Dueling Network General - /dng/

Thread #2502 (Someone make a Thread #2500 comic)
FeelsCancerMan Edition
Last Thread: New mechanic, Link Summoning: ygorganization.com/ekisotorarinkuexclamationpoint/

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>Mission before the final gear


>Spent all that time preparing the post
>Fuck up the numbers at the last second
The GEAR is first and i'm an absolute retard.


3 and all of the above for options, maybe not Theseus but a Synch8 option is there if youre somehow winning.
XYZing every turn is the point since your main monsters outside of Strength are trash on their own. And youre running Spellbooks so trap protection is low.

She is mine, forever.

Am I the only one that reads star grail-bearing priestess as child-bearing priestress?

Fixed numbers
Left: 703
Right: 244
I probably shouldn't add so much pointless bullshit in the future.

vote for mi cardfu

I understand.
Now that I think about it, the archetype searches enough so what I may need some Strenght heh based cards. I will take notes from it, thank you!

Other stuff to consider is if you run SB of Life, that opens options too, like Blue Boy banishing another from life is a level 4, or a level 4 caster banishing Justice/Temperance is 7 to overlay with Junon too


>HRURR Secret Rare



Should I use Chocolate then? I mean, she can help with the Rank 4 stuff.

I just hope they are going to make another BA like deck so I can just buy one thing for 3 years and just adapt it to the meta.

Pilica, Cutie of Gusto!

Nero, Sparda, Lady

I'm curious if how SPYRAL/Subterror turned out will have any effect on the next TCG exclusives. Also they're being introduced in the first pack of the Link. Any bets on what the new TCG decks will be based on/play like?

end it
(it being my life desu)

That's a lot of cake.

I've already posted about why I like Choco Magi, but on the topic of xyzs, she makes everyone's favorite Bahamut Shark > Toad play with another copy/Life Blue Boy banishing Blue Boy
And then when you neg Toad adds Blue boy back to hand

I the few times I made that play they quit though

demon aids

>you will never have your cardfu hold you like this

Trickstars already topping. Wheres your mom now?

Making me more tendies

So far we've had
>Flip effects
>Counters (Kaijus)
What outdated mechanic will be next!

So. Two copies then?
Also, should I try getting Shark and Toad, knowing the TCG Banlist may appear from nowhere (or not)?
How much they cost right now?
Damn, I want a pic like this.

Outside drinking
Honestly tho im not too surprise. Those sluts and their cards are good.

I am 99% sure this time TCG is going to roll with the new mechanic and show us that they can do something more degenerate than Firewall Turbo so that even Master Piss will be afraid.

Pendulum, because it's ded post-Links.

To save on budget we've decided to merge out next TCG exclusive together!

Tokens. I would love to make an all token deck that could actually compete with the top tiers

[spoilers]we all do user[/spoilers]


>Trickster TD made it all the way to top 4 of a 300+ man tourney
Not bad.

>Fivehead loli is a secret
Rev up your wallet


>in link era
they will do it the mad men

>(ONE) 1 spot in the top 64
>likely not even top 16

Oh shit nigger! Guess Shiranui is Ter 1 now boys!

Every other handtraploli was, no shocker here.

First of 2 all its two spots. Trickster True Draco :^)
And seconds, its top 4 So wheres your mom NOW

not surprising at all, the trap is fucking busted; get ready for the FTK era fags

eh, Tori Meadows is hotter

Someone at KoA must have an autistic hardon for equips since they've been a focal point of varying degrees for three archetypes and only two have really been worthwhile.

I hope that cancerous frog gets the axe in TCG soon, it'd be a nice push among all the shit this game offers.


I honestly forgot this card existed.

Why would I play this over duel links?

It'd still be nice to be held like that though

r9 and h8. Trying to get a good build of this cancer going.

Because Yugioh, real Yugioh not duel links, is the manliest card game in the world.

Because you don't have to insist that grinding for cards is fun.

>we got maul but never the griev they teazed

First time seeing the art this large. Pretty sweet.

That game is shit too, you better run away from konami while you can.

There's the answer I was looking for

Can't wait for endymion to kick spellbook ass.

Wait until technology give us solid vision for purposes other than duels.

There's no deck I hate as much as I hate WIA. Not only is it able to get out the strongest monster in the game, it also makes it so that you have little to no way of getting rid of it. And THEN they use their normal summon, because God knows you shouldn't have to waste your normal summon to shit out Crystal Wing. Also, one card (Terraforming or the field or Aleister) gets you ANOTHER negator, this time an omni-negator who thanks to Aleisters handy effect ALWAYS will have material to pay its cost. If you actually got to play the game, they'll just use your graveyard cause fuck you. Also you can't get rid of the backrow cause lol Artifags.
This fucking deck is why we need Links. Links can do whatever the fuck they want as long as they completely ruin WIA. I'd rather play against any ZOO variant cause Drident at least doesn't fucking negate and BANISH my cards, like what the hell, the negate wasn't enough!?

So when my opponent summons a monarch, and return of the monarch becomes chain link 2, i cannot respond to the momarch effect correct? (no solemn strike, ghost ogre, dolkka)

kaijus were invented for a reason.

Correct, if they order their chains that way.

Reminder that Aoi pleases old men for money.

>opening with Kaijus
Teach me your ways

Kaijus are as braindead as the problem they solve and shouldn't be a thing

Your forced meme isn't funny

go to /a/ already

>Here's the answer to the problem
>No fuck you the soultion is just as bad as the problem
Be that as it may, the problem won't go away. Now you need to run kaijus for links and Master Piss.

Run more kaijus than just Gamciel

Aoifags BTFO

gimme de decklists

Don't reply to yourself 'tard

Kaijus are a direct response to people bitching about unremovable cards and konami's fetish for unkillable boss monsters. Spot removal became too prevalent. I blame beelze for Kaijus.

>tfw am an old man

Out of curiosity, what relevant decks has the deck space to main more than 2 Kaijus?

>Now you need to run kaijus for links and Master Piss
And that's what pisses off the most about them, stupid as they are you have to be a gigantic retard to not run them

>I blame beelze for Kaijus.
Funny, I blame Construct for Castel and Castel for Towers.


VJUMP tonight,right?

Wasn't SHArk was Castel before it was cool? And before that you had catastor.


101 was also a starting point where removal/rank 4 was getting outta hand.

As much as the Defense Mode meme existed most bosses would get run over by 101.

Invoked to fuse with them and maybe Zoos.

Shark needed it to be an SS'd mosnter AND in attack position.
You could actually play around it. by eitehr Normal summoning somehting or SS'ing it in defense mode.
Castel just says "fuck that" and lets you target anything for one of the best removal types in the game, atleast 101 lets the thing hit the grave after you remove it.
catastor is a level 5 synchro, it wasn't/isn't as easy to bring out in any generic deck thanks to a super flexible 2 card combo,
atleast not anymore since people don't run Effect veiler that much. besides destruction immunity works on it.

Atleast my Normal summoned Blue-eyes is safe ;)

but seriously yeah, 101 was almost as bad, but it was better in principle since you atleast had an option to avoid it other than doing floodgate/negation shit.

But yeah, 101 was the starting point for R4nk becoming absolute cancer.

You know what would be cool, Chronomaly support. Havent seen anyone use them things since they came out

Some little erratas could be cool too.

You have no idea how much Sleeper and Last Resort have actually helped SPYRALs. What an unexpected turn around. How can Subterrors even compete?

>Card of the red-eyes stone
Sounds way to fucking horrible.
Change it to Red-eyes stone or something.

quick /dng/, give me your funniest meme deck that somehow manages to work

Negate ;)

>that somehow manages to work
But Metalfoes Insects XYZ Spam is a wonderful meme.

Fiendess is better than those 2 though

>Ptolemayos -> Nova -> Infinity
>Bahamut -> Toad
>Shock Master
Any other cancer I'm forgetting?


To this day I wonder ewhy people defended that shit.

Dumb Lavalval Chain shit

Remember, if you didn't hold onto negation the entire game for the off chance of an Exciton, it's your fault


bet you think Emeral then go and put ragna too, hell heart draco if you wanna reach even more
