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May 1st.

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Stretchy Ice


Sombra, that's right!

Alright i have spend 45 hours practicing against bots with tracer and pharah

should i put in another 50-60 hours on ana aim training? i heard she is useless in lower ranks without 80% accuracy

havent played comp yet, so no idea where i will be placed

No seriously is this some elaborate prank I'm not in on?

Fortify does fucking NOTHING.

What the hell is the damage reduction, 5%?

>Go up against Reinhardt
>Pop Fortify
>Shoot him in the head consistently as he swings
>Still die to his swings before I can kill him

What utter fucking garbage.

r u srs

>go to leaderboard
>click friends only
>post img

Here comes T.Racer!

The enemy has a teleporteur.

yeah why not? i played almost 150 hours of aim practice and headshot only DM in CSGO, got ranked Eagle.

People just about everywhere say that certain heroes, such as ana and entirely useless on low rankings or players who do not average at least 75% accuracy on both scoped and unscoped. And since overwatchs scoped aiming is fucked compared to other games, i think you need a shitload of practice no?

overwatch is a casual game aim doesnt matter much as long as you can hit the body. you dont need super accurate headshot aim like csgo

Ana just has to hit anywhere on the body to do her poison dps

but you need to have aim with ana to hit your team mates. they are jumping around like absolute crazy, makes it super difficult to heal them.

because aim will only get you to bottom master/high diamond

>just want to relax after a long day
>pick Mercy on qp
You knew exactly what would happen
You enjoy it

wow it looks like i'm better than all my friends

Guys I just found something amazing, pic related.

It's called Practice vs. AI, it's located in Training, its a place where you can practice your hero with live targets.

now do me a favor and get the fuck out of quick play, now's not the time to play the 30 minutes you played on mcfuckface just because you just got a new skin.

Most Anas just sit behind their team mates so they can quick inject and nade.

i think there are certain things fortify doesn't work as well against if at all

Roadhog's ridiculous burst damage is NOTHING to a fortified orisa and I have no idea why

a god

>mad about losing in QP


>she will never be your gf

Damage is split evenly among the tiny pellets of his shotgun. So those tiny pellets are all being affected by the damage reduction.

The issue is, there are only three characters in the game with shotguns for weapons which are hard countered by that ability. Fortify falls flat on its ass against any precision hero who can hit her in the head which is like 75% of the roster.

What else am I supposed to play? Competitive? with how SR works right now?

are those the 3 heroes you only play?
do you play solo?

cant imagine ranking up as support, must be suffering

Speak for yourself you nerd.

that really triggers me

best girl

Besides, I want lootboxes, I don't want to stare at a Defeat screen all day and I can't carry as frog.

Why do people not understand that the DPS is a team and should focus the same target to secure kills?

Why do people not understand that total damage output is a function of the entire team, and if your team damage is low it could mean that your healers and tanks are fucking bad and failing to keep the DPS alive?

Where did you get yours?


>Lead designer Jeff Kaplan has stated that Orisa is a popular pick amongst non-tank players, some of whom are behaving too aggressively and ultimately lowering Orisa’s win rate. These players will either shape up, or move on, and the stats should representing her state more clearly: Orisa, and Fortify, are a force to be reckoned with.

No Jeff, it's because she's fucking garbage and can't tank to save her life.


dont die as dps then

orisa a cute

a cute!

I mean, it doesn't even work that well on Reaper.

Reaper just keeps fucking shooting and still outdoes her.

What good is a tank that can't be aggressive? How are you supposed to apply pressure when you fall like a leaf in the wind.

>Reinhardt can apply pressure with his shield and massive close range damage
>D.Va can apply pressure with her damage block and boosting in
>Roadhog can apply pressure by eliminating key targets with hook and blast
>Zarya can apply pressure by just being fucking Zarya
>Orisa kinda just sits back and fires her pea shooter in the general direction of the enemy, because she's unable to lead a push

>pay my cc's minimum
>try to buy lootboxes
>call cc company
>they say i have to pay the full debt

>Local platinum rank Ana shoots 5 unscoped shots at critical HP teammate, misses all 5, finally throws healing grenade and calls it a day

"Just stay alive bro it's just a prank bro"

She's adorable, but she needs D.Va levels of buffs to become viable.

What if Fortify was a toggle ability like D.Va's barrier or Bastion's heal?

>use fortify, walk out of graviton surge and walk to our hiding mercy, giving her the 10% she needs to Rez our team
>use fortify right when their rein earthshatters and kill him before he kills my team
>use fortify on hog right when he shoots his hook, he needs to reload, melt him down

Even with sr being fucked qp is just a shit show. No one gives a fuck. If you are good enough anyway you will climb the ranks

>Use Fortify
>Promptly get focused because you're a giant glowing centaurbot with a head hitbox the size of VY Canis Majoris

I see her filling more of an off-tank role.

Give her more damage, imo.

pick one

Very rare stretched Widowmaker sighted having stretched legs AND upper body.

I walked out of the grav and didn't die because their genji was focusing killing squishes for potg

She has huge damage, her projectiles are just slow.

what the fuck efi you're like 8 years old why did you build those

what is wrong with nigeria



Yeah, trying to shoot down a fast moving character as Orisa is hell.


orisa is good already in maps (or parts of a map) where there are important narrow hallways/corridoors in which her shield is good

for example sanctum part of nepal, the street phase of king's row, etc.

I am in mid diamond and when she is in my games it doesn't seem to bad. People seem to be more accepting of her then sombra or hanzo

>tfw based mods never delete robolewds
Feels good


Ana is a masters only hero, nobody can play her below that

Shit man this still happens sometimes if someones pivoting in front of me point blank
Probably one of the most embarrassing comp games I had was on numbani offense where lucio hopped in front of me twice right when genji hit dragonblade and took the nano
We won but I could feel them watching me closely after lucio ate it the second time

how the fuck am i going to grind the weekly lootboxes tonight if there is no 1v1 arcade

Are we real shitposting hours right now?



We yuropeen hours now

>Someone spams "I need healing!" while I'm already healing them
>Stop healing them immediately

Who else here /pettyasfuck/?

fuck that

>Rein forgets to stun/charge/shield off the Bastion
>everyone dies

the normal skill level pve thing is literally FREE boxes you don't even have to pay attention to

I mute everyone who says anything antagonizing/retarded instantly

Symmetra is for sex.

mercy barefoot skin when?

Water is wet.

when the sleepover update happens.

I swear, if I ever see Mei in real life I would never be able to resist milking those tits.

>tfw gold borders are becoming more and more common.



Jesus christ.

The hurtboxes for teammates are much larger and more forgiving to anas' healing darts. It's easy as fuck to hit them

>having anything higher then a bronze portrait

>Taking qp seriously


>tfw finally got combat medic ziegler
i need a break from this game for a while, think i've given myself carpal tunnel

>now do me a favor and get the fuck out of quick play
No, there is no 6v6 unlimited so I'm forced to do quick play.

As Orisa you have no fall off and all of your abilities work at every range

Why are you close to the enemy?
Fortify does a lot more work further away when heroes like roadhog and mccree and 76 can't threaten you.

Orisa is like an off tank that focuses on protecting the back line. Like the inverse of rein who protects the front

Lmao no one is going to take your retarded, ass sperging advice you child.

Quick Play is for practice, it's the mode versus actual human opponents. You dick around in QP before going to comp.

And if I want to play a character I only have 30 minutes in in Comp, I will. :) I paid for the game and get to do what I want.

I hate when I'm trying to heal someone as Ana, and zenny or Lucy are jumping in my face eating my darts because the whole triangle counts as the reticle


I love, respect, and admire Angela!

You aren't supposed to solo a fast moving small target

You tell them NOT SO FAST and your team anhilates them when they get swooced back into sight


you people are hilarious

>Why are you close to the enemy?

Orisa at range can't do anything. The travel time on her projectiles make it impossible to hit fast moving targets unless you're close as possible. Her barrier at that range only becomes a self-protection tool as her team dies from having no tank to sponge damage.

This is the entire issue with Orisa, a tank that sits behind the team does not fundamentally work. It's a stupid idea.

>Getting so many kills with Nu-cio that Ana Nanobooost you on purpose

>You clean house


i have more hours on mercy than you even though i don't even like her anymore.

how does that make you feel

>You tell them NOT SO FAST

As they dash/blink out of the way of the glaring obvious projectile/your team doesn't capitalise on the set-up and you just wasted your time.


yee i go passive as fuck because i have no mobility and i'm not actually very "tanky" when i can't safely rotate E and shift. I like to buddy up with wherever tjorb builds and bunker that shit.

QP is absolutely the place to take my

hero neber die :DD (for brise >:DDD)

you never liked her.


It works when you need someone to stay on the point because your team was so trash that they couldn't cap the first point.

All she really needs is a buff on the projectile speed. Her damage is bretty good, the issue is it's comically easy to avoid her bullets. I can't tell you how many times I've had a Mercy or Ana cornered only to have them hop away because the bullets take 30 seconds to reach them from point blank.

really, they could lower her damage and just make it a hitscan, it would probably fix most of her problems.

do people still play custom games?

>Orisa at range can't do anything

Well she can because you just have to launch fat projectiles at the enemy and their Shields, and lead shots, and huely your HALT at them, it's not rocket science

>Team has nobody to sponge damage

You can have a second tank that's fairly common in this game in case you hadn't noticed
And she has a 900 hp shield she can deploy at range for her team on a short cooldown

>A tank that sits behind the team doesn't work

It does when it gives the entire team +50% damage

Why's everyone so scared of getting on the god damn point?

dil balhalli :DD