>all those people my age (25) or younger who are successful
All those people my age (25) or younger who are successful
u jelly?
b-but i thought neet life is best life? Did you get bored already?
If all youre doing about it is bitching, you deserve it.
Dont be an entitled little bitch
Im 25 too. Im a wagecuck and make 19k year after taxes. Whatre we gonna do?
Been applying left and right and calling up, but aint nothing coming around
i could probably make a living just off sports betting (long story short I have aspie levels of knowledge in one sport in particular, 10 years of experience in it and have already made some decent chunk of change winning bets for others) but i can't bring myself to do it. It just feels wrong like punching a couple of numbers into a computer and then waiting for games to end. Would much prefer a normie job where there are no fluctuations and you also get some human contact for 8 hours but the hard part is finding one where you don't get shat on. Anyways im leaving the betting thing as a last resort option if everything else fails.
start up a website with a subscription fee where you advise your subscribers on what bet to makes
the possibilities are endless : on top of the subscription fee you earn revenue trough ads, you can also sell some merchandise, put up affiliate links, etc.
there's huge potential to make tons of money out of this if you're not lying about the 10 years exp part.
>most highschool classmates spent their time partying instead of studying
>ive spent my time preparing for exams and getting into uni (for free, im not cucked into paying for my education)
>5 years later they are burned out from their McJob
>most guys are skinnyfat and look like theyre 35 when theyre in their mid 25
>spent 5 years lifting and studying in uni
>2 months after finishing uni and working im making twice as much as they are working twice as less basically
>mfw i didnt fall for a meme degree
not lying. was featured on a mainstream radio as a guest expert a few times. am currently involved in selling a yearly publication (not betting related though) as a hobby which will net some change, hopefully it will grow into a legit business after 2-3 years. wanted to make it as a sports exec but it is almost impossible to get your foot into the door. i have had some contact with execs, agents, and some will actually purchase my publication for their own work but its big time nepotism to get in. not sure i want to handle other peoples money on betting even if they do well because of it...i just find it depressing as fuck that it might come down to the fact that ill basically have to run a betting thing almost as a trader...always considered these kind of jobs morally apprehensible. but anyways if it comes down to the fact that ill have no other option of putting food on the table, that might be needed.
Define successful please
I've got five wow characters at max level and nearly all professions maxed
I've got nearly 1 million wow gold
All chars are item level 865 or higher and have 9 legendaries total
I'm 33 and been playin wow since 2005
Now that is success
The vast majority of millionaires become millionaires in their 40s or later.
For every 1 super successful 25 year old you see there are hundreds of thousands that are just scraping by.
That's pretty fucking impressive.
I bet you bought some BTC back in the day as well.
Hook a mage up.
Too bad you missed out on the prime of your life and will have to overcompensate in your mid 30s and look like a weirdo tryhard by doing so.
who cares, you'll die sooner, pleb.
>1 post by this ID
pretty sure that's jus a slave meme
imblying you can't live it up simultaneously to that
>being 30 and not buying alcohol for a cute 15 yr old you chat up on snapchat
>teenage years
>prime of your life
Under the surface some of these people are the most depressed and saddest out there.
People think I've made it, say they'd kill to be in my position - and honestly I would too if I didn't have this position, but it's fucking depressing here, I hate it.
t. INTP on a grad scheme with a FTSE100 company.
This. A woman's prime is in her teens. A man's prime is in his 30's.