/owg/ - Overwatch General

>Official Uprising website

>When does the event end?
May 1st.

>Loot item checklist:

>Latest Comic:

>Event video
[YouTube] [NEW SEASONAL EVENT] Welcome to Overwatch Uprising!

>Story video
[YouTube] King's Row Uprising Origin Story | Overwatch

>Developer update video
[YouTube] Developer Update | Overwatch Uprising | Overwatch

>Live Patch Notes

>Overwatch Dev Tracker


>Convert source mouse sensitivity

>Stats and Leaderboards

>Competitive Info


Justice waifu.

Fareeha is cute

>bastion behind a orisa/rein shield combo being healed by ana and zenyatta while mercy damage boosts

Who are the confirmed transgender characters in Overwatch?

Rare waifu, do not steal.

>there are people that actually think lucio is worse after the patch

>not copying the Youtube links properly
>not copying them to a pastebin to prevent this from happening


She is my rocket queen

>post yfw you beat uprising on legendary and unlocked distinguished service


>tfw you'll never polish her battle thong

i can believe this

His range is pathetic. More damage and more healing is irrelevant honestly. I'd take old Lucio over this one.

No, she is far too cute and feminin.

>buy her a drink
>instantly pregnant

>Winston and Tracer get to go on fun adventures all over the place, have a blast, then go home to crash with Tracer's cute gf
>Jack and Ana get to spend Christmas hiding somewhere in some middle eastern shithole wishing they were dead

So we all know who makes the better Strike Commander and Second in Command right

>game downloads a patch every time I close it down
the fucks going on

Yeah, Gabriel Reyes and Jessie Mccree.


Game is rigged

>tfw still dont have that skin

Fuck I think I'm becoming a Widow main


Embrace it

Pence 76 is on a mission. A mission to straighten out that young punk Tracer.

Choke on a baguette.

I would really like to hear an official explanation for her armored thong

>patch stalls every day on awaiting patch. Run out of settings to change to get it running

how to play tracer in legendary?
i just die almost instantly

>overwatch pve

What's the explanation for Samus's?

I want to impregnate this woman so much.

"Rule of cool" and "Sex sells"

>implying the game wasn't made for pve.
Pvp a year on is a disgusting chaotic clusterfuck. Snashing bad guys with heroes is fun

noob, Tracer is literally invincible due to how the AI interprets her blink

Where do I place my turret as Torb in Uprising?

> Bought OW last week and already have 5 legendary skins from boxes

If you ran into a shitter, you ran into a shitter and that's that.

If everyone you run into is a shitter, you are the shitter.

>tfw will never get Tracer's and Widow's icon
>have everyone else's

The good spots.

>keep being forced to solo heal
>in high plat
>the "extra" dps is always shit

What the fuck is happening to comp

>Almost every game today has had widow AND hanzo on at least 1 team

Is this a sick new meme


silver healbot shitter detected

3 dps is the shit

But there's no Widow to use her ass as a pillow.


Did someone say Widow ass-pillow?

there will never be dank frag videos in overwatch because there is so little room for impressive plays

>that tummy
>landing strip

Where's that Sombra nut image when I need it

So, for next halloween, will the skins from last halloween be available again?

Yeah, but there won't be any new ones.

>it's another "i'm going to micromanage the team and try telling everyone what to do even though i clearly don't know shit about anything other than flanker dps, which i instalocked" episode

Did they say that?

>got event Reinhardt skin and event Tracer skin back to back

today was a good day.

works fine in 4k games when its a top 500 doing that

Well, she could honestly just swap her cyberbrain into any chassis she'd like.

>Developer Comments: LĂșcio has often felt like a must-pick due to his raw healing output
>raw healing output
>30hps is considered raw
>"So we increased it by 30%!"

How stupid are these people?

I'm looking for tips on how to improve, but most advice I solicit comes down to:
>shoot better
>die less
>be in a better position
>capture the point more often

Is there any resources or tutorials to actually get better at the game?

I'm worried that just playing the game will make me worse, because I'm playing in bronze.

What would his kit be?

>because I'm playing in bronze
Once trash, always trash.
Just watch your own gameplay. Every time you die you fucked up BIG time.

That's literally most of the things you need to do.

Don't trickle in one by one to their whole team, group up instead.

Use high ground on appropriate characters.

Combo ults.

Don't go too deep chasing pointless kills.

>it's another "our one healer must exist only to serve me and nothing else even though i am genji and the third dps" episode

These skill are the important ones:
1. Teamwork/Communication: The team with the better teamwork will always win! Even obvious things like ult-kombos win matches. Always communicate clearly. Praise if someone does something good. Never shit on someone for any reason. Mentality wins games.
Also what heroes can you play that compliment your teamcomposition.
2. Positioning: Highly overlooked! Always be in the perfect postition depending on the hero you play. Try to find out the perfect angles and corners of a map.
3. Timing: When and when not to use an ability or ultimate. Also remembering what abilities of the enemy are on cooldown or what ults are probably coming at you soon and communicate that to your team.

Bonus: Targetpriority
Learn what your hero is supposed to to at any given moment in the match.

Bonus 2: Know your enemy
Learn in detail what heroes you don't play can and can not do.

the easiest way is to have someone review your gameplay with you

So..uh...how do I learn those things?

I mean I know positioning is important, but how do I know when I'm in a bad one or a good one? How do I know which hero I should shoot first?

I'm not sure I could do that. I'm really embarrassed and I can't really talk about this except while user.

man up u pussy

You could watch pro-players of your prefered main. But with an analytical mind. Ask yourself why they do that thing in that exact moment. How they react to specific situations like enemy ulting and how they communicate.
It really depends on the hero you are playing or switching into and what the situation in a match is.

>with an analytical mind
this is a problem because he doesn't know what to think about and has no foundation because he is bronze

how to fix every offense hero

remove i need healing voiceline

reduce drop off damage

direct rocket hit dmg reduced from 120 to 90

change or replace teleport

grenade jumping does more damage and cant place heals down directly after

put the victory pose back in the game that they removed cause of her butt

quit your bitching you nigger

If you decay down as 4k player, can you play with plat plebs again?

Grow a fucking spine, it's just a video game. Record and post videos.

no because decaying does not affect your mmr

>40% winrate when I play healer
>60% when I play any other role
why is this game so much less fun when you have to rely on complete strangers to do their job

Never any doubt really

>direct rocket hit dmg reduced from 120 to 90
And why do players need to do directs after this?

>have 900 credits
>want that fucking D.Va Intro
>it's over 2/3rds of my savings
>never even got a single D.Va POTG to begin with

How do I justify buying that overcosted thing?

how to fix every defense hero

put his headshot spot while in turret mode back

remove from the game completely

more tire health or new ult

ice block can take damage to break it

fix round ass hitbox

new ult

: (

Thanks! I think you really get what I am trying to say.

Games are so strange here that I have no idea what is good or bad. POTGs are mercies using melee attacks on genjis and bastions spraying down a hallway and getting 4 kills without moving the mouse.

I feel like I'm just jumping around randomly in random crazy games and I'm not learning anything. There is no feedback if I do "good" or "bad". Hell most games I can't even tell if it was a good game for me or not.

You don't. You just splurg like a faggot.

I was questioning whether I'd have to use credits or not for Zen's intro. I got it from the box I had just gotten.

>new ult

Fuck that idea. Tire is great.


>Guys! Dont trickle in
>Enemy has the point at 90+ percent

Every. Damn. Time.

I was excited for this game 6 months before it was released and hearing that it was exclusively pvp crushed my soul

I hate having to play support all the damn time and then just giving up because our DPS can't do shit and healers can only do so much. And when I decide to try DPS or tanks, the healers are completely unreliable

i love the tire but its too easy to destroy if youre playing good people

she's perfect

Rarely face that problem, really. Though I tend to never use it in a position that wouldn't allow me to climb over a wall and flank them from above. At worst, that's usually 1 guaranteed kill if there's no Pharah, Widow or enemy Junkrat soaring miles above the team.

The enemy has a teleporteur.

Grind boxes until the end of the month so i dont have to hear you whine about getting duplicates.

Godly thighs

I already got 2 epics from the boxes and got the same 2 epics just now.

>don't play lucio he can't heal now

anyone want to group up for legendary

Is there any way to know what you are supposed to do?

Why is Old Ana not your waifu?

it is because you are also playing with people who don't know what's going on so your games are just filled with randomness

getting someone who is decent, at least 4k since the variance is massive, to spectate you and help you learn the game is the best way to start getting better. if you don't want to do that then you can try blindly copying everything pro players do and you will probably get better.

if that's too much then just play ow for fun without worrying about getting better.

Because I don't have mommy issues actually I do, but that is the reason why Mercy is my waifu, because she looks closer to my real mom