every time I start utorrent

well fuck time to finally change client

>No, you are just trying to be le funni guy. No one that has played or even watched dota for more than 10 minutes would want something like that.
Not him but imagine someone telling you about those talents we have 2 years ago
You would say exactly the same thing

>whites jumping ship left and right

>only ruskies and shitskins left

Who's gonna pay for the hats?

Not really. One thing is hard to balance, simply because it adds a ton of stuff into the game, the other thing is impossible to balance.

The chinese, obviously

>enemy picks safelane viper

some people are desperate

How do we fix NA Dota?

Why are whites such hipsters always jumping boat to new things?

NA Dota still have the same players from 10 years ago.
that's the problem, we need to kick some washed up fuckers and build entierly new teams

brign back ppd

was ritsu even born 10 years ago?

Did you just say another "NA dream team that inexplicably invites bulba onto it for no conceivable reason"?
I'm pretty sure you did.

players like BSJ,ritsu,Moo and zfreek barely make a dent.
last successful NA team was CoL and their entire team is outsourced

What would you do if you had daughter and she comes home one day and tells you she's dating bulba?

Ugh not sure if troll...

The best NA team is EG.

I would kill bulba, no questions asked.

>2 of 5 NA players
>""""""NA"""""" team

EG is obvious. im talking about anything that isn't EG because none of the other NA teams are tier 1.

maybe onyx is very close to being tier 1

>have stats like this
>still matched with smurfs with less than dozen games

quality matchmaking valve
punishing people who actually have their whole learning curve on the same account

the good thing about onyx/neoDC is that it doesn't matter if they do well or bad at kiev, it will be hilarious either way

How do I prevent my offlaner from feeding slark.

they got DEMON that btfo Major winner in TI :^)

I meant pub scene retards

I haven't paid attention to dota in like 2-3 years, is Black^ still OUR OGRE?

everything NA scene is discussed some spastic nerd mentioned EG and their accomplishments

so you have EG who were tier 1 for years. but the rest of the scene is not existent. DC is essentially a European team and so is complexity. also gotta have the mandatory shitskin

>muh win rate
doesn't mean anything
you're probably playing in normal skill

How the fuck do you push highground in this stupid meta.

yeah last 1500 games in very high
both teams just had 5,1k's in mid

>kikefrog "nerfs" hand of midas
>it's being bought more than ever

how the fuck do i rise up from 400mmr?

you don't do any ranked until the reports situation is fixed

>xp reduced
>xp gain talents
midas is the way to go

monkey kang zoning ult

>Four of the worst offenders for the death of North American Dota all grouped up in the compendium


Really makes you think

I just broke my monitor because I lost a game of Dota, instant regret.

>1 jew and 3 foreigners
100% NA confirmed

what reports situation

Have you gotten any reports back recently?

nobody has any excuse to play unranked over ranked

with patience, and pick good initiators and initiate fights u can win

pick axe or centaur and dont delay blink after tranquil boots if enemy has high magic damage build pipe if physical build that other red bubbles armor

you probably need at least cloak on centaur coz self magical damage reduction on your nuke

thats how im doing it now but im 1500mmr

im also picking techies pudge and vengeful spirit

>QW dagon orchid rush chen

not as bad as I thought

Lich is one of the most useless supports in the game, he isn't even impactful early game

hey ty for the repost but there's an updated version now
please suggest changes I don't claim to be all-knowing

Which offlane hero should I pick to be as much of a pain to jugg as possible?

night stalker

yeah whatd you mean?
i've mostly been supporting but i've begun to change that. i think i'm a pretty decent support for my skill level. some dude says i play like a 2k support. but thanks for the tips