/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General

We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging.
Report and ignore it.

How fares your empire, /gsg/?

This day in history, April 17th:
1895 – The Treaty of Shimonoseki between China and Japan is signed. This marks the end of the First Sino-Japanese War, and the defeated Qing Empire is forced to renounce its claims on Korea and to concede the southern portion of the Fengtien province, Taiwan and the Pescadores Islands to Japan.
1941 – World War II: The Kingdom of Yugoslavia surrenders to Germany.
1946 – Syria obtains its independence from the French occupation.
1961 – Bay of Pigs Invasion: A group of Cuban exiles financed and trained by the CIA lands at the Bay of Pigs in Cuba with the aim of ousting Fidel Castro.

EU4 Mandate of Heaven is out.

>Random Country Picker

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#Where to get these games

# Mods

>>[HoI4] - More Music Mod

>>[HoI3] - Flavormod

>>[CK2] - user Music Mod

>>[CK2] - After The End

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod - 27/11/2016

>>[V2] - Napoleon's Legacy v0.3.1.7

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V10

>>[V2]Africa Mod


Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.

r&i sleeps?

La Plata

Uh oh, R&Ifag didn't get first post. Prepare for full REEEEEE and reporting.

Anyway, playing the GoT mod. Do I do King Beyond the Wall or New Valyria?

a little to slow but quite based still

Did I do good? I've never made a general thread before

r8 my NatSoc Paradise.

>when you're beating germany in a war in vicky 2 but half your army decides to join the anarcho-liberal revolution

thread is good, first post is wrong
but that's r and i's fault

Nice try, but R&I rules these threads and this is only temporary until he wakes up.

>1895 – The Treaty of Shimonoseki between China and Japan is signed. This marks the end of the First Sino-Japanese War, and the defeated Qing Empire is forced to renounce its claims on Korea and to concede the southern portion of the Fengtien province, Taiwan and the Pescadores Islands to Japan.




What's the most valuable colony I could take off the Dutch?

Java? They own Johore, would that beat Java out?

Reminder that the generals almost staged a coup on Hirohoto after he announced his plan to surrender because they still thought they could win the war.

what country?
if you have the infamy for both javan states java is generally better

But wasn't R&I a bot? Either that, or a group of NEETs across several timezones to monopolize thread creation.

Take Sumatra, you'll need direct access to their oil and rubber RGOs to help industrialization.

Everything wrong with Japan at that time was encapsulated in their army officers. Even the admiralty thought they were retarded for starting/maintaining the war.

Nope. Just one huge autist. There was a timeframe where he kept getting beat to the punch so he mass reported the thread until it got deleted so he could have first post.


>Destroy ottomans on the same as King Roach wins the referendum

Didn't it take Tojo several months to find out they were losing because no one would break the bad news?

Is Stellaris grand strategy yet?



La France

Should I just take Korea or Dai Nam instead?

What are my early goals as Portugal? Should just beat Morocco up at the start or go immedialy exploring?. I can´t colonize until quest for the new world after all.

Unite Iberia of course.

Form Rome

I´m Portugal, the best I can do is ally to all Castille and wait for the PU, right? Or should I ally someone else and start fighting them?

Isn´t that more of an end goal?

>the best I can do is ally to all Castille and wait for the PU, right?

The safest bet, yes.

The other is just fucking them up and annexing them.

>people actually want to not be allowed to say what they think

Is it possible to get the Sikh event as Majapahit or Sunda by bordering Malacca or Siak or something before 1500 rolls around?

Would not mind a Sikh Indonesia run.

>implying we are allowed to do it in current societies

Say something against the current neoliberal status quo and you will get antifa chimping out.

Is converting to Ibadi beneficial to Malacca?

If you plan on using your navy to fuck with the Europeans, yes. If you're going to focus on beating Ming and the like on land, then I would say Shia would be better.

Pretty much. Don't take Fez and Tanger at the same time, I remember you get get seperate missions for them. Alternatively you tell England to fuck, get an alliance with Aragon / France and cuck Castille out of his sea access for New World monopoly.

And? If your shit's a paradise, it doesn't need to be spoken out against.

Liang-fag here from a couple of threads ago.

What should I be taking directly for myself, and what should I designate to subjects?

Bhutan and Nepal are tributaries, Mongolia and Tibet are vassals.

Convert to reformed.

Yarkand/Xinjiang, China Proper, Taiwan, Dali: direct annexation
Mongolia, Tibet, Korea, Manchuria: vassals
Literally everything else in East Asia: tributaries

Also, try to get Alaska, California and Australia as colonial nations.

Because some random assholes chimping out is so many times worse than the government actively working to silence and imprison you.

Out of sheer curiosity, now that the artifact system is a thing, does the Necronomicon do something different for Elder Lore Occultists in After the End?

What should my/their limits be?

I have names already for Alaska, Columbia/Cascadia, and California already, but do you have any suggestions for Australia?

Alaska: Bei Hai'an (northern coast)
Cascadia: Fusang (refers to the edge of the world)
California: Dong Hai'an (eastern coast)

Allright, thanks. I got Tanger as of now. Working on Granada. And accepted a mission for Casablanca. I´m pretty much beating them for one province at a time?

Colonial regions in Beyond Typus

You could go with Dà Jīn Dǎo - Great Golden Island.

A lucky player can get multiple gold producing provinces out of Australia, after all.

Also, with the Philippines - if you want to satiate the autism within, you could conquer Sulu, convert them, release them, then feed them the rest of the Filipino provinces.

Or you could just take the Philippines and the rest of the Moluccas directly. But if you're gonna do that, consider vassalising Ternate/Tidore. They get colonists through national ideas, so they can colonise parts of Indonesia for you.

/gsg/ should be given the kspg treatment desu


>I have the same dynasty as the Empire of Japan

Good news everyone!

You can full-annex Granada I think, though Castille will likely declare on you for their cores.

I grabbed two provinces and force vassalized the last one. So far, Castille hasn´t tried anything.

>download all the DLC for EUIV from the link in the OP
>extract them
>put them in the dlc folder within /C:/Games/steamapps/common/Europa Universalis IV/
>start up EUIV on steam only for it to give no option to use any dlc
what am i doing wrong and how retarded am i for doing it

Cancelled naval race with Korea.
Refocusing on monetary stability.

You need the cream api, it's in that russian thread

Posts like these should probably just be reported at this point.

After sikh spawns in india you can just switch religion in the religion tab.

Make sure to get a Jnana effect first. It's one of those stat increases for rulers.
After you have gotten the stat increase you have a national modifier(religious so it gets removed upon changing religion) that stops you from getting a new hindu stat event.
So when you change religion, it triggers again giving you another stat increase and gives you the modifier again.

If your goal was to be hindu you could get it to trigger three times.
Heavy prestige cost though.

Why the fuck can't I get a stable ruling dynasty?

>he is not using a water mod

/civ4xg/ is laughing at us again

In what places can you find oil in HPM?

>House Yamato ruling anything in an EU game
How's Japan set up in EU3?

Finally have access to the Nanjing trade centre.
This will help my economy.
>Almost 30 years of trade embargo

Japan in EU3 is set up with several (ahistorical) Daimyos, and Kyoto is controlled by an OPM Japan. The Daimyo who becomes Shogun basically controls Japan's foreign policy and speaks for all the Daimyos.

/civ4xg/ is dead

I was thinking of getting the colonist idea,colonizing Sulu and then taking another,more useful idea in the same slot.

Is Ming based?

So how does a Daimyo usurp the shogunate? Is/was there a way for imperial Japan to wrest control back for themselves? Why isn't it like this in EU4? Why is Isolation tied to Shinto instead of the government?

It's been a while since I played EU3, but I think you can war for the Shogunate, kind of like how you can war for the Mandate of Heaven in EU4 1.20. And claiming the Shogunate involves moving an army to Kyoto and pushing a button or something.


I hope this colonial project will have a payoff.

Any mythical mods for EUIV?
Something like OOO was for EU3 featuring El Dorado and other mythical locations.

What religion should the Netherlands have? Catholicism or Protestantism? From what I remember, the upper half was protestant?

This may help establishing a lasting dynasty.

try HPM, it adds lategame events to find the 'fountain of demands' which makes your pops demand excess amounts of liquor, making the trade good worth more then gold

i had game where ming had personal union over korea in eu3
>believable worlds


calvinism aka reformed

Reformed is the historically more-accurate faith.

>Their only ally white peaced out
Piss easy
What should I take?
As much as I can?

Doesn't the El Dorado DLC already add some mythical location stuff if you enable it?

Lads, who should I play as? I want it to be European.

Reformed it is then. Thanks.

Has the country Khalka tag always existed? I dont recall ever seeing this before.


think its nationalist rebels from one of the cultures in mongolia

Hungary but wait til 1.21 for new content

I'm not up to date on EU4 dlcs, just coming back after years long break from GSGs. Didn't think they'd add that to EU dlcs now.

I would, but I did a milan campaign not long ago. In fact I did one and a half, so it's like I had two recently. I'm not doing italy just now, albeit sooner or later I will go back to the best region in the game, for sure. But not now.

When do 1.21 get out?

Can you add Belgium in Burgundy if you have it on your sphere in that new version of HPM?

1.21 should be out at the end of this month

One of the Irish minors

Then I will play Norway now, and Hungary in the end of the month.
