>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
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Tharja a best and canon
Azura is shit
Azura a best
I want to drug Tiki's drink and watch her unconscious bodly gently slump to the floor as i scoop her limp body into my arms and kiss her soft motionless lips
i want to steal her dragonstone and tie her up to my bed, throwing myself on her and thrusting up and down my genitals onto her pelvis, rubbing my hands around her ass and her thick creamy thighs, as i elope i throw my face into her breasts and she wakes up in complete pleasure before i have to cover her mouth with chloroform again
I love Fernand!
Him and Berkut are literally the faggot ice skaters
They call 'er Deepthroat Delthea
I like Fire Emblem!
Would you still fuck Delthea if she was a boy? With a penis?
>people will still deny that Echoes and by extension FE as a whole, isn't 100% fujobait
Cannot unsee
Delete this
Shit taste
What will you do if they put in scrawny PoR Ike over Bulky PR Ike?
fuck off
Be happy
So, when do you think the english version of Echoes will leak?
Did that tripfag ever complete the fanfic with Tiki?
Laugh ecstatically.
Are there any good Lissa doujins out there?
I am in love with Felicia.
>Nigger emblem
But that's exactly what's going to happen
Hopefully soon since the plot is the only thing I have to look forward to now.
What's your metric of good?
There's one with Freddy D
Wow that's some shit taste, better play a real game like TearRing Saga. (^:
What exactly makes 7 patrician?
It is the unmemorable music?
The localisation changes?
Or the bad plot?
Which unit would you NOT like to see in Heroes.
Which unit would you say is the most overpowered playable unit in the history of the series?
Now that I have the strongest arena team I can make, and have at least two competent units from each color and movement type, there is nothing to actually do in this game other than grind very slowly for badges or HM.
I hope by the time Ike drops, we have expanded PvE shit like a perma-death mode, a dungeon crawling mode, or whatever.
>literally the Awakening of the modern core FE fanbase
spotted the GBAbby
Trips on, spics.
Fuck'n fill Faye's fanny~
Seth is the one that's right for Eirika. Ephraim can go fuck someone elses sister
(You) with your weaponized autism
Not yet but I wouldn't expect them to be done by now, it means it won't be too half-assed.
Tie between RD Haar and Seth
Siggy or Seth.
Zephiel is shit. Armored units are shit. Distant Counter is the only way to make them viable.
Seth and Eirika pairing makes me feel like a stereotypical teenage girl gushing about her favourite romance movie or something.
It's no one else but Sigurd.
No other unit joins you from the start and is just as strong at the end while also never being held back.
Some, like Titania and Marcus come close.
And Seth would be but he is handicapped buy being unable to seize.
Sigurd can do it all.
I think you mean me.
Robcina Week: Day 1 - Spring Festival (no, that banner you saw throughout the month was not just some dumb Silasfag-ish photoshop, this is an actual event that real people are participating in):
I'm merely collecting and communicating the content as it gets posted, so if you have any personal grudges, the artists/authors are right there for your to harass.
You didn't have to post it here though.
>a level 33 Subaki I leveled for Seals quests tanks lv40 reds for the Fliers quest
This dude's a monster
Who will appear in the next gacha banner alongside Celica and how upset will I be if IS gives my Echoes husbando shit stats?
And IS better not give Celica a staff I swear to god.
>European/Japanese/American boxart of Awakening have the characters in a different layout
>the individual character arts for the cover were never released in high res
Now I'm salty
idk, I guess just something with a non-borked translation
I haven't played 6-12. What makes Haar and Seth so good?
Don't worry Boey will be the shittiest mage in Heroes.
>real people
>1 person
I'd say get ready for a lot more Lucina threads with that Robcina stuff included in the OP for the next few days. The guy's probably a false-flagger but he's gonna be forcing it here.
i scrapped my 1st account and remade today
+spd -res hector
+res -def Ryoma
howd I do?
Sigurd is obvious choice but I'm surprised no one is mentioning Kris. I legitimately can't think of single downside or weakness he has, he's stupidly strong and has crazy availability.
I like Hana
I hope his artist is good at least. I love Boey's design.
You also don't need to post here.
Definitely Valibar because of pic related
Female Robin in Awakening(in Heroes is utter shit) because nosferatu + galeforce
Male Robin
RD Haar
Sexiest Echoes girl
Robcina week is a thing though.
So it's perfectly fine, hell /vp/ participate in the Pokemon of the day things Japan does for Zangoose and the like.
Celica, Mae, Boey all as different colored mages, and Genny as a cleric
The blog gets sent content from the contributors and subsequently uploaded in one place on the days correlating to the topic of said content. It's not that hard.
>there's a 50,000 gold cap
wtf genealogy
i need 80,000 to buy back the knight and leg rings back from ayra in chapter 5
>Characters that will get staff'd
they're sexy af
Armads : Hector
Durandel : Eliwood
Eckesachs - Zephiel
Maltet - ???
Murgleis - ???
Forblaze - Athos
Holy Maiden - ???
Apocalypse - Niime (process of elimination)
Aureola - ???
Well, lads? Who gets what in Heroes?
HIgh starting bases and weapon ranks, growths and bases high enough to not only reamain relevant, but also smash everyone throughout the whole game, hes also pre promoted
Flying fortress with enough hp and defense to shrug most physical attacks so he ends up mowing waves of shitters with the simple motion of miving into enemy territory, he is still vulnerable to thunder magic and some mages in general, but hand axes let him be a ranged monster too
I dunno about that, it's hard to beat this.
All me.
Switch Genny with Saber and I agree.
Odin is nowhere near the worst mage in Heroes just from being a blue mage.
Plus his SI is one of the best in the game, combine that with his fairly common summon rate and he is very valuable.
>Wendell and Boah
also, nice shitpost
Also Jamke for infinite hits
My Sigurd got defense fucked. 11 def at level 19. Good at dodging tho. Would give the Shield but Levin needs it too.
As a unit, Odin is completely shit
>he doesnt know how tumblr works
>when FE is a tumblr franchise now
Get with the times gramps. The next FE will feature Instagram and Twitter integration.
Dew is level 2
I am bad at this game
Maltet- Treck.
Murgleis- Wolt
Holy Maiden- Ellen
Aureola- Saul
Armads : Hector
Durandel : Eliwood
Eckesachs - Zephiel
>Maltet - Miledy
>Murgleis - Igrene
Forblaze - Athos
>Holy Maiden - Yodel
Apocalypse - Niime (process of elimination)
>Aureola - Lucius
You will just have to try and buy it back then,
Did you at least pair all the women off with virile young men?
Zealot or Juno
Sue or Dayan
>Holy Maiden
/ourguy/ Saul
Would the spic be complaining if Robja Week existed?
Even then he is a decent candidate to just buff and nuke with his tome.
I'd say the worst heroes units are those who are hard to summon but are still woeful.
Lucius got cleric'd senpai.