financially speaking, is a gf worth it ?
Financially speaking, is a gf worth it ?
It depends the kind of GF you can get. If she earns almost as much as you, pays for her own stuff and share the bills with you then you lower your marginal housing costs. However if you pay for the first date then you have to discount the value of the date against the lower housing costs in the future.
Mine is in law school and gets straight As. So we are both poor students right now but she will pay off one day.
Keep telling yourself this user, keep telling yourself this...
I dont even want to know what youre wasting time in college doing
German, so the degree is actually worth something and jobs are super easy to find.
I am the average finance pleb but I would love to start my own business instead of wagecucking at some boring bank
terrible ROI stick to blue chips
>financially speaking, is a gf worth it ?
What kind of question is this? Compared to what standard? Having a room mate, masturbating and doing all the chores yourself is provably cheaper unless you put a value to your time, but does that mean a gf is "not worth it"? Entering a romantic relationship is on a very fundamental level the opposite of a rational economic decision. If you really want one, you don't care about the economics. If you don't want one, you couldn't make it work long-term even if it were an economically sound decision.
So if you don't get the appeal and have to ask about it, a gf is probably not for your. Get a room mate or a business partner.
Financially speaking nothing enjoyable is worth it. Because emotions and subjective things like "enjoyment" cannot be quantified.
So going on Veeky Forums isn't worth it financially, neither is having a larger living area than a 5x5 square, or driving a car better than a 2004 honda civic, or even the bus in most cases.
Wagecucking at a bank is more predictable and still lucrative and therefore better.
family friendship and peoples value is not the same as money. They're completely separate from each other.
You shouldn't compare them with each other or cross them at all. You use money to support those family and friendship value but you don't use family or friendship to gain money. You get something else out of it and something that's more important to life.
Family and friendship isn't for money profit, it's for peoples profit and gaining people and support.
They're not the same and family and friendship is definitely worth more then money since family and friendship is what gives us the motive to make more money so its what gives money its value.
Without out them money basically has no value but without money family and friendship will still have its value.
Every gf ive had has $100k of student loans they are ignoring. Make sure you wrap it up or get the snip or you will be shoveling money into that blackhole for the rest of your life.
WHY THE FUCK... Why the fuck do you idiots never get an intelligent financially-literate girlfriend/boyfriend/friend?
What the fuck is so hard to simply share your mine with an intelligent human being? Why do you love dating dumb people and having them as "pets"? Take a fucking chihuahua if you enjoy hearing barking all day.
Nah, if it forms part of a lifestyle that you find conducive to success and its affordable/feasible then it's worth it.
I might not *need* hot water, fiction books, a vidya console or any food more exciting than porridge, water and a multivitamin, but God damn would I turn up to work distracted and irritable without a few creature comforts.
A relationship is just long term prostitution you pay for with your mind body and soul.
It is very much a transaction.
You maintain her fucked up emotions recieve sex.
If your not getting shit out of it your being suckered.
Ideally you want a no hassle girl that enjoys sucking your dick regularly but that only happens if your high value.
>capped salary
Such is life, for the average wagie-banker
if you like to fuck yes
When I moved in with my girlfriend I thought I would save money, but I spent more on food, even though we took our meals together and split the grocery bills. We rented a rather small apartment and sharing rent has saved me some money, but not all that much. Then there were things like going out together, making little gifts, splitting the shopping bills when she bought stuff "for us" that I don't use.. All in all I think I still had more money available, but here is the thing: I believe that was because I didn't go out with friends as often as I used to, so I spent less in bars / nightclubs. Another thing that bothered me (but wouldn't bother me as much these days) was that back then she had a better job than me (as I was still busy with my studies), so she forced a higher standard of living on me than I would have chosen myself.
Sure, there's a cost and a give-and-take (transactional) nature to any relationship. But dude, sex can't be that valuable to you!? And if it is, I'd say *you're* the one being hustled. If I got nothing out of a relationship but sex, I'd don't think I would have ever cared enough to stay in one.
Is it possible that you've only had bad experiences? There's women out there without "fucked up emotions" (or at least with "fucked up emotions" on par with most men I know) and plenty of low-maintenance dick suckers who fall for poor artists, drunkards, pretty boys, etc (although a high net worth certainly doesn't hurt).
it's hard to find someone else that's financially-literate
well, no not really.
a wife is though, because at a certain point in life it's not considered stable to be 40+ and never married. gl getting a job lel
Yes if it is the right person
I'm self employed earning about 25k while setting up a second business. Will be making 50k+ comfortably within the next 6months.
Gf earns about 50k (Is being promoted regularly and will be earning around 100k in the next 5 years). We split the bills however she pays most of the rent.
As a side note she is 5 years older than me, thus earning more. But desu I'd say it's a pretty sweet deal considering. That said not everyone can find a woman in this sort of position. As long as she keeps hitting the gym and keeps up with her botox I'm pretty happy.
The great thing about it is we have a lot more financial security so up until now I was able to take more risks, which are finally starting to pay off for us. We both have a very bright future ahead of us and desu if you find a driven yet feminine woman it's all good. Though you may need to trade 3-5 years of her youth for that.
I doubt dating early 20s women seriously would be worth it.
>dates western women
Daily reminder to find a woman from EEU
That's impossible to quantify though.
"Financially speaking" is purely quantitative, and things like enjoyment become impossible to measure. It's a retarded question simply.
If your goal is simply to cultivate as much money as possible to die with then yes you shouldn't drive a car you enjoy, or live in a decent place, or really do anything generally considered enjoyable (YOU'd be wasting money in opportunity cost!!! Gotta work those 80 hour weeks!)
Jesus just attempt to date a non-americanised/westernised woman for once dude.
where did you meet?
Just out and about. I saw her and she looked nice so I spoke to her. She agreed to give me her number and we went on a date. Rest was just the motions. That was quite a while ago though.
u just gotta find an actuary or software developer who is making 100k
Or a girl who didn't go uni but works in hospitality or management and has worked her way up over time.
People always go for uni chicks but it's a waste of time. Find a clever and pretty little nail technician or hair dresser. Get her to read some books and there you go. Sure at first she may not be bright (however hardworking). Just introduce her to books and there you go.
If gf as someone average that you just fuck, no.
It costs a lot. But if she's really a good person, you can move to the next point
If gf as someone stable you live with, yes
see It's quite a comprehensive summary: split expanses, more possibility for credit and invest, overall ability to take a chance and risk for a better life.
And even the cost of a gf, like gift or whatever, break even if she's not a selfish whore and does the same for you.
Immigrant family dude.
The no westernised ones are just smarter and know being a slut and a ho is bad thus act a lot better if they percieve you above them. They'll destroy you if they think your below them though.
And no, there's no such thing as equal partnership. If you think there is, then she is the one in control.
White girls are completely blatant about how low value they are cos white guys are cucks and will marry them anyway. The non western ones will act like virgins even though they've been in porn.
I'm struggling to get your point here mate.
A woman's default motive isn't slut. Our society and feminism has basically forced it down their throat (figuratively and literally). Believe it or not most women just want a good strong successful man.
I don't care if she would destroy a lesser man. Thankfully I'm me. A man who can not turn himself into a success, look after his body and keep his woman entertained enough not to go hunting for more isn't worthy of a decent woman anyways. It's a two way street lad.
Like I really wish you guys would take this MGTOW shit with a pinch of salt. It sort of blocks you from actually finding the 5% of women who just want a happy life. Sure most women are useless but your mentality is wrong. Find a good one and work together to build something. Then again I say that after sleeping with 80+girls through university before meeting her.
Plus I've already mentioned I had to trade 5 years of my gfs youth to get a financially secure smart woman. Thankfully she comes from a very strict religious country and community where she wasn't able to slut it out and when she come to the west it kind of repulsed her. She hates western women with a passion.
>men like to fuck attractive females
What is this world coming to? I blame gaming. You should blog about it
It ain't MGTOW dude. You can live your dream life its very much possible, but not for all of us, surveys ahve shown that men find 50% of women above average in attractiveness whereas women find 80% below average, 10% average and 10% attractive.
>What does it mean?
That 90 percent of women must settle, in muslim countries they don't and become willing fourth wives instead of beta bobs only wife.
Polygamy is the natural state, women get the seed of an alpha and get a beta to raise the kids. Only 10 percent of all men can be alpha.
Thanks to christianity monogamy was put in place to regulate this and give betas incentive to work for society instead of raping and being lazy.
If your in that top ten percent your fine, if your not though I'd advise getting a virgin wife, install spy software and make sure you aren' being fucked over. And don't get too attached.
You can spin plates, aka have loads of girls fucking aka "dating" you for small periods of time as well and that can work for a couple decades.
These 5 percent of women your talking about still want the best guy and when they dont get him they're settling and unhaaaapy and its all your fault thus divorce.
Anyway I'm getting a no contract cultural wedding with a virgin qt and pretending to be muslim so you do you user, whatever optimises your life.
yes, if your young
no, after you have had kids
Well said I can't argue with that.
Be top 10% don't be lazy and happiness sorta comes.
>1 post by this id
Youre too easy to trigger /biz
>Financially speaking nothing enjoyable is worth it
Nah, it makes you a better worker if you're not depressed all the time from living the shit life.
best investment ever
getting a gf really turned my entire life around.
i had no future, no money, no ambitions, no determination no drive, nothing. i had a bike and some torn clothes. i lived with my parents and did nothing all day but watch anime play games and chat online. i guess i was the neet stereotype pretty much.
got gf, moved out, got work, got promotions, got a taste of ambition and some financial goals, got more money and i'm currently negotiating a very significant raise while recruiters nibble at my linkedin.
who knows i might even make it to "retirement" in the next decade.
Thank God I finally found someone that believes this meme, but doesn't just say go for some disgusting non white(pic related) as if that is somehow better. Dating an eastern European woman is acceptable, but there are also acceptable western women out there. It's easiest if you find a decent girl that is quite young and mold her how you desire.
>German, so the degree is actually worth something
that's not a thing that exists in reality
Fucking rofl
what business do you run? what's the 2nd business you're planning on making?
In one post the thread us done.
I've dated all three types your post touches on (I'm Eastern European ethnically and grew up and live in Canada). Neither group overall is significantly better than the others, or significantly worse (for example Asians). What's important is that she's young and not stereotypical modern western cunt.
>dating a lawyer
holy fuck. rip half of this guy's shit.