Love Live! School Idol Festival General - /llsifg/ #1108: Happy birthday Princess Edition

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I love Nico!!!

Happy birthday Himeno!

OP here, sorry Youfriends. I was about to make a You thread but I saw that You already had a thread.

So I decided to give the thread to the other birthday girl. PDP soon.

nico doesn't love you

Umi is love.

Happy Birthday, Himeno!

We know, Maki

I'm surprised people know the N girls' birthdays.
Goodjob OP
>tfw had to double check the wikia

>Once this thread dies, it would be too late for another You birthday thread
At least You had amazing birthday drawings.

Chihaya does funny things to my heart

Kiss Umi.

Too slow. Just like You :^)

I only found out about it last year. I can't remember how I did it though. To be honest I only remember Yuri Mido's Birthday because I happen to share it with her.

Youfags really settled down after the majority meme fizzled out.

*steals your raibfu*

Time for Maki rolls!

>Youcucks are the majority
>none of them make an OP for her
Really makes you think

Maki birthday boxes are up.

Goodluck everyone!

>3 new threads
Try harder Youfags.

What is his account name? Kinto?

*Marrying You on her birthday*

Happy Birthday Watanabe You!

I want to hold hands with Aiai


>she already had an OP
Try again rikoniggger.

Forgot the mole on her face / 10.

Don't bully the kid, guys


The time has come. My 120 gems are ready.

>End of the ceremony
>chika just kisses her on the forehead
>"here's to being GREAT FRIENDS!"

9 more hours.

Please post your Maki scouts so I can live vicariously through you guys

>being a poor fag

>can't save 120 gems in a couple of months F2P

Do you even log in

I'll post when I get a double UR roll.

>can't even save up 30 gems

You can even save 120 gems in one month

I probably have more gems than you faggots but I'm an impatient EN fag

And then you run out of masters and experts to FC, if you even can

Post gems, fag

>but I'm an impatient EN fag
what id he mean by this?

>200 gems
>nozomi right after maki
>then nico

Flops 10+1 will have to wait

Have fun getting owned on Flop SMs

>wanting to scout for rotten tomatoes

>playing flops events


If you are new, in just one day you can get 100 gems

>implying i wouldn't get owned regardless

Pesoman, please

Post cute Honk;

>not getting free seals

SM is garbage, you can get on T1 with a shit team as long as you're smart enough to play near the end. The other events are harder.

>tfw missed the last few threads

>tfw easy T2 flop events
T1 is whale territory and me being f2p ain't traversing that shit.
daijobu dess


>you can get on T1 with a shit team as long as you're smart enough to play near the end.
t. T3 player

Honk with Rin.

As you wish.

>torturing yourself to get "free" seals



Post cute Nozomi instead

You can be an f2p player and T1 too, user.

>not just play µ's songs while you grind

so many dumb excuses lol

>You can be an f2p player and T1 too, user.
Yeah if you've played for a million fucking years. Those 18000 MMR teams all had 70k+ teams. The only way you could T1 is if you got extremely lucky with dodgers. Hell, I've spent a few thousands on this game and I barely finished T1 with my weakest team at 68k.

I don't have outstanding luck with rolls user.

Don't bully.

lmao get rekt

This is my rarest Maki too so I hope I get a UR

>having flops on team

no thanks lol


Post more cute April couple.



Imagine being as dumb as Honoka.

I got T1 on all SMs, but got T2 on last osanpo event. On SM T1 people stop playing near the end to avoid losing points, making you play with weaker people. Osanpo, challenge and medley events depend on luck of getting tap score bonus on the best songs and full combo it.

>implying you cant easily get 25k points with µ's teams
>implying you can't easily T2 with a few µ's URs

this is just sad lol, ur honestly just bad at the game lmao

>worst aqours is even cucked by an N girl

That's nice.

We're talking about EN, not Jaypee. It's a lot easier to T1 on Jaypee.

Have fun getting owned on Flop SMs lol

You deserve one, though.

I thought I had a lot..

God I wish that were me here.

Doesn't matter if I can still get a few seals lmao
ur not very smart are u

That's a weird looking Nozomi.

What a happy life I'd live.

How? My teams are at 67k/68,5k/66k witch 2/0/1 scorer URs with my only Aqours cards except one being event cards and I literally never left T1 during the event. It's not like I consistently FC'd every song either. I barely made it in the end, but still.
I've never bought anything besides those cheap starter/spring packs.

You're a weird looking nozomi.

Mackyfags are cancer so I hope you all get bad pulls :)

What rank to get background ?

I still have gems from side stories and present box.

There's one crazy user here who saved up from April 2015 though.

That's nice, Youfriend.

I've had a recurring nightmare where I was Nico and I spent over 500 gems on Maki box and didn't get an UR. I am scared it will come true except the me being Nico part I wish that would happen.


>he doesn't have it

more than you can afford, pal

Stop fighting.
You and Maki are friends.

>I put myself through an event that I dislike for seals

yes very smart

Drew You for her birthday~
How's it look?