ITT: the weirdest religious practices or beliefs you've ever come across
>Roman Catholics believe that when their priest chants some magic spells, wine and bread are literally transformed into the body and blood of a dead Jew from 2000 years ago
ITT: the weirdest religious practices or beliefs you've ever come across
>Roman Catholics believe that when their priest chants some magic spells, wine and bread are literally transformed into the body and blood of a dead Jew from 2000 years ago
Other urls found in this thread:
>Statists believe that when their politcians scribble pens on paper that their 'laws' mean something
I tried my damndest to believe
All the biblical stuff was "allegory" to me
But the literal fucking magic wine and bread was too much for me
>Protestants actually believe they're going to heaven
>Abrahamists actually believe that murder, eternal torture and genocide is the highest form of love
>Statists actually believe that when their politcians scribble pens on paper, courts, the police and the individual citizens enforce it, and it's the institution that most forms the lives of people within a state, their 'laws' mean something
That's one thing I do applaud the muslims about
God isn't some pagan fucking deity
Original sin is nonsense
If God wants to forgive you and you're genuinely sorry AND stop sinning, he just forgives you like a normal person
No gruesome pagan blood offerings needed
Muslims and jews believe that animals with some specific configuration of hooves cannot be eaten
>Statists believe my legally owned child sex slaves should be free
>That's one thing I do applaud the muslims about
Of course you do, because you're a Christcuck. You're basically a lite Muslim, and all of you are different brands of Jew
Nobody actually believes this. Some people pretend to believe it, but deep down they don't
>you're wrong because you wear an unfashionable hat
Thank you for another great example of Christian "wisdom"
>mentions jews and muslims
>you immediately rush to call him a nazi
Ahh yes, Veeky Forumstorians
Fedora is the greatest thing that happened to apologetics since Thomas Aquinas.
more like Tippes Aquinas
but that does happen, there's scientific proof of it.
>there's scientific proof of it.
In that case, tell us what would falsify it
Everything and anything that concerns Hinduism.
Literally not. The form remains the same, while the substance changes. Hence transubstantiation. I mean, it's all unfalsifiable nonsense, but no Roman Catholic would say the bread and wine transform.
If you're going to complain about beliefs at least use the right words.
Followers of the Church of St Priapus views the consumption of semen as a holy act.
Wiccan anything.
Muslims believe if they kill non-Muslims that they will go to heaven with 72 virgins waiting for them
>a cute tranny will never invite you to a Priapus meeting and take your holy seed
i want a blood transfusion from Jesus
Can we clone Jesus from the Eucharist?
Look, it's the future state religion of America!
>rightists believe nations and borders are not arbitrary
Catholics believe God cares if you eat red meat on a friday
The Circumcellions believed that the most important part of the Christian faith was to embrace martyrdom the way Jesus did, so went out of their way to get themselves killed, interrupting court proceedings to dare the judges to sentence them to death, or attacking random travelers in the hopes that said travelers would kill them in self-defense.
They died out though.