>Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony for PS4, PS Vita, and Steam on September 26th (N. America), and September 29th (Europe) youtube.com/watch?v=UdGlN0aEG2k
Do you realize that the past, starting from yesterday, has been actually abolished? If it survives anywhere, it's in a few solid objects with no words attached to them, like that lump of glass there. Already we know almost literally nothing about The Tragedy and the years before The Tragedy. Every record of Hope's Peak Academy has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street and building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And that process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped and become fiction. Nothing exists except an endless present in which Team Dangan Ronpa is always right. I know, of course, that the remembering flashlights are falsified, but it would never be possible for me to prove it, even when I did the falsification myself. After the thing is done, no evidence ever remains. The only evidence is inside my own mind, and I don't know with any certainty that any other human being shares my memories.
Oliver Morales
In my opinion that's a virtual projection of the actual setting, which means TDR can track them and so they're in big trouble.
Jaxon Thomas
I love my darling husband!
Nolan James
Might sound stupid, but when I first saw this, I thought this was supposed to symbolize the end of their fictional world. TDR never came up with more than the environment of Saishuu Gakuen, so there's nothing behind there anymore, but the logo of the creators. Kiibo just bombed a hole into their fictional world. Makes no sense, though.
Connor Cooper
I want Saihara to cuff up Ouma only for Ouma to sexually tease Saihara and slip away.
Chase Flores
Again, that's what Tsumugi says and what "Makoto's" story implies. It may not actually be true. We don't know the real reason for why they signed up, if they even willingly signed up, because the pieces of the reason we get are biased, brief and could have easily been falsified.
Reality could be terrible for a multitude of reasons but what Makoto implies is that if you're not among the super elite you may as well be fodder and your life is meaningless. It could be a North Korea sort of situation where the upper class has an extremely different life than the lower. There could be totalitarian laws and rules that makes life unbearable for reasons other than poverty or physical suffering.
Makoto's story and the general themes behind it (reality is so terrible that living in fiction is the only way to survive) could apply to all of them, or just Tsumugi herself. It's not for certain. What the epilogue and fake memory of the prologue does, however, imply is that they were, in fact, kidnapped and brought into the game unwillingly, but even that is ambiguous.
Carter Powell
So the love hotel was meant to provide TDR viewers with fanservice?
Levi Howard
Robert Robinson
I want Ouma to do that, and then for Saihara to decide teasing isn't enough for him.
Leo Moore
I wanna impregnate him after we have constant bareback sex!
Isaiah Howard
I wished Ouma didn't flee in the love hotel but I guess it's all about teasing for him.
Evan Sullivan
Yep. He's much more into teasing and making people want/ask for it rather than brute forcing them into something. Saihara wasn't having it, so it was no fun.
Austin Hughes
How do we know that the "TDR" organizing this killing game is the one that's been producing Danganronpa? Amami talks about a "copycat routine" when he sees the Monokumarz, suggesting that they weren't something that he was familiar with in V2. The audience static also talks about how they're surprised there's another killng game after three years. Additionally, Kiibo seems more like stolen technology with the audience control ahoge attached on, considering how he loses his shit after it gets knocked off.
Aiden Clark
sweet, he arrived time to cum on his face and post it to twitter
Levi Davis
At first I thought he was being lynched
Nathan Lee
Silly user, he's not Kaede!
Although they have a keychain of her too.
Lincoln Young
Wyatt Rodriguez
Reminder that Chiaki is still and will always be best girl She got revived as a android and is now with the DR2 cast on the boat playing games forever.
Parker Morgan
Sleep well anons. Have a comfy oumasai.
Jonathan Campbell
Comfy Oumasai best Oumasai.
William Mitchell
Something to additionally consider is the Gophel Plan storyline. It's essentially a repeat of the DR1 endgame twist, there was a world-ending event and 16 icons of hope were put into a shelter. Knowing how closely Tsumugi wanted to replicate DR, wouldn't this be the twist she'd use to cause despair? However, with Ouma having hijacked the narrative and stopped the killing game, she had to use a whole different remembering light to rewrite the plotline with HPA-related information. HICKSHON could have been something she had to make up in order to make a twist.
John Diaz
Yeah, didn't it take her some time to give that Remembering Light of them being HPA students? Either she had to make it up or she was really pissed off that Ouma spoiled the cast before she could use that light, and she had to use HICKSHON instead after making them 'remember' they're HPA students.
Ryan Ross
Yeah, I think the plan was to brainwash Ouma to believe he was a remnant of despair as well so he could take full credit for the killing game while keeping it going until the final trial, where'd they execute him. The problem was that he spoiled the cast and then stopped the game entirely without actually believing he was the remnant of despair that they all believed him to be. That left giant holes in the story due to his actions, so she had to go with HICKSHON.
Nolan Scott
Kaede Space Mode user to Kuzuanon, how is progress?
Carson Bailey
It's the first case and Maki kills Saihara. How does it happen?
Christopher Hall
>all the hype surrounding DR3 pre-release about the thrilling conclusion to the HPA series, and the furious theorizing on the mastermind and attacker as Future went on >DESPAIR MINDHACK!!! REMEMBER THE SHADY OLD DUDE WHO DIED AND THE SCRAWNY MANLET??? THEY'RE THE MASTERMINDS!!!
>all the hype surrounding DRV3 pre-release of how the setting of a prison would tie into the characters and story >IT'S ALL A TV SHOW!!! FICTION!!! V MEANS 5 IT'S THE 53RD DANGANRONPA!!!
Why does he keep doing this to us?
Isaiah Cooper
If Ouma gets a spin-off I hope it explains why was he such a madman as to do this. I mean, he could easily have made things worse and it's lucky she went for HICKSHON instead of something more lethal.
Eli Baker
Maki has some sense and realizes that a detective would be the most formidable opponent in trying to falsify evidence or manipulate scenes in order to pin the crime on someone else. So she kills him in an undetectable manner as quickly as possible (most likely using poison), before anyone makes significant connections with each other and she's labeled as a suspicious outcast.
She's an assassin so theoretically she should know some untraceable techniques, and the easiest/most suspicious people to frame for it would be Amami, Hoshi and Ouma due to their mysteriousness/known criminal history/suspicious talent and demeanor. Without the motive video, there's no way to prove that she's the SHSL assassin and so obvious assassination techniques would seemingly be more up their alley.
Luis Taylor
I think it's pretty well explained, or at least implied, in game. He pretended to be an evil bastard that enjoyed the game because those who went against the mastermind directly and openly (Amami and Kaede) got killed fast. Come chapter 4, he hit a point of no return when he manipulates Gonta into killing Miu and realizes the world's fucked. So he goes full ham with the evil, because he can't backtrack without becoming an extremely obvious target. He uses Miu's technology to make everyone think he's the mastermind and uses the despair of the outside world to take away their hope of getting out (and therefore removing any motivation to kill) as well as uses his "status" as mastermind to "definitively" end the game.
It's not clear what his plan was after he depressed everyone into stopping the game, but my guess is it was something like waiting for the actual mastermind to act and reveal themselves in some way.
Nolan Miller
>the plan was to brainwash Ouma to believe he was a remnant of despair It's very clear that Shirogane was to be the mastermind since she was the one directly under TDR. Ouma going all "KILLING GAME IS GREAT" was not part of her plan and the "Ouma being a remnant of despair" Remembering Light was more of a way to get him killed.
John Bennett
Actually, doesn't Ouma do his whole 'I like the killing game' thing well before he calls himself the mastermind? If this was never intended why did Shirogane not dispose of him sooner considering he could have fucked up her plans one way or another?
Luke Bell
It's more that he'd be brainwashed toward the end of the game and assume the role of the mastermind figure head that's to be defeated by the survivors, while Tsumugi acts as the actual mastermind behind the scenes. She probably expected him to enjoy the killing game enough to make it easy for her to brainwash him later into "remembering" he was the mastermind. He comes out around chapter 6, believes himself to be the mastermind and most importantly brings the game to an end through his execution in a trial (like Junko), not because he depressed everyone into a stalemate with him alive. That part was unexpected.
If the HICKSHON twist was planned from the beginning, then that contradicts a lot of what's given about why people sign up for these games and Tsumugi's goals as a DR fanatic.
Cameron Long
let's go for a drive saihara-chan
Alexander Williams
What's her normie self like?
Luke Gutierrez
I think at this point my assumption is Ouma's POV is necessary to clarify what the fuck is the truth because honestly Shirogane's claims about him specifically are so damned vague it's virtually impossible to tell if he was ever intended to be brainwashed (I mean, she's the only one who ever appears brainwashed in the entire game) or she simply opted to use Maki to kill him.
Eli Nguyen
This started since the beginning >DR1 >Hype for a new mystery game with a colorful cast and who among them could be the mastermind and why would he do this >lol it's the fashionista and she did it for lol despair also the world is destroyed >DR2 >oh look a new game maybe it could explain how the world was destroyed and what happened to the previous casts with a new mastermind maybe it's an AU and we could leave that stupid twist behind us >lol it's the same mastermind and reason all over again also lol VR you were all shsl despair If you didn't learn from the previous two then you only have yourself to blame.
Nathaniel Bennett
Possibly because she intended someone to off him sooner or later, since he essentially alienated himself with his speech about the killing game after the trial. It was only when he did his mastermind gambit that Shirogane realized just how much of a danger he was to her plans.
Nathaniel Jenkins
Student Council president with horrible organization skills. Coffee is in her bloodstream and she's very stressed.
>DR autism is creeping to the wrestling world You could have stopped this.
Jeremiah Mitchell
Shirogane's claims about him are actually just outright lies. She claims he was just a fanatic follower of Junko, which is objectively untrue since there is no way he could've known who Junko was without the remembering flashlights only the rest of the cast had access to. So clearly something about his role was fucked up and brushed over as a result.
Thomas Cox
>cosplays as Junko instead of the superior Monokuma Shit taste right there.
Joseph Phillips
It has begun... DR and Despair start consuming our society
Josiah Walker
welcome to the family
Asher Brooks
Josiah Wood
Andrew Morales
How come in Dangan Ronpa Zero they made a big deal of Otonashi Ryoko's involvment in the student council killing game but they never touch on that during DR3.
Joshua Evans
>Unresolved or unexplained plot points in DR3 Who could've expected that?
Chase Williams
Dylan James
I'm leaving my son here for while, make sure you take good care of him for me
Samuel Taylor
That's the most confusing thing about the both of them, Shirogane could have just said he was meant to be an antagonist/joker/wild card but she goes for the one thing that's completely false.
I think it might actually be so because Ouma and everyone else except for Shirogane actually had no roles?
Jose Cook
Why did't Mitarai mindhack Junko?
Isaiah Green
I want to inject Ouma with hormones, but not female hormones. I want to inject him with male hormones so he not only fills out, but becomes aggressive and constantly extremely horny. I want all his carefully laid plans to be ruined by his own overaggressive actions, but also because he cannot stop thinking about sex and pleasuring himself. I want him to have to masturbate several times a day just to get some semblance of clear thinking, and for him to not resist rubbing up against his classmates when they're in tight quarters. I want him to give into Miu's sexual offers easily because he's so frustrated and for him to try to slide his dick into her the moment she bends over and shows him the slightest flash of her panties. I want him to constantly harass and tease Saihara, making his desire for him sexually increasingly obvious. I want him to let anyone who asks him fuck him just to get some release. I want him to fail resisting groping all the large, bouncing breasts around him, get strangled for it, and then get an erection from the choking. I want him to suffer knowing he's being reduced to his basic instincts.
Evan Campbell
Adam Russell
What are they doing to her
Luke Lee
Someone tweet this shit to Kodaka.
Jayden Gomez
Shirogane does take credit for plans and shit that she didn't think up, so it's possible. Maybe besides Kiibo, no one had any role and she just wanted the unpredictability of ~DESPAIR~ like Junko.
But it does seem like Kirumi and Shinguji were manufactured to be murderers.
Lincoln Sanders
>Oumafags believe this
Daniel Lewis
>Kirumi and Shinguji were manufactured to be murderers Shinguji was straight up set up to be an outright murderer, what with his backstory, his constantly creepy behavior, and his assertion that "killing is not wrong because rules are different".
Landon Anderson
I think when you consider how Saihara watched Kaito's video with no ill effect while Kirumi watched hers and 'remembered' her duty, the most we can say is that the murderers and victims are set up to an extent.
Shirogane claims everything was scripted but she had no clue about Ouma and Miu's partnership or Kaito's illness, so I think the possibility exists that it only appears scripted because TDR had enough info on the cast to make things appear that way.
Kevin Robinson
It's not like they have any evidence against her when she says everything was scripted anyway. She could've easily claimed credit for things that happened for reasons outside her control.
Kirumi was definitely set up, as was Shinguji, but they come across as the only two who were specifically targeted to become murderers. Really anyone could've murdered Amami and Chapter 4/5 was basically Ouma's fault rather than the actual killers'.
Jacob Clark
And that's also why the worst outcome for her is the survivors wanting to get the hell out, so long as they remain in the school they have no way of disproving said words.
I think one thing I could say though is that Gonta was doomed, had he not been used by Ouma or had sacrificed himself pointlessly against the Exisals, you can bet Shirogane would have used him some other way.
Justin Walker
I hope we get the full story of Iruma's motives and not from Ouma's untrustworthy mouth. There are so many confusing elements to her actions, and I feel like they need explenation. There is no room for theories because we never get any substantial clues for what her reasons were for the murder other than Ouma's words. She modified Kiibo's equipment so that he was capable of destroying inmate academy like what the fuck, she stayed up all night to make an automatic camera but ends up making a military battle android capable of confronting 5 exixals? Shit dosen't add up.
Nathan Brown
Could just be Kodak's hack writing
Wyatt Perry
I'd say "Ouma just had her killed for some reason and she never actually was going to kill him" but that makes no sense given that she was making weapons for him to fight monokuma and the lengths he goes to later to end the killing game rather than continuing it.
To his "credit", she does have a very significant personality shift after seeing the remembering flashlight of the outside world and becomes a lot more panicked/nervous. But he could've capitalized on that to give his later statement more credence.
Henry Gonzalez
I just simply don't understand how her inventor talent leveled up so much that she was capable of making electron bombs(which can turn back time), hammers and modifying kiibo's equipment. Will we ever find out what Kiibo actually was before the antenna?
Jose Roberts
Also, if she had truly been making the NWP just to kill him she'd be somehow smart enough to fool both Ouma temporarily and keep her inventions a secret from the mastermind, which is in no way supported by how she doesn't even know what an alibi is.
Parker Martinez
I think the NWP was already there, but it was intended as a killing game simulator. She just modified it to (supposedly) remove anything dangerous. She didn't program it from the ground up to kill Ouma.
Jose Gonzalez
The most complex character of Dangan Ronpa.
Jonathan Roberts
No. This guy is.
Robert Watson
What were her end goals?
Isaac Kelly
What if chapter NDRV3 Chapter 4 was a mirror of DR2 Chapter 4?
Colton Lopez
Get laid and do drugs.
Luis Wood
Same, honestly.
Jack Richardson
We simply don't know.
Kayden Wood
How so?
John Hernandez
There are a coulple of similarities between the two cases. >murder taking place in a environment with a map that isn't accurate >bara vs normal person >an ability to paralyze the target(nekomaru's button and ouma's setting) There's probably more, but what if the motive is the same aswell?
Justin Cooper
Post your Dangan Ronpa OC
Chase Anderson
Wasn't the outside world the motive?
Bentley Phillips
Hiyo, /drg/. That amino guy actually replied to me and half my brain exploded. That's what I get for telling brainless teens they're idiots. On the bright side, Angie's the birthday girl.
So Chapter 4 discussions are going on? That should be fun.. Maybe she went full Ruruka?
Zachary Smith
But does she ever show trust issues in the game? Also, while her 'help' in her FTEs is questionable Miu was trying to help Saihara.
Adam Bailey
Why the fuck would you say that and not post his reaction. Give it here.
Xavier Rodriguez
I think she went Sayaka. She was a social outcast and I believe her reasoning was that she could help "fix" the world with her inventions.
Jonathan Gomez
>She was a social outcast and I believe her reasoning was that she could help "fix" the world with her inventions.
That was Ouma's words. You really think he would go to trials and tell truths?
Caleb Parker
Which is just WTF to me because she didn't even use the card key to go outside. At least that would make her be more certain the world is fucked, meanwhile Ouma seemingly didn't bat an eye at what he saw.
Remind me, does the card key or Remembering Light come first?
Justin Flores
We don't know. We don't know shit. Ouma made a deal with Monokuma to put the remembering light in the program to entice everyone, I think that's fact.
What a plot twist, it turns out Miu is even more confusing than Ouma because we know jack about what she wanted to do!
> Ouma made a deal with Monokuma to put the remembering light in the program to entice everyone, I think that's fact. Nope. He didn't want anyone to follow him but was happy to have Gonta, meaning whatever the fuck he was up to with the light was meant only for Gonta.
Henry Hill
Yep, that's fact. That scene is shown objectively and not in a flashback.
The only reason he'd put the flashlight in the game was to lead someone to see it and use it as motivation to kill Miu, though. Otherwise, it serves no use.
Hudson Miller
i came here to talk about my shitty lying bitch husbando and i feel so attacked right now
Hunter Green
> I don't think so. At this point I'm having problems with people saying 'Ouma and Miu didn't trust anyone', because while they're outcasts Ouma clearly did trust Gonta, Miu and Kaito enough for some of his schemes and likewise Miu trusted Ouma to invent stuff for him.
There's no evidence that Miu is paranoid the way Ouma is, and it would be more accurate to say Ouma is cautious given he does hint he's doing background research in his FTEs.
Aiden Jones
>I haven't played the game and have no intention to nor do I understand the original language of it >Anyway here's why my interpretation of a character in the game is the correct one