"Back from the Dead part XII"
"Back from the Dead part XII"
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someone stream
puncay is streaming. not getting very far tho.
>Santzo will never ruin your bp
What is this foul creature?
what did they mean by this?
Jesus christ, is this real? Cable tv with 200 channels isn't even worth $25/month, let alone a single video game streamer.
Hey squid how's your sm64 project coming along?
There are people who give streamers thousands for nothing but their text-to-speech message on the stream and you doubt people will pay a fraction of that for exclusive emotes?
Most people would never do this, and plenty of new studies are showing only really bottom of the barrel socially fucked autist cucks donate.
>plenty of new studies are showing only really bottom of the barrel socially fucked autist cucks donate
So? Entire anime series exist only to sell lewd 300$ figurines to permavirgins.
thanks for the late response!
This is the REALLY good change BounceyBoy was reffering to. Jew fuck.
thanks for the late response!
>squid starts streaming when srg comes back
>zero monkey posting to be found
this can only mean one thing
>snowfats isn't streaming
>serg is dead
realy makes u think...
headcrab this needs to stop
>zero monkey posting to be found
gotcha senpai
more like headcrap
Describe a good and honorable death for the speedrunning community.
The God Gamer Stigma
/srg/ dying for good
rspeedrun getting hacked again
/srg/ finally exposes Mike Uyama and his gang of misfits to the public and get's them arrested for racketeering. the day that happens is the day that /srg/ can finally rest in peace.
>pvt piss bottles and muffin
v. offensive. i hope the speedrunning community rallies and exposes this transphobic bigot and runs him out of the community
>drama surrounding pvt
in other news, the sun produces heat.
t. guy who posts about cosmo here every day
>dead-naming in 2017
how does it feel to be on the wrong side of history
Haha yea, but, in all seriousness for a second, why isn't anyone good live right now?
Cosme Alright
[distant bird laughter heard high above it all]
moofin? More like muffin after he ate too much and became fat and unfunny
straight? More like gay after everybody on earth realized boypuss' superiority
But you poop from there!
How long until cosmo commits suicide?
he already is. the slow way with soylent.
>caring what a liberal welfare state has to say
Regulations are anti-free market, you Marxist cuck.