Be Canadian

>Be Canadian
Should I buy USD?

Because it looks like US' economy is gonna wreck Canada's even more now that Trump is elected, and we seem to be losing ground...

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no shit you dingleberry

I put all my assets into the s&p ages ago.

Invest in minority creampies.

>he didn't convert all his dollarydoos to usd on trumps inauguration

Fuck I messed up haha

But yeah I'm just getting into this stuff I'm 18 help me out

Honestly I'd put into the s&p if you're going for long-term. I just see more long-term success in the US plus it makes more sense to me since Canada's success more or less tracks the US'.

If the US is not doing well, Canada won't be either - as they're our largest trading partner and have the biggest and strongest economy in the world.

But on the otherhand if Canada is doing poorly, it doesn't mean the US will be... at all.

Idk, I'm no genius but I just see far more success long-term in the US market.

Yeah that's what I figured as well, of course it only just dawned on me and my parents still do a lot of my banking.

I'm starting to look into Bitcoin as well, looks like it could be a worthwhile gamble

You're a big boy now, 18 is a big age (unless you're lying and you're actually underage, in which case you're almost a big boy).

Cryptocurrencies are a meme though, i would stay away from them.

Just stick to the fundamentals of personal finance my man. Maximize income, maximize value from your expenses and dollar cost average into the s&p.

Don't be silly

a border adjustment tax will have huge affects on currencies if it passes. king dollar would be op

get a questrade account, open a tfsa, buy normie american stocks/etfs with an domestic orientation on dips. questrade lets your tfsa hold usd so huge advantage once your profitable

Ok, thanks for the tips.

Sure I'm a big boy but I still have no idea what I'm doing yet financially speaking lol.

Just learning the basics at this point

Thanks, I'll look into it

>Memetrade account

Don't. Questrade's not great.

QTrade or TD Waterhouse are the only Approved Canadian brokers on Veeky Forums. Everything else is garbage.

QTrade is GOAT and keeps innovating and won every Globe and Mail award for broker since it started and TD waterhouse is just easier to keep all your shekels in one place.

But yes focus on maxing your TFSA contribution limited each year, RRSP is for when you're an olderfag making big $BUCKS$.

go with td or qtrade

You Chinese are pretty dumb

(NOTE: Questrade and QTrade are different brokers, not to be mixed up).

Shit I thought they were the same thing at first, oh well thx

Good meme, except I'm white af

Buy Canada weed stocks like cgc. I'm sure if us Canadians drop in value that a new market would save us. I'm banking on Canada to legalize.

That train has long-sailed, my man.

We already cashed out and bailed that clusterfuck after the trading halt occurred. Canadian Weed is old-news.

>Should I buy USD?
Expect the USD to go down when Trump's actually in office, since it's going to have to if he wants any of his ideas to pan out

We're talking longterm though, in which case it's far superior to have your money in USD-denominated funds.

Worst time to do it. I'm waiting until Trump begins a trade war with Mexico which tanks the global economy to buy in.

insurance companies, mortgage companies, reits, miners, and other basic materials companies.

Trumpcoin. BTC is the future....anyone who says otherwise doesnt understand it.

TC is gonna make a bull run

>doesn't mention interactive brokers

you're pretty opinionated with your shit opinions

This t b h.