When you realize accounting majors are basically cucks who were too dumb for STEM

>when you realize accounting majors are basically cucks who were too dumb for STEM

Other urls found in this thread:


>when you realize accounting majors make more money than every engineering specialty outside of aerospace and electrical

>when you realize engineers are always going to be wage slaves who have to work for someone else when accountants can start their own practice

Really baked my noodle

When you realize you're fine as long as you didn't choose business management

>When you realize people are petty enough to actually judge others this way.

Finance/Accounting double major master race

Accounting by itself = king of wageslaves

Let me just say, if you don't have a CPA**

>tfw 200,000$ in debt from medical school and I'm not even done

>>when you realize accounting majors make more money than every engineering specialty outside of aerospace and electrical

most accountants commit suicide by 40yo, just like dentists

Econ/Finance is the true financial eduction master race

Is business engineering good ?

accounting is the biggest meme there is

a monkey could do accounting, it's literally following guidelines and filling forms issued by your fiscal authority

Take 1 taxation law class and you will understand what taxation truly is.
Accounting is a massive joke IF you don't hold recognized certifications such as the CPA

>believing in bullshit websites

lmao source?

what about auditing?

if you get an accounting degree w/o CPA ur pretty dumb desu

Yeah it's called freshman year. It's when all the smallbrains flunk out of general engineering curriculum and become """"business"""" majors.


It's probably easier for an engineer to start their own business than an accountant

Accounting is going to be automated really soon. It takes no skill and all it requires is attention

t. college kid

in real life, accounting is such a fucking mess it would be near impossible to automate all but the most repetitive and predictable tasks

>be a cuck for big eng ala Office Space

>be a cuck for big 4

hmm yeah. That's why finance is better

>It's probably easier for an engineer to start their own business than an accountant



I'd seen that dentist conventions in Nevada were some of the busiest times for hookers, but i hadn't seen that bit about suicide.

Engineers make up like 90% of successful startups these days.

>When you realize not everyone is a Physics / Aerospace Engineering / Accounting / English Literature quadruple major like you

Are you guys even trying?

>when you realize college is the biggest scam in history

I actually got an engineering degree and then went back to school for a masters in accounting. The accounting degree was actually harder for me.

Is this your card?

Except the fact that like most fields, accounting is more complex than what you learned in accounting 101 at your shitty state university. There isn't one hour in my day that goes by without some sort of problem solving/critical thinking.

Also, I make way more than any of my friends that went into STEM except one.

t. real life CPA

haha naive child

A couple of my friends work at the big 4. It's basically a huge hazing scheme. If you make it through that period, then you're golden. One quit after 2 weeks from the stress and the other stayed 3 years as is now an associate.

I just find accounting fucking boring. Would rather deal with clients directly.

Can confirm the hazing

My professor had to go to a warehouse the middle of nowhere to count inventory and had to maneuver through dirt and mud in full suit-and-tie attire because nobody told him it was coming up

>accounting is more complex than what you learned in accounting 101 at your shitty state university.

So how are you supposed to learn accounting if you go to a state university?

Sounds like a pretty autistic major. I can't think of any other major that would lead to something like this

Not really. More like a "rite of passage." It's the same thing they put new BAs through for consulting.

Hello fellow belgian,
It is, if you don't pick a shitty major

Haha yeah I'm exposed, I'm doing my second year at the Solvay Business school, and yeah I plan to do the Business engineering master which is the best

I didn't know that the only study with that name were in Belgium, which is maybe why it's so difficult to find career paths that match, it's really hybrid diploma, I'm afraid it's to hybrid

Anyway what do you ? Also studying there ?

Anyone who gets a major for the chance of being a wagecuck, is you guessed it, a cuck

>when you realize every college student is a cuck while Chad makes 4 figures per instagram post

Nope, econ are cucked, Finance is ok only if u have tons of money, otherwise, u better choose accounting which makes u money.

thats ur problem
accountants have decent pay.

idk user a accountant or CPA has a decent market, stability, and high ceiling. also something you can retire old from unlike software and certain fields of engineering. only thing comparable is healthcare